

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-17“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-17

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-17

E-17 Hey guys, I'm very happy with the comments... And the guess is not right... the surprise is something else...and…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-16“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-16

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-16

E-16 Hey guys, there have been some problems recently , my episode 15 was not posted on EDKV pg.. So…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-15“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-15

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-15

E-15 Hey guys.. Happy to know that the track of kamini, lalaji, and vandy bhabhi entering the track.. Thank you...…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-14“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-14

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-14

E-14 Interesting episode guys.. Sumo: this is not fair.. Shravan: I swear. Preeti: I hate living in this hostel..!! Pushkar:…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-13“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-13

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-13

E-13 Well... Here's the answer: its not Khuruv or Shraman.. But its preekar n Dhruman Precap: sumo's past with dhruv.…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-12“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-12

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-12

E-12 Precap: some fun moments and dhruv gives a hint to shravan that he and sumo had a past... Shravan:…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-11“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-11

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-11

E-11 Hey guys.. It seems that all of you are happy with the new character entry.. And yea nice idea..…

9 years ago
“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-10“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-10

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-10

E-10 Hey guys.. Thank you for the immense support.. Since I can only write THANKS due to less time.. So…

9 years ago

“ShraMan-PreeKar” a LOVE story E-9

E-9 Hey guys..thank you for liking the twist.. By today's episode the misunderstanding would be cleared.. Precap: all 2 pairs…

9 years ago