Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 9 Double Dhamka!!!! Guys, since I was unable to give you long updates due to time constraints I have decide to give you a double episode…hope it matches your exceptations….do let me know how It was ….your comments keep me going Happy reading chapter 9 The five had grown really close. They were together all the time and arjun even shifted into neil’s apartment. Since neil wanted a room mate and arjun took was looking for a new place. They decided to get arjun shifted into neil’s apartment. After all what’s…
Author: myra
Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 8 So guys, here’s the next chapter…uff..its another short one…I don’t know when am I going to get some time to write along one…but promise to do so at the first available opportunity.…I am sorry would have posted sooner…but I don’t know what was wrong..wasnt able to open the site since morning….and when it finally opened it wasn’t allowing me to upload new articles saying its under maintainence…….finally! so let me how it was The greatest gift in life Is friendship..and ones who have should cherish it an entire lifetime. ………………………………………………………………………………….. As soon…
How I met your mother One shot Hey guys, since I was having a little free time…I decided to write an one shot…this is my first single shot story…hope you like it….do let me how how it was….will update passion project soon ……………………………………………………………………………… It is year 2045. Arjun was sitting in his living room, on the dining table. While his two kids, sia (19) and Aryan(22) are watching tv. Sia switches off the tv and turns to arjun. Sia teased, “papa…it hasn’t even been two hours since mom left for rishikesh and you’re already missing her? Relax….she is just…
Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 7 Hey guys, I m back…its pretty quick…huh?….actually I believe in giving quick updates even if it means short ones…it just keeps you connected with the story…somebody please let me know if me or my method are wrong. Suggestions are welcome. Here’s the next chapter. Do let me know how it was.. Happy reading ……………………………………. You are really lucky to have a person who genuinely cares for you in life, and if you let them walk away, you are gonna regret not stopping them your entire life and beyond. …………………… Radhika looled intently…
Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 6 Radhika knocks on samaira’s cabin door. She hears a disinterested, “come in.” Radhika enters her cabin. It’s a well furnished cabin. A fashionably yet decently dressed woman is sitting behind the table. Radhika could see that is woman obviously has a good taste. Radhika, “mam, I m radhika mishra….teji from the HR department told me that you were looking for a room mate.” Radhika could feel samaira scanning her from head to toe. Samaira seemed satisfied, “okay…I have a few questions for you….please sit down.” Samaira spoke normally but she voice wasn’t cordial…
Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 5 Without wasting any time, here the next chapter..i know it’s a short one…..but I updated quick…finally thr rishikesh and saral chaoter over…welcome mumbai…hope you like it…do let me know how it was Happy reading Mumbai was a pleasant surprise to radhika, who had never been out of rishikesh and surroundings even once. She was picked up from the airport by a cab sent by her office which took her to her hotel. Radhika thoroughly enjoyed the drive looking out the wind while the wind blew her hair back. Mumbai had…
Manmarziyan : A Passion Project Chapter 4 Hey guys, this is a long one…..but I don’t know…I just feel that it is a bit messed up….please excuse that and try to bear with me…I promise the next would be better…do let me know how it is. Your suggestions and comments are invaluable. Happy reading. ……………………………………………………………… If u love someone their happiness should be your happiness….seeing them chase what they love should bring a smile satisfaction on your face before theirs. Wanting someone to be around you, isn’t love. Real love doesn’t care about boundaries or distance, its about two…
Manmarziyan: A Passion Project Chapter 3 Hey all u beautiful people….see, a new chapter…I know…I know..i was supposed to post on wed or thurs but guess, I m more excited than u are …I wrote it down in one go…and also it isn’t proof read so please ignore any mistakes….do tell me how it was. Happy reading …………………………………………………………………… If u are gonna speak your heart out, atleast do it in front of the correct person. …………………………………………………………………………… Saral looked around, he couldn’t find radhika anywhere inside her room. His eyes suddenly fell on an envelope kept on her bed.…
Manmarziyan: a passion project Chapter 2 Hey!! I know I said I’ll post on Saturday but I finished early so here’s the next chapter. Sometimes in life, u just cant say your heart out loud, all u can do is just hope that the other person knows. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. After they were comfortably settled on the rocks near the bank of the river and had their feet in water with a take away coffee in their hands. Saral asked radhika again, “ so?” Radhika looked distracted, “hmm, yeah?” Saral, “ u wanted to talk about something….remember? u called me and said…