To revisit all previous chapters:All Parts Here Happy New Year guys! This next chapter has a bit more plot development and fluff, hope you like it ***** Sayyam stalked through the corridor, multiple thoughts flitting through his mind at a dangerous speed. Krishna being the main focus of all of them. It just didn’t make sense; nothing added up. Krishna had been unusually nice to him through the whole dinner; visibly grinning his way, and giving him attention. Her behavior had almost caused him to be able to ignore the cold stares of a select few members of the…
Author: Fanficwriter
Chapter: Chapter 45 here Argh, guys I have no way to apologise for leaving you guys hanging! And I really wish I had a way to tell you guys when I’m posting a chapter. I’ve been falling behind on schoolwork and this is the most important part of my semester, so I had to get my head in the game again. Also, when I write in a hurry, or with a deadline, I feel like my writing becomes more ‘mechanical’. Nevertheless, this chapter’s got a couple more happy moments for you guys. ***** Baby treaded down the hallway, her gaze…
To visit all previous chapters: All parts here (I split up the previous chapter into two parts, cause it would’ve ended up being too long, so here’s the next part- it’s a bit shorter than usual, but enjoy!) ***** “Woah, woah, hold up!” Anjali exclaimed, “Yuvaan and Baby are together?” “Umm, yeah, if that’s how you want to put it,” Sayyam ruffled his hair. “I never saw that coming,” she quirked her eyebrows. “Neither did I,” Sayyam sighed, propping his head on his palm, the rough surface of the jacket he was wearing creating friction against his elbow and the…
To visit all previous chapters: Click here ***** Sayyam had his jacket hanging over his left shoulder when he exited their room and almost ran into Yuvaan. Yuvaan visibly gulped and stepped away from Sayyam, before turning around and heading down the hallway. Sayyam frowned, but decided not to think too much about it. He slipped his arm into the jacket sleeve while hurrying through the living room, and caught sight of Suhani and Bhavna walking into the hall. “Maa,” he called, fiddling with the collar of his jacket. He looked up from his jacket to find his mother staring…
Recap: Sayyam is scared of Krishna’s reaction, but she ends up telling him that she doesn’t blame him and she takes care of his wounds. Sayyam then finds out she has a fever and takes care of her. Baby wants to find out why Sayyam is in the Birla house. To visit all previous chapters: Click here for all episodes ***** Sayyam placed a cloth he’d dipped in a bowl of cold water on Baby’s forehead. “Sayyam,” she mumbled, “stop fussing over me; I’ll survive,” she laughed weakly, and the teenage boy bit his lip in concern. “Baby, could you…
Recap: Yuvani finds out that Sayyam has started cutting himself again, and they have a deep conversation. Krishna wakes up and remembers everything from the night before. To visit all previous chapters: Click here for all episodes Warning: discussion of self-harm and shower scenes (just kidding…or am I?) ***** Sayyam slowly entered his room, his hands still tugging at the ends of his sleeves, quietly heading for the bathroom. He flinched when he caught sight of Krishna, staring at her reflection in the mirror. He swiftly turned away, momentarily forgetting about his sleeves, and took a step towards the bathroom…
Heyy Guys, Shreya here! I know it’s been a long time ( *cough* months *cough*) but I’m back for good, and I’m gonna be continuing this ff till the end, so I hope you guys will stick with me until the end of the journey.There’s an important author’s note at the end of this chapter, so be sure to read that. If there any readers new to this ff, click on this link: (I promise you won’t regret it ) Click here Recap: Sayyam puts Yuvani in her bed, and returns to his and Krishna’s room to find out…
(Recap: Sayyam banters with a drunken Krishna, who mildly annoys him with her questions and actions.) To visit all previous chapters:Click here for all episodes Warning!!: This chapter is 14/15+ kinda Read at your own risk. *****’ Sayyam gently set Yuvani down on her bed, heaving a deep sigh of relief. He’d gotten them both back home, and now, everything was okay. Knowing that Krishna was sound asleep in their room put him at ease. Wait. Their room? Sayyam shook his head, shaking off the sudden feeling of uneasiness. He honestly didn’t know why he’d been having such random…
To visit all previous chapters: ***** Sayyam stood motionless next to Krishna, not knowing how to answer the question she’d just confronted him with. ‘What would he tell her? – That Yuvaan had planned to run away with Baby the night before his marriage with Krishna? That he had wanted to save his mother’s and Krishna’s respect?’ He stood at the side of the road with Krishna, trying to choose his words carefully, when her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Whatcha’ thinkin’ ‘bout, huh? Answerme!” she slurred, still under the influence of the alcohol she had consumed.…