

The Revenge Of Love (chapter 11)The Revenge Of Love (chapter 11)

The Revenge Of Love (chapter 11)

Meher's POV: As I put my head on his chest, I felt immense feelings for him and that I can't…

9 years ago
Kyy ghost series, story 3: horror hospital part 1Kyy ghost series, story 3: horror hospital part 1

Kyy ghost series, story 3: horror hospital part 1

Writing this one first as don't know how to start other one. The story starts with Nandini and her parents…

9 years ago
BD – Together Forever, Chapter 30BD – Together Forever, Chapter 30

BD – Together Forever, Chapter 30

Meher wakes up after unconsciousness and sees everyone standing around her. Meher: what happened? Abeer: how r u feeling now?…

9 years ago
kyy ghost series, story 3: horror- hospital/promisekyy ghost series, story 3: horror- hospital/promise

kyy ghost series, story 3: horror- hospital/promise

hi guys, the reason I wrote horror hospital/promise is because I have two plots for the next story, u tell…

9 years ago
kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part d) last partkyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part d) last part

kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part d) last part

Nandini cries getting tensed about Darshan. Nandini: What to do Manik? Mom thinks dad is responsible for all this, its…

9 years ago
The Revenge Of Love (chapter 10)The Revenge Of Love (chapter 10)

The Revenge Of Love (chapter 10)

Meher's POV: M going far from here n will never come back. I thought as Maa asked me to marry…

9 years ago
Kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part c)Kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part c)

Kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part c)

Nandini: I will get u justice, but how is dad responsible for ur death? Sanjana comes out of Darshan's body…

9 years ago
BD – Together Forever, Chapter 29BD – Together Forever, Chapter 29

BD – Together Forever, Chapter 29

Meher: do I look ugly? will u leave me because of these wounds? Abeer nods no and holds her hand…

9 years ago

Kyy ghost series, story 2: Maa (part b)

Hi its me Sally Sue, don't get confused by the name, happy reading. Nandini sees someone peeping in her room…

9 years ago