Previous episode link : It’s night everyone had dinner and went to their respective rooms.. In swasan room.. Swara is in washroom and sanskar is standing near window and talking in phone.. Soon swara came and hugged him from back.. Sanskar who was on call disconnected the call and hold swara hand and brought her from and holding her with waist where swara encircled her hands around his neck.. San:so excited? Swa:very much..u know sanskar I m very happy finally my family going to complete…even me and ayush will get father even we can say that see we also…
Author: angelshona
Pre epi link : Sorry guys for late update. I m not able to write Bcz of my daily chores … I ll post when i get time.plz forgive me I post late.. But I promise I ll post soon.. So now without wasting time let start.. As in previous episode Shomi and arnav agreed to marry… Now begins their marriage preparation. It’s blissfull morning… Everyone is sitting in hall.. And discussing something important.. Let’s peep and see what they are discussing. Swara :guys what is next we have disscus about marriage and where we are going to conduct marriage…
Previous epi link : Episode 46 Let’s start. Everyone is waiting for them to tell the truth… Finally sanskar told San:actullay Raj uncle wanted to make maa and arnav uncle should become one again.. So he told me that I should make excuses and bring u all here so I was thinking Hw then my sweet sis uttu told about holiday plan on ayu results day so we made plan and brought u all here and as we are planning how to start this topic but till then my lovely angel took this topic so we didn’t needed to do…
Previous epi link : Episode 45 Let start.. Swara was in deep thought everyone one noticed her.. Dida came beside her and asked Dida:shoru what happened.. Till know ur very happy then Suddenly what happened. Swara:nothing just thinking maa and Papa agreed but what to do about Mr gadodia. Dida:what u mean shoru. Swara:dida we have make them divorced but I knw mr gadodia will not agree.. He is selfish he won’t let maa to be happy… After listening swara everyone was on deep thought . Ya swara is right bcz they knw very well shekar.. But only Raj…
Previous epi link TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS (SWASAN)… EPISODE 44 Let’s start today episode Shining silently went to room without turning ..everyone is seeing her dispersing image.. Arnav sat on the couch covering his face with palm.. After few minutes arnav saw towards swayush.. Ayush is holding Swara hand ..swara is standing holding ayush and sanskar is beside swara his hand on swara waist and other hand holding swara hand.. Swara is bowing her head down and tears marks are clearly visible.. Arnav came near her stood Infron of her.. Sensing his presence swara looked up.. Arnav wiped her tears..…
Sorry guys for Late I was busy so not able to write .. I ll try to post when I get time.. So let’s start the story. It’s a bliss full morning sun rays fall on our lovely couple who is sleeping peacefully in each others embrace. Our hero slowly opened his eyes due to sun rays and saw his life is sleeping in his arm and cuddling more due to Sunrays..he smiled seeing her expression.. He made her lay properly and went near window and closed the curtain properly turn toward her princess who is smiling in her sleep…
Sorry guys the last part which I posted is half here is full update Previous epi link: Let’s start After talking for while swaryush went inside .. Soon they all sat for dinner ..Enviorment is silence all are having dinner silently.. Shomi saw everyone face and by seeing swara she can easily understand that she want to tell something …All had dinner Sat in living room everyone seeing each other . Arnav broke the silence.. Arnav: since from evening I’m observing all are silent what happened .. Shomi: Ya even I noticed ..Shona u want to tell something…
Previous epi link :Episode 41 Let’s start.. Swa:we should mend thier broken heart Rajsanush: what Swa: listen carefully… Maa and Papa need a life partner.. And Papa still love maa ..i saw true love in his eyes… Even they want some one besides them to share something ..ya I know we r thier. Bt some things we can’t able to share with everyone.. We want jst one person who will be with us forever who understands our inside out.. We want the person who is close to our hearts our soul… They need a person with whom they share every…
Previous epi link- Sry guys I was busy so I was not able to post… OK let’s start.. Everyone had breakfast. And sat in hall talking. Sona:chachu don’t wanna go hospital .. Arnav:no beta I took leave .. Both sona and Raj saw him with shocking expression .even servant stopped their work and saw arnav in horrified expression… Raj came and touched his forehead. Raj:arnav are u OK.. Arnav :han bhai why r u asking me like this? Raj: Bcz u never took leave even when ur not well then also u go to work that way Arnav :Bhai………