Hey guyz aaj i got some tym in between my exams so m writing a small update but with a nyc twist …plz dont stop reading the ff …i will post more regularly once i get time off from my exams ….i hope u guyz understand Guyz twitter update for all kaira fans …this week kaira millan 2 for sure confirmed by bhavna ma’am (writer of yrkkh) N also on 25th dec sunday dont miss the Christmas spcl epi full of kaira n star screen act of kaira ..it will not be a part of the main story line …?…
Author: Hales
Heu guyz today i wll be keeping it short i planned to update in between my preboards too but not too long epi …i hope u guyz understand .. Last tym- play was done successfully …gayu n rose’s plan failed… Today’s epi Naitik n akshara cut the cake at midnight… Aftr everything is done …naira goes to store room to get the camera stand to take a family pic.. Naira enters the store room …suddenly the doors close behind her ….naira was about to scream but someone puts a hand on naira’s mouth …n whispered naira its me kartik Naira:…
Hey guyz sorry for keep u waiting for so long …actually my preboards have started so i hardly get tym for myself or writing! Hope u like this episode …it wil be long n will have many twists? Naksh goes to tara n kartik thinks of a plan Naksh: tara… Tara: who r u mr.? Naksh: so someone is super angry!…wait wat did u say? Tara: i said… Before tara could complete …naksh says not u .. Tara: then who …there is no one other than u n me Naksh: no there is someone else too … Naksh makes tara…
Hey guyz!! M very happy n glad to read all the reviews of last tym …it really motivated me n i hope m able to stand on all of urs expectation….keep supporting me by reading n commenting ur reviews n suggestion! Btw guyz thia tyms trp for yrlkh is 3.4!!!yay!! At night! All the youngsters decide the play Naksh announces the roles as decided to gayu … Gayu gets upset knowing naira will play opp. Kartik …. Gayu: lets call yash bhaiya n rose bhabhi too! Naksh: good idea … Gayu thinks now only rose bhabhi can help me get…
Hey guyz! How r u all doing! M glad u all liked the naira dream sequence part ? Today there will be a big treat as many kaira scenes do let me know how u felt about today’s epi by commenting ?? Its evening … Naira tara n naksh get ready to leave for coffee shop Akshara: gayu u also go with them u will feel good Gayu thinks kartik was telling mama ji tht he will be comming to give some files …so its better if i stay Gayu: no mami i have some work The trio (naira tara…
Hey guyz!! As said m trying to update sooner for u guyz to enjoy more ? spclly to overcome the sadness going on the actual show ..i hope m able to! Everyone celebrates ….kartik informs everyone tht he should go as tomorrow there is an impt meeting! Gayu thinks of going with him to the gate ..but cant think of a way On the other hand naira says bhai give me the car keys i forgot my purse in there Naksh understands which purse naira wants to take as he knows naira wants to say bye to kartik …so Naksh:arrey…
Hey guyz!! Today there r more twists n turns ..hope u all like it!!? Btw guyz a important news …hope u all know kaira is the lead as akshara aka hina khan left yrkkh….so now we surely need to make trps rise for yrkkh as kaira is the lead… I know the current track is sad but it will pass soon coz aftr all yrkkh is a positive show! N for all the kaira fans to cheer up m trying to upload the episodes as regular as possible …so i hope i have cheered u all up ..hopefully this week…
Hey guyz …i hope u all liked kartik’s past! Today will be a awsum new twist ..? So without any delay m starting!! Naira has a shocked face n tear running down fron her eyes aftr talking to keerti!! Tara asks her wats the matter Naira is silent! Tara: naira …plz tell wat happened…watever it is everything will get better!! Naira: bhabhi Naira hugs tara tightly and cries!! Tara consoles her Naira: bhabhi u know she was kartik’s sister…the one i was talking to!! Tara is surprised …ohh wat did she say!? Naira: kartik was telling the truth !!…
Hi guyz congrats to all the fans n yrkkh team .. yrkkh got 2.8 trp for this week n this is due to our lovely kaira confession n all …KAIRA ROCKS!!!?? Guyz btw this one epi of my ff is the biggest revealing episode ..so gear up from some real emotions!! At mall Tanvi sees kartik n naira n gets shocked!!!! Nisha asks wat happened tanvi? R u ok ? Tanvi says yes m fyn…so naira is dating him? ..wat is his name? Nisha: kartik! Tanvi thinks in mind how can this happen? Y god y aftr so long u…