Introductory message – people who have ego or cheat in their actions do not obtain their aim despite reaching it. Indra asks Shani what his plan is. Shani tells all devas to just follow him. Mohini is dancing around amongst the asuras while Shani leads the devas to the door of the place behind which all the asuras are. Shani says it’s time for Indra to display is powers. Indra says it’s not hard for him to get rid of the door, which is locked, but his beam of light can’t break it. Surya says he’ll try and shoots flames…
Author: cakesaredelish
Shani’s Sade-Sati – bhakti, gyaan, kriya, and karma give rise to consciousness. Shani tries to teach us how to stop our consciousness from being destroyed. The episode starts with Shani warning Chandra to stop his evil tricks, but Chandra dares him to fight. Shani attacks him while Yami tries to stop the coming tsunami. She is unable to hold it back entirely and falls into the water, calling out for Shani. Shani turns and is shocked, thinking she drowned, and Chandra accuses him of killing his own sister, leaving Sanghya daughterless, because of his vakra drishti and insults him. When…