

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 9)Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 9)

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 9)

Hello friends! Thank you so very much to all for supporting, reading and commenting. I am grateful to you all.…

8 years ago
Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 8)Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 8)

Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 8)

Hey guys! I actually posted two parts but 8th part is posted as 7th. So I am posting 7th part…

8 years ago
Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 8)Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 8)

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 8)

All girls are insisting Rahul for dance and Shumi comes. Shumi: Swara! He is tired. He did all the arrangements…

8 years ago
Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 7)Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 7)

Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 7)

DP meets Swara and she goes to attend the class. Sanskar meets Swara in the class. Sanskar: Swara! How are…

8 years ago
Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 7)Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 7)

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 7)

Shumi calls all three for breakfast and they get ready to go. Swara: (to Sanskar) come! (signs him to walk…

8 years ago

Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 6)

Sanskar tell his plan to DP and goes to his room. He reaches the room and brings something from his…

8 years ago

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 6)

Sanskar tells her that he has a surprise for her. Swara: surprise? What surprise? Sanskar: (blindfolds her and carries her…

8 years ago
Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 5)Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 5)

Sacred Relationships: SwaSan (Chapter 5)

Swara calls Rahul and he panics what to answer her. After sometime, he composes himself and attends the call. Swara…

8 years ago
Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 5)Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 5)

Always be with me: Swasan (chapter 5)

The next day, Sanskar wakes up at 5o’clock at morning. Servants look at him in awe. Ghafoor: (open mouthed) He…

8 years ago