Author: Maha_Aijaz

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Link for Episode-27: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:28 ——————————- Kunj’s POV- I turned around and saw her packed bag which she left open in anger when something caught my eye. I pulled it slightly out of the bag and was shocked! It was MY shirt! Sprayed with my cologne. The odor of cologne was so strong that it felt like the whole bottle had been sprayed on it! This can’t be by mistake! Twinkle is very particular about her belongings. IF she’s taking this shirt, then it can’t be by mistake! My heart fluttered at the knowledge. Something clicked in and…

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Link for Episode-26: Read Here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:27 ——————————- “I’m leaving… Soon.” She told him bitterly and Kunj just stood there like a statue. Twinkle couldn’t witness his shattered state anymore, so she turned around and ran to the room. Once latching the door, she cried her heart out falling on her knees. She has hurt the love of her life so badly! What might he be thinking about her! How much she had hurt him! Standing on her feet, she walked towards the bedside table and took Kunj’s photo frame in her hands. ‘Kunj! This is for your…

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Link for Episode-25: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:26 ——————————- “Twinkle! Where did you keep my passport?” He asked fumbling through the bag leaving Twinkle at the loss of words. “I… Uh, actually I… I think… I forgot it home!” Twinkle spoke shutting her eyes tightly and waited for him to shout at her or to scold her for a grave mistake but it didn’t come. She slowly opened her eyes to find him standing there disappointed. “It’s Ok… I’ll board the next flight.” He said calmly yet sadness evident in his eyes. “Aren’t you angry?” She asked surprisingly. He smiled cupping…

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Link for Episode 24: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:25 ——————————- Twinkle was aimlessly walking outside the hospital. She was broken, frustrated, shattered but above all she was feeling helpless. Kunj’s words were hammering on her head like anything. ‘Not my birthday only! But your birthday! And then soon it’ll be our kid’s birthday! Oh I’m so excited.’ How she’ll give him this happiness when she has no life to live when all she has to do was to count her remaining days. Twinkle’s POV- ‘Why? Why THIS? Why ME?’ I cried out loud on my fate! What a sick joke life…

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Link for Episode-23: Read Here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:24 ——————————- -Kunj’s Mansion- Kunj angrily walked inside not caring about anything. As he entered the hall, he saw it fully decorated with flowers and balloons and he was welcomed by a large echo ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’ He was startled for a moment and for a second had forgotten about his anger but then Twinkle walked in which reminded Kunj his annoyance on them. Yuvraj walked towards Kunj despite seeing his angry face. Manohar and Rishab were trying to pull him back but he didn’t budge. “Happy birthday Kunj!” He exclaimed cheerfully. Kunj…

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Link for Episode-22: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:23 ——————————- “Bhai… Bhabhi… She… She left bhai! SHE LEFT YOU FOREVER!” Kunj can’t believe his ears. It was like his world has come crushing down. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING AROHI!” He almost shouted at her without realizing it wasn’t her fault. After a second, he calmed himself before asking. “Arohi! Please tell me exactly what happened?” He asked trying to sound normal but inside he was freaking out! She gulped. “Bhai! Bhabhi came here… *sobbed* and I don’t know what happened… *sniffed* why she said she has a flight for…

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Link for Episode-21: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:22 ——————————- Kunj’s Mansion: After reaching home they were welcomed by a shocked Manohar who was overwhelmed seeing Arohi alive and safe. It was late night but still everyone was busy in fulfilling her wishes. Her brothers brought ice-creams, her bhabhis cooked her favorite foods and the house was filled with all the happiness it had longed for since 9 years. As Arohi wanted to spend more time with their bhabhis so she decided to sleep with them because according to her she could never get enough of their cuteness. They were a…

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Link for Episode-20: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:21 ——————————- “Kunj… It’s me… Your Kalpana.” “Ka… Kal… Kalpana!” He whispered lowly still trying to get over his shock. His Kalpana was standing right in front of him! His feet involuntarily moved forward and took her hand in his. “I… I didn’t kill you Kalpana! I didn’t even know! I… I really loved you! Where were you all these years! You’ve no idea of how much I suffered!” “Shhhh.” She shushed him gently wiping his tears which were flowing through his eyes unknowingly. He held her shoulders. “I’m so happy you’re… Back.”…

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Link for Episode-19: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:20 ——————————- Next Morning: “Good morning Kunj. Get up and get ready and today you can wear anything you want. Okay!” Twinkle chirped while Kunj got up instantly in an excited mode. Within half an hour both were ready and headed towards car. It was again Twinkle who was driving and Kunj without arguing let her drive after all he was really curious to know where his wife will take him today. “Okay so where are we going today?” He asked feeling like he would burst with excitement. “Patience my husband patience.” She…

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