The Inmate Chapter 6 Please do ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Happy reading ………. Radhika stammered….she was one sweaty nervous doll. It was a treat for Arjun to watch her like that. He struggled hard to keep a straight face. But couldn’t wipe out the amused expression off his eyes. Radhika twitched with her watch, “ar-arj-arjun…I-I wanted….” She trailed off. She took a deep breath and looked up in his eyes. She instantly recognized the amused, that fun smirk in his eyes. She felt embarrassed straight away. Her throat convulsed. She turned around instantly. Arjun,…
Author: myra
Legally yours Chapter 3 Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Happy reading….hope you like it. …………. Radhika looked straight ahead, she was about to speak. She realised Arjun walking towards them. She looked at him and then at neil. She was about to tell neil all the crap Arjun was handing over to her since the morning. But changed her mind suddenly. She pretended to be confused, “what bashing?” Neil laughed, “as if you don’t know…..I am really sure that Arjun must be giving you a really tough time. I practically got him an associate against…
The Inmate Chapter 5 Finally! Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Hope you like it. Do let me know. Happy reading ………….. Neil’s heart kept fluttering. He was restless. He just couldn’t bring himself around the idea that maybe Radhika loved Arjun. He couldn’t sleep, he just kept pacing around in his apartment. “Photos….photos…what photos? Sam told naa Radhika and arjun’s pictures. I need to see them….i just do. I’ll get an idea on the kind of relationship they shared. I need to break in their apartment now. Tomorrow isn’t good. it will too late.…
MMZ- My Story One shot Guys, I am really not sure about this. This is a trial sort of thing. I haven’t written in this style of narration ever before, so please spare me if it isn’t up to the mark. Please do let me know. Happy weekend. …………… Hello I am Arjun and, this is my story. Well, if we think about It that way, I can easily tell you anything, a fairytale love story or how I was the knight shining armour to a damsel in distress, or how I kidnapped the girl I loved on the…
Legally Yours Chapter 2 Radhika was nervously fiddling with her bag, throughout the cab ride. It was her first date at work and that too at such a big firm as legal ease. She was getting cold feet as she neared the office. What if she is unable to adjust there? What if everyone starts to hate her? What if she isn’t able to complete the work assigned to her in a proper and fair manner? Hundreds of questions clouded her mind. She took three deep breaths and regained her calm and composure. She got out of the cab and…
The Inmate Chapter 4 Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Happy reading ……………………………… “I still want to continue my sessions with Inmate Mehra.” She spoke softly and slowly, trying to drop the bomb as gently as possible. She mentally cursed herself for referring to Arjun……Dr. Arjun as Inmate Mehra. What the hell? She was more sure than ever that there was some story behind the horrendous turn of events. Neil paused trying as if trying to process the meaning of her words. What?!! Why?!! He gulped and tried his level best to maintain his calm…
Legally Yours Chapter 1 Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Happy reading ………………. Samaira crashed on a chair. She sighed. How stubborn can he be? She knew she was fighting a lost battle but nevertheless, went on. She tried to make Arjun see the iron clad logic, “Arjun, since you have become a senior partner now. You need to have an associate. It is the company rule. And you know, you can’t bend your way around it.” Arjun sat on his king size chair, his lips curled up in a smirk, “Sammy, you have…
Just Another Love Story One shot Okay, it wasn’t intended at all. But since it was ladoo’s birthday, I posted. Laddooooo happy birthday!!!!! Wish you all the happiness in the world. She is a talkative, chirpy, happy girl. Hey chatterbox! I know, you wanted me to post an extension of their bond….but I guess, some stories are better left untold…..which practically means, I have nothing to write more. So sorry! I know, I am late….but sorry….went out and wrote it in so much hurry, in the car ride back…….hope you like it…sorry, if it isn’t up to the mark…. Once…
Their Bond. One Shot Please ignore my typos and grammatical errors. NO PROOF READING. Happy reading ……. “This is preposterous. I don’t believe it. How could he? I mean, seriously? Is this the kind of thing to say so casually and so spontaneously?…he could have informed me before hand. There wasn’t any need to jump on me with this sort of a news.” Sam went muttering up and down. She paced her room. Radhika sighed. There was no denying of the fact, that for a change, sam was right. But at the same time her dad wasn’t wrong. It…