Author: Aishwarya.twinjfan

har ek cheez main khubsoorati hoti hai lekin har koi usse dekh nahi paata

Recap: Sry guys looks like i havetoquit tu for my studies… I hardly get time to use my phone so i have end this ff asap. I had planned lot of suspenses and mystery in hydrabad bt since i have to end it. I wont be writing it. I will be trying to finish this ff within 10 to 12 episodes. As i m late i m really sry. I just read all the ffs from may. And all r just awesum. The writers r just osm. Guys just keep continuing. So back to the episode. Episode 23 Hydrabad the…

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Episode 17 Next day In a hostel (Rishikesh) The warden is shouting at a girl who is sleeping. W-MANVI! MANVI! uth jaa beta.(the warden is a rlly nyc women. She is lyk a mom to all the girls over there especially for manvi) Manvi slowly gets up. M- GM maa. (Guys manvi is just in 11th now.) W-acha beta go fast. Get ready otherwise u will be late. M-ok..nd levs to get ready. She gets ready nd levs after wishing her warden Picnic place Twika r getting ready while viren enters the room which noticed by tw. She was abt…

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Sru guys for the late.pls dpnt kill me for killing jasmin in this epi. Sry priya for nt fulfilling ur wish. Shot 4 Jasmim is lying in a pool of blood. Nd zain calls tha mbulance. Nd sid is holding jas’s hand till the icu. Nt after tht the nurse forbids him. Theu start the tym the doc comes out. S-doc doc wht hppnd? Is she fine? D-sry mr. Sidhant gupta bt she has lost alot of blood nd she is not responding to our traetment also. She hac to respond to our treatment in the next half an…

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Hey guys. I know i am late bt this tym no sry. Ya i hv my own reasons. This is becuz i received vry less comments past tym. Nd this tym i need atpeast 2+comments to cont wid the next epi. Sidmin this is ur whitemailing technique.;-D. Nd ppl who busy can just comment g (good) or b (bad) Episode 16 boys join to cook.dinner. Imagine the moment wen boys r doing the cooking in ehmmbh. Viren is washing the tawa. Kunj is cutting the onions wid tears nd suffering. Manohar is cutting the other vegetable. Nd anand is making…

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Hey guys Sry i cudnt post last week so i will be ppsting 4 episodes this week. One is this 2 nd other 2 will be from the other ff. Nc many of u asked y twinj r nt revealing tht they r married. There r 2 reasons 1.they agreed tht they will fianćes for the next few days 2.will be revealed in this episode↓↓ For those who missed my prev epi: Episode 21 and 22 Hydrabad Twinj r in the room. Tw is sitting on the bed while kunj is stabding nd giving a furious luk to her.…

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I know i am late as usual. I decided to add one more shot to this 3 shots becuz of my dear sis priya (u all will be receiving sm sidmin romance in the next shot) Nd here we go.. S-BAS!!!..jas got shocked to see this side of sid J-Sid mein S-chup ek dum chup. I dont wanna hear anything. Pls lev Jas just cudnt control it. She started cry like anything. J- sid bas ek sawal ka jawab de do. Did u really luv me? S-i dont need to answer ur quesions. Either u lev or i will go.…

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Hey guys Here’s the second shot. Thnk u so much for the comments. It made me overwhelmed. Thnk u. Thnk u. Thnk u. Tysm. I just wish this ff becums true in real life also. Enjoy.. Jas keeps thinking abt it wen.. Z-guys b4 this party ends. I would like to relive the TEI moments. The first one is twinj…Naman was abt step up wen sid goes up to jas. Z- hw twinj met in the serial. Tw twirls nd goes nd falls in kunj’s hands. Which sidmin demonstrate. They both r really lost in eo eyes for real…zain tries…

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Hey guys This is a 3shots from my side as a new gift for u all. *Happy new Year. May this new year bring u guys all the happiness in the world.* Enough of my bak bak nw to the 3shots Note- this is nt meant to hurt any1’s feelings. If i hv pls forgive me. No proof reading I HAVE FELL IN LOVE WITH U It was the sid was leving the show. Jasmin unknowingly started to cry. Sid cm up to her b4 leving. She gv him a tight hug. Both didnt want to lev eo. Bt still…

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Episode 20 Tw is crying.(lets her wht kunj is saying) K-i luv her man. I just cant wait to see her again.(refering to tw) Bas itni si tammana instrumental was playing Tw just couldnt resist anymore. She runs nd hugs him tightly from back.(kunj was sitting)he stands up nd turns. Tw wraps her hands around hs neck hugs him tightly. Due to sudden action kunj didnt see the face. Tw was crying nd telling. He felt the touch familiar so hugged her back Tw-th..thn..k u kunj. I l..luv u.(wid so much of emotion) K(realises)tw.. (The camera is rotating around them)…

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