Author: Sowji

Be that self which one truly is!!?? Ping me @whatpadd:sowji22294...

Hi guys this is sowji..I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff..happy valentine week special…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff..lets move to love ff..the ff no. is 18…the ff begin with purvi home… pragya eyes filled with tears…tanu father said if u never do as I say…I will kill your daughter…I know that abi always obey your words…u will trap so easily…like his father…I released his cd..but pity Raj abi trapped in my plan…abi was shocked.abi can’t hold his anger..suddenly all heard clap sound….purvi and father was shocked…abi…

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Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…valentine week special…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 31…the ff begin with hospital room… jadu asked y u looks silent…killer..sona asked killer…yeah we call him as killer…because chocolate is our friend…whenever killer entered she forget herself fully…she only look at him only…abi was shocked…think in her mind…I am her husband…Purab said guys we will talk about this later…now we want to know pragya conditions…purab asked doctor how is she now…everything is…

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Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…valentine week special…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 30…the ff begin with ice cream parlor… she runs from there…ishani chasing pragya….pragya was continuously running here and there…suddenly pragya clashed with one guy.that person ice cream fell down on floor…pragya looks shocked…said sorry sir…i never did anything purposely..that person scolded pragya infront of all…pragya said sorry….he never heard ah pragya words…Pragya said excuse me…I did a mistake..I asked sorry..if I will buy…

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Hi guys this is sowji..I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff..happy valentine week special…thank u for your love..I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff..lets move to love ff..the ff no. is 17..the ff begin theme park..pragya was scared…she closed her eyes….that ball overscrolling around in whole ice…abi hugged her tightly…his embrace make her cool…finally they reached their destination… Prabhi are hugging with eachother…both are lost their sense…suddenly ball was stopped…pragya come back to her sense…suddenly she pushed abi goes towards out way of that ball..abi look at her..she comes out pulled bulbul..goes immediately from there…abi is…

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Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 29…the ff begin with classroom…pragya get abi maha proposal dreams…pragya was screamed..abi gang and ranveer gang was panicked…all asked what happen pragya.. pragya manages the suituation…pragya said guys i want to go to washroom…ishani said shall I come along with u…pragya said no..I will be go by alone…pragya looking at abi and maya..goes towards wash room…Abi asked what happened to her…y she screamed suddenly..purab said…

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Hi guys this is sowji..I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff..happy valentine day…thank u for your love..I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff..lets move to love ff..the ff no. is 16…the ff begin theme park..bulbul saw abi is also coming towards pragya direction …bulbul said didi we will play that game..suddenly tanu saw this asked guys we will play that game…..all entered towards that game…Pragya,bulbul,sheela,bulbul friend,rosy,abi,purab,purvi,alia,tanu are all goes to plat that game…it like round shape ball…it separate into tiny colour balls…minimum 2 people are entered in single ball…at inside full of snow ice covered by…

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Hi guys this is sowji..I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff..thank u for your love..I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff..lets move to love ff..the ff no. is 15…the ff begin theme park…purab and bulbul bought ticket for them…after they entered inside…pragya said wow superb….abigya crossed eachother …but both never see eachother face…Pragya said wow chill…bulbul asked di it’s really very nice…all goes to different kind of snow fall…sheela throwed ice towards pragya…pragya said hey sheelu..again pragya throw ice towards sheela…all are playing with eachother…screenshift to abi…purab, alia throw ice towards abi…abi said hey I will…

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Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love..thank u silent readers…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 28.. the ff begin with screenshift to classroom..ishani said I will manage ranveer don’t worry..Plze do as I say… pragya agreed did everything as ishani’s all ishani game play….flashback end…pragya asked what is our next plan….ishani said I will tell you later… pragya asked ishu u knows everything…then y r u acted infront of all…ishani said riya and rithika never knows about me…they consider…

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Hi guys this is sowji…I hope u all enjoyed my previous ff…thank u for your love…I commented everyone just check it in my previous ff…lets move to imaginary ff…the ff no. is 27. the ff begin with screenshift to classroom…naina texted from her phone to pragya…naina asked what is this pragya…pragya replied to her text.. this is also love…sometimes we have to act infront of others then only we will find our real truth behind this suddenly lisha mam called pragya n purab…lisha mam come towards the stage…guys I will eagerly looking to see dance….guys we want to see this…

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