To Be or Not To Be : When Hurt Turns 2 Love : RUMYA,ISHKARA FF [Prologue] Hello Ishqies, Thanks 4 suggesting pairs. As I said one pair of this article will be rumya and I will keep my promise…Well about another pair, except Shraddha all asked me 2 write for Ishkara only…..And shraddha am really very sorry for not writing this one for gaurika….. Since majority suggested 2 write for ishkara I have decided 2 write it 4 rumya and ishkara only……So friends, hope like wonderful suggestions which u all gave me am expecting ur views and comments @ this…
Author: Renimarenju
ISHKARA FF : WHEN PASSION MEETS COMPASSION ……PART 13 [By Renima] Hello Ishqies….. So today itself am updating this one as tmrw onwards my work schedule is going 2 be very hectic and I will not be able 2 post next one soon…..So have patience guys…I will post next one by Sunday only…..And pls after reading today’s update don’t get angry on me also…….Links 4 previous parts are here: All parts here Pls read all and drop ur comments…… Scene – 23 {@ Oberoi Mansion, omkara’s room] [continuation] It’s morning and Ishana slowly wakes up and finds that omkara was…
VIDHANI: UNBOUNDED BOND OF LOVE [Part4,By Renima] Hello, IKRS Family, So am back with the fourth episode…..And sorry for making a short update because am again trapped with my office work and probably updates will be short…And pls u guys have 2 bear it……But guys pls comment well…. Pls pls tell ur views so that I will be able 2 rectify mistakes and will try 2 make better…..Am eagerly waiting 4 ur comments……Links 4 previous episodes…. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 FB Scene – 2 {Near Ayodhya Nivas} Dhaani : What ?? U mean ….u read my diary !!!!…
Hello Ishqies….. Sorry 4 updating it too late…..Seriously I am back in office work and tmrw onwards my schedule will be hectic….So my updates will be short and guys….pls forgive me for that….Links 4 previous parts are here…. Pls read it and drop ur comments…… Scene – 23 {@ Oberoi Mansion][continuation from last one] Ishkara lost themselves in the eyelock…..When both hearts were beating for the same, words were incapable of expressing their feelings….But as usual some one came 2 break their eyelock, and this time it was dadi only…… Dadi : Puthar……. Omkara : Ji dadi….[ishkara break their…
To Be Or Not To be ? When hurt turns 2 love …..[Pls suggest the pair, By Renima] Hi My Ib and Dbo Ishqies…..This is just a title and I want 2 write this as an article for two pairs from Ib….One is Rumya…..U have chose the another pair…..I will give u two options ….1. Ishkara 2. Gaurikara….only….Tell me on which pair I have to write apart form rumya…. For rumya am writing because I felt their track is not getting a proper way in both IB and Dbo….And rudra is quitting or not, some sources say he has decided…
DBO : WE ARE IN LOVE [LAST SHOT ****By Renima] Hello Dil-e-Ishqies, So am submitting the last part of the four shots…..Pls read it and drop ur valuable comments on it……. @ Busstand.,….{continuation from last part} Rudra : Sumo…….Pls don’t go away…….{emotional] Sowmya : Why , rudra ?? U don’t care because u believe that am the biggest mistake of ur life……Won’t u ?? {emotional} Rudra : Sowmya……I don’t know why I blamed u……May be to hide myself from the mistake, I just …….{rudra finds hard 2 explain and he literally starts crying} Sowmya : Rudra….I can’t imagine in my…
Dbo : We Are in Love [ Part 3, By Renima] It’s a short update….tmrw I will update last part which will be long …Hope u don’t mind as am handling some personal work…… Sowmya gets ready as love angel by wearing head phones….On the other hand rudy also prepare himself 2 chat with love angel as Arpita…… Sowmya’s View After a long gap, am doing this…..But if my one suggestion is able 2 console one person’s prblm then I think I never quit this identity of Love Angel……Sowmya will cry, but love angel will not cry……By making this strong…
VIDHANI: UNBOUNDED BOND OF LOVE [Part2,By Renima] Hello, IKRS Family, So am back with the third episode…..And hope u will like it…..Pls pls tell ur views so that I will be able 2 rectify mistakes and will try 2 make better…..Am eagerly waiting 4 ur comments……Links 4 previous episodes…. Part 1 Part 2 FB Scene – 1 {@Viplav’s room} Viplav wake up from his bed…..He was not able 2 sleep well since the dream was revolving around his mind whole night……He picked the diary and stared it…..again… Viplav : I think I should not read it…….It’s her personal diary and…
ISHKARA FF : WHEN PASSION MEETS COMPASSION ……PART 10 [By Renima] Hello Ishqies….. Sorry 4 updating it too late…..Guys…..Hope u like the twist….And due 2 time shortage I couldn’t reveal the complete suspense here….But u will get it…..And another one is abt ishkara surprise..with that I have ended this chapter….Tell me do u like that surprise after reading it…… Links 4 previous parts…… Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Pls read it and drop ur comments…… Scene – 21 {@ Omkara’s room, oberoi mansion] Ishana : What are u saying, omkara ??? Omkara : Ishana….u heard it right…..Remeber…