1.SASURAL SIMAR KA: In season one, the story revolves around the two Indian sisters, Simar (DipikaKakar) and Roli (AvikaGor) marries two brothers, Prem (Shoaib Ibrahim / DheerajDhoopar) and Siddhant (Manish Raisinghan) respectively, and how the two sisters become perfect daughters-in-law of the Bharadwaj family. The second season shows Simar (DipikaKakar), her sister, Roli (AvikaGor), Simar’s husband Prem (DheerajDhoopar) and his brother Siddhant (Manish Raisinghan) and how they protects Bharadwaj family from some supernatural creatures who wants to destroy them. After a major leap, the third season of the story focuses on Simar (DipikaKakar / KeertiGaekwadKelkar), her husband, Prem (DheerajDhoopar) and…