Previous epi link. Episode 34 Here Let start: Its evng all reached beach ..all elders sat and younger went near waves ..they enjoyed splashing water on each other..sanskar was standing on end talking on call ..soon he disconnected call water splash on His face .. Soon he heard laughing sound saw swara was laughing seeing him San: shona ki bacchi wait ..he to splash water on her ..both started play on water both stop due tiredness ..shona saw him and smirks ..sanskar was confuse ..he was thinking abt her next plan swara pushed him in water ..after lot struggle he…
Author: angelshona
Previous epi link episode-33 Guys new character. Sonakshi role is player by radhika madan Aditya role played by shakti arora Aryan role played by. Shivansh kotia Let start. Its a new day with new hope ..all boys are waiting for girls in lawn as they are going to roam the city .. Ram is wearing blue t shirt and jeans above that white coat ..saskar is wearing white shirt and blue jeans ..ayu wearing red t shirt and black 3/4 pant . Sujata dida and shomi came … Boys jaw drop seeing them .. Bcz sujata and shomi wearing chudi…
Previous epi link. episode-32 Let start: Its evng swasan was sleeping in each other embrace . sanskar woke up and saw his life sleeping peacefully ..he kissed her for head due to swara opend her eyes and smileed seeing sanskar .. San: slept well ..she nodded and cuddle more on him he chuckle seeing her antic ..after some time both got fresh came down we’re all are sitting in living room ..both came and sat with them. Swa: sanskar let’s go out .. Uttra: Han bhai .let’s go to shopping . Ayu: u girls never get tired of shopping ……
Previous epi link. Episode 31 Let start: Screen start from mm. Ap done raglak aarti ..all sat in hall chit chatting with each other ..sujram seeing each other ap notice this and asked . Ap:sujata what happened ..u want to talk something. Suj: han jiji actually me ramji and uttra are going out of station for 1 week. Ap: ya sujata. Suj: jiju my relatives invited us to the marriage so we are going. Ap: bt we didn’t got invitation .. Suj: jiji they invite only my family bcz they are my relatives not ur ..Everyone shock to hear sujata…
Previous epi link.. Episode 31 Here Now let start: A sun rays fall on our lovely couple who sleeping in each other embrace..swara sleep disturbed she opened her eyes saw he cute hubby face who is cuddling more on her neck she peck his lips covered helself in duvet and went to washroom ..after raking bath she came wearing black and pink strip sweat shirt and black jeans .went near Sanskar .. Swa: sanskar wakeup .. San:5 min jaan Swa: sanskar u have important meeting ..after hearing meeting he woke up and went to washroom giving a peck on her…
Previous epi link Episode 6 here Now start Screen start from sanlak in one car and swaragini in one car .. In swaragini car swara is driving.something strike on her mind . Swa: ragu hw u knw laksh .ragini who was busy in cell saw her and blushed. Rag: o shona .. Swa: ragu stop blushing and tell I knw u r hiding something from me . Rag: ok madam ..I knw laksh bcz he was senior in my CLG and I told na senior was ragging me and one boy came and helped me ..he is laksh only…
Previous epi link.. Episode 29 Here Let start . Its night both swara and sanskar are sleeping .. Soon sanskar woke up and went to wash riom for fresh up . He got fresh and came out his angel sleeping kike kid ..he went down after 1 hr he came back with tray ..set on the table went near swara and sat beside her and Caresse her hair . San:shona jaan wake up ..have DNR swa:sanskar let me sleep me na ..I’m sleepy. San: baccha eat DNR then sleep ..he forcefully made her sit ..she sat and rubbed her eyes.saw…
Previous epi link Let start .. Swara went to her cabin follwed her and sat on chair.. Swa(bossy tone):rosy what today scheduled Rosy: ma’am today u have meeting with mr James in 1 hr . Swa: OK.. Arranged meeting and I arranged formality of …..(its muted soon revealed ) soon in this week ..all work should complete.. Rosy: OK .saying this she went and adter 1 hr she attended meeting and after 3 hr meeting ..she came to cabin. Swa: rosy cancel all my today meeting.if any important paper is remains to sign then send it home. .telling this…
Previous epi link.. Episode 28 here Now let start.. Birds were chirping the cool breeze was dacing to a rythm of union of two love birds who were sleeping peacfully in eachother embrace cuddling and holding eachother tightly such tat sanskar was top of swara sleeping on here holding here tightly like she is a most percious diamond for him no no more than that.. She was Just then the sunrays on swara disturbing her sleeping she opened her eyes and saw the most important person her love her life sleeping on her peacfully she smiles seeing his cute angelic…