Link for Episode-18: Episode 18 here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:19 ——————————- Next day: Kunj was pacing in the room restlessly while Twinkle was soundly sleeping not knowing of her husband’s restlessness. He wanted Twinkle to wake up and get ready so that they could get going however he didn’t want to disturb her sleep because the last thing he wanted to do was to ‘disturb’ her sleep causing her headache. He took a deep breath so as to inhale some patience along with oxygen. “Twinkle wake up!” Well now his impatience overpowered him and he couldn’t help himself but to…
Author: Maha_Aijaz
Link for Episode-17: Click here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:18 ——————————- Kunj woke up and found Twinkle sleeping in his arms. Her arms were wrapped around his torso tightly. He made no moment as he didn’t want to disturb her sleep. After sometime, she woke up and once realizing her position and Kunj’s gaze on her, she quickly sat up but without tearing their eye-contact. “Umm, I’ve to go.” Kunj finally said and got up for taking shower. Both didn’t talk to each other after that. Twinkle also didn’t know what to say. They got ready and both had their breakfast…
Link for Episode-16: Episode 16 Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:17 ——————————- At the Office: Kunj just couldn’t get over the morning incident. He was smiling like a creep, teenage boy. The phrase ‘Best Friends’ echoed in his head. He smiled wider touching his hand. He had been afraid that he would lose her. But now that fear was no more. Everything was sorted out between them which is why he was ecstatic. Just then the door opened and in came Chayya but Kunj was so happy that her being there didn’t spoil his mood a bit. “Didn’t your wife come Kunj?”…
Link for Episode-15: Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:16 ——————————- The warm and a bit harsh sun rays fell on Twinkle’s face breaking her beautiful sleep. She opened her eyes and realized it was afternoon! She got up quickly. ‘Oh God! I slept till afternoon! And hospital! Oh God! It’s already 3. I’ve to leave fast to…’ Before she could complete her thinking process, her eyes fell on a note on the dressing table. She leaned forward and took it in her hand. It said, ‘DON’T STRESS ABOUT NOT GOING TO THE HOSPITAL. TAKE A LEAVE TODAY. I’VE TALKED TO THEM.…
Link for Episode-14: Read Here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode-15 ——————————- At the Office- Kunj just kept ordering and snapping at everyone. This was his way of letting his anger out. After sometime the door opened and Chayya came inside. “Hi sweetheart. Hasn’t your wife come yet.” She mocked. This angered him more. “Look Chayya! You’re here just because my business partner has hired you as our designer. So you better focus on that. My personal life is none of your business!” “Oh God Kunj. I feel sad for you. Here you’re so much concerned about your wife and the same…
Link for Episode-13: Episode 13 here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode-14 ——————————- Next Morning- “Twinkle! What decision have you taken?” Disha asked intently. Twinkle closed her eyes painfully. “I WANT DIVORCE.” She answered in a low voice. The spoon fell off Disha’s hand at those words. “What are you saying Twinkle! I mean…” “Disha. I can’t live all my life with a fear that he would cheat me again. He just can’t change.” “But Twinkle, at least talk to Kunj once before taking such a harsh decision!” “There’s nothing left to talk about Disha. Everything is crystal clear.” She said and…
Link for Episode-12: Episode 12 Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:13 ——————————- Kunj’s Mansion: “Twinkle!” He came calling into the house. “What is it?” She asked rushing from the stairs. “Be ready tonight. We’ve to go for dinner at a business partner’s house.” “Ok.” She replied. “And Twinkle! I’ve called the designer and she’ll come and give you your dress.” “I’ll wear what I like! You’ve a problem!” She snapped. “Twinkle! The problem is that I don’t trust your judgements.” “Why?” She frowned. “Who marries a man she met a day before?” He mocked in a matter-of-fact tone. Now she was hell…
Link for Episode-11: episode-11 Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:12 ——————————- Dedicating this episode to all those who have guessed the right answer! ******************** He looked into her eyes and keeps staring. Their eye lock was broken by a voice. “Twinkle! You here? What a pleasant surprise.” Both turned to see Rishab and an old man standing there. Kunj stiffened seeing Rishab and walked straight to the old man ignoring Rishab. “Hello Mr. Kumar. I was waiting for you.” “Hello young man! And this is…..?” He asked looking at Twinkle. Kunj gave him an ‘Are-you-serious’ look and yelled in mind, ‘you dumb…
Link for Episode-10: Episode 10 here Bakhuda Tumhi Ho- Episode:11 ——————————- Kunj was really tired both mentally and physically. Twinkle after changing into nightie sat on the bed when she saw him taking out his laptop and started working. She sighed and walked to him. “Aren’t you sleepy?” “No. I… I’m fine. Just some work.” He said keeping his eyes glued to the laptop. She sat beside him. “Stop lying Kunj.” She said lower than a whisper. “I know you’re dreaded to sleep because you haven’t taken drugs from a few days and now it’ll cause you those visions and…