Hello everyone 🙂 This is a Shivika exclusive, but spoiler alert: You won’t find much romance in this episode. 😀 Link to previous episode: Episode 22/ click here for all episodes EPISODE 23: LUCKY SHIVAAY’S PERSPECTIVE As dusk fell, I walked inside the Oberoi Mansion. To any outsider, this building is a magnificent piece of architecture that reflects our deep rooted dedication to traditions and values, and the heights of our success perfectly. This structure somehow reflects my personality and identity. And why not? The Oberoi Industries was one of the most reputed and obviously extremely wealthy group of companies…
Author: Samm
Hello everyone 🙂 Link to all previous episodes: Click here Episode 21 EPISODE 22: LUCKY ISHU’S PERSPECTIVE “When you texted me, I was having ‘papri chat’. Since you said it was urgent, I had to leave my food for you!” I complained. Om was justly and thoroughly appalled at that and it took him a few seconds to find a fitting reply. I started fidgeting with my duppatta wearing a smug smile when he decided to just go with me instead of arguing. He opened the door of his car for me like a gentleman and I was about to…
Hello people 🙂 Episode 20: Here All episodes: Click Here EPISODE 21: LUCKY SHIVAAY’S PERSPECTIVE Lunch was a quiet event at the Oberoi Mansion today. The table was overflowing with the best quality food and most of the people sitting around it were pretty famous in their own virtue. It could even be said that for the first time in ages, business and art were almost equally represented in Oberoi Mansion. And I could surely say that never before had our table been more definitively divided. Amidst all of these unnatural conditions, Om was positively squirming in discomfort. To his…
Hello everyone 🙂 Link to previous episodes: Episode 19: Episode 19 All episodes: click here for all episodes EPISODE 20: LUCKY OM’S PERSPECTIVE While driving back, I noticed the morning sun shine through the leaves in indefinable patterns, as if playing an inaudible music on the winds. I hit the brakes and walked to the front of the car. Perched on the hood, I slipped into the same thoughts that had kept me awake all night. I had had countless discussions with countless people on this forever conflicting topic of truth vs. lies. Everyone I had come across had a…
Hello everyone 🙂 How are you guys doing? Episode 18: Here EPISODE 19: LUCKY ISHU’SPERSPECTIVE Taking a sip of water, he turned to look at me. “So, you want to know what took me so long?” I nodded and waited again. He finished his whole glass of water and then turned towards me again. “I met Riddhima today.” His statement was nothing strange. People meet other people all the time. Who was this Riddhima, anyways? I thought for a while longer before I remembered. “Riddhima; your ex-girlfriend? The one who cheated on you?” I almost shouted in surprise. Om rolled…
Hello everyone 🙂 https://www.tellyupdates.com/lucky-om-ishu-episode-17/ EPISODE 18: LUCKY ISHU’S PERSPECTIVE Two whole days had barely passed, and yet it felt like an eternity. I was getting used to him being around, and I was scared of what will happen when he leaves. All my earlier doubts and reservations had gone out of the window while simply being with him. Om was the perfect roommate one could ask for. No, roommate is the wrong word. We were more like best friends now. No, best friends doesn’t describe it right either. I guess there is no name or substitute for some relations after…
Hello everyone 🙂 I missed you guys a lot! 🙂 before we jump to the episode, fair warning: this one is short too. Plus, this episode is dedicated to Diyaa, Shivika, Kehkasha, Renima, Suchitra, Shubhadra, and Mrunal. Read the author’s note at the end to know more 😉 https://www.tellyupdates.com/user/6187/?profiletab=posts EPISODE 17: LUCKY SHIVAAY’S PERSPECTIVE “Ishu, you should show Rudra the balcony. It’s quite a view, you know!” Om said, easily shocking the other two. Rudra was quicker one to understand the implication and stood up immediately. I knew he would try to get it out of me later, but he…
Hello people 🙂 How are you guys doing? Did anyone miss me? 😉 Anyways, let’s begin with today’s update. For all previous episodes, check out the link: https://www.tellyupdates.com/user/6187/?profiletab=posts Episode 15: https://www.tellyupdates.com/lucky-om-ishu-episode-15/ EPISODE 16: LUCKY ISHU’S PERSPECTIVE “What did I get myself into? Ugh! Tough luck!” I sighed inwardly while sneaking looks at Om who was shooting daggers at me. Honestly, angry Om was scary. Watching his gentle features distorting into a pained and furious mask was frightening for me. I had seen him get angry at Tej uncle once or twice but I had never imagined how deeply rooted his…
Hello people 🙂 I wanted to clear one thing before we move forward. Shaan, aka the Director, is just a supporting character for Ishu. How they met or why she’s working with him or why she’s close with him is not explained yet. However, there are a few things to know about Shaan. One, Ishu considers him like a big brother although they are not related. She shares almost everything with him which is not the case with others. But she still calls him as the Director instead of his name. Second, Shaan is a very quiet and intense character…