Author: Sanjana

education of a girl forms a nation. My aim is to become a lawyer and with hard work and gods grace. Gratitude is my attitude. Do whatever u do with ur heart and soul.

The four pillars of raghukul as said by vashisht promise keeping Swadharm Raj dharm Sacrifice Raghunandar ram and Sita kept all the four pillars alive. Ram was born in raghukul which was initself a great pride but then what is raghukul known for? Ram. Repeatedly we see in Skr Ram and three Mathas saying that raghukul became pure by obtaining Sita as vadhu. Raghukul had a loophole. Raghuram was on a mission to make it perfect. Perfection had a price and jagat Janani paid for it. What do ram and Sita do they experience all 4 pillars and then bring…

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Vaikunthum vitthu vaikkam vanda deivagam. Lord ram his life is a message and that life makes him God. Sita and Ram did not lose their conscience after what happened neither their trust in humanity or dharm. How many of us can stay like that take our daily soaps for instance what do we see a person has a past so his actions are justified. How foolish can we get it is that person who must stand tall in his virtue in times of darkness. Not any angry and heartless young man who has his emotions hidden deep down. And this…

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