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Author: Rajkumari

Sanskar left swara and spend that day in a temple, just sitting on the stairs and watch people pray to gods, he also prayed in his heart, he prayed for the pain to end. Chaos running in his head, too many emotions and too many things, it was frustrating, too complex and he wanted to make it easy and simple. He decided when he saw a man entering stretching his hand to his wife with big belly and carrying small girl in his hand. The man looked to content and happy hugging his wife and then praying like all people…

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Hello all Missed you so much yaar Hope you all doing fine May Allah bless you all Let’s start and don’t blaming me doing many secrets Come on */*//*/*/*//*//*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*/* Swara shouted: I said he isn’t your son Sanskar….. (Whispered brokenly) Nor mine. Sanskar huffed: don’t be such cruel swara by telling those… Swara calmly: look at my eyes Sanskar, look deep in them, do you think swara would ever lie about such topic? Do you think swara can be such cruel to take a son from his father?, do you think after all what happened to me I would give…

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Hello all Chapter 8 has been rejected as it vontaim high mature content… its not quitly high… just s*x scene between swasan and sanskar was shocked knowing that swara is virgin. Chapter 9 is already posted…. so now is chap 10…. enjoy /**/*/*/*/*/*/**/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/**/ Alano POV Me and sanskar meet up with kabeer at hotel reception then we ride the car to the gallery hall. All night Sanskar was shut, even his fake smile was long gone, this was even a worst Sanskar, more lifeless and more emotionless. Me and kabeer would walk around the gallery answering people questions while having…

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Assalam alikom all dosto How are you all Hope you enjoy still I know I put you in many shocks But kya Karo I am such a drama Queen Deal with it Go read…. Romance awaits */**//*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*/* Swara heart beat quicken. She was in her room. Sanskar was in her room. She was with him in her room. They were together in her room alone. Alone with closed door. Those sentences almost freak her out. Sanskar: so finally your talking to me ah. Swara: get the hell out of my room. Sanskar got slowly steps closer “I scare you aren’t…

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Hope you enjoy today chap Now read *//*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*//*/ Sanskar broke the hug with sanky smiling to his baby boy: who am I? Sanky: you was my mumma ka best friend. The smile on Sanskar vanished painfully: best friend?? Sanky: hmm but you both fight and now no more, please let me go. I want mumma Sanky ran to swara while Sanskar kept sitting there paining, thinking that swara was cruel enough not to tell his son that his father is right here in front of him. Chotto swara: sanseeeka, you and bua are like ma or papa naaa?? No one…

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Hello all dosto How is everyone going I needed to tell first This chapter contain hot dance…  So if you are not comfortable with it you may skip it even though I wish you would only for the sake of the song?? Let’s read **/*//*/*/*/*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*/ Writer pov Sanskar’s head was light dizzy now from the drink he got, little he know that this drink is very strong mix of alcohols but most of its effect burned by fire so it give strong taste but less effect. All the cold walls he build around himself were shattred. “I will go now”…

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Swara was at the door of GM in simple pink kurtha and white leggings, blonde wag over her head and reading glasses. Ragini smashed her in a hug perhaps crushing all swara’s bones, same favor was turned from swara’s side, she always took ragini as her sister “OH SWARA, I missed you” ragini broke the hug “you… how.. blonde… where…MMAAAAAAA, PAAAAPAAAAA, SWARA CAME BACK” Swara: ragini lower your voice please. Ragini: to hell lower, I will shout my voice out Ragini pulled swara in and lock the door, shekhar and sharmishta reached by now and were surprised to swara in…

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Hello all I am so sorry for tat mistake I update 9 and skipped 6, 7 and 8… I am so sorry for tat mistake… Hope u forgive me… I ll update these three chapters each In a day… Again I am so sorry for that…. */*//*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/ Does our nights getting more intersted     or    boring…… I hope not booooring Enjoy the other part of the night with our sanskar and his mysterious girl *//*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*//*/*/*/*/*/*/”/*/*/* Sanskar She said with a smirk on her kissable lips “come on yaar you have been checking me out since I was dancing” …

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Sanskar POV Hmmm, the sun is already irrating me, hell f**king f**k, I need more sleep, can i? Sure no, get the hell up Sanskar. I slowly open my eyes, mmmm, so tiring. I was sleeping on my belly so I start to stir, I want to feel her warmth,  her heat…  Her awesome curves….. I stretch my arm to be met by only cold, I looked to other side to find only empty “tigersita??!” Bed is cold, was she taking shower?? “hai…. Ahhh, where are you….ahhh” what is her name?? its… its… I don’t know, i try to remember…

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