Actress Sudhaa Chandran, on Thursday claimed in a video shared on her social media account, that a CISF personnel at Mumbai airport forced her to remove her artificial limb. According to Sudhaa, she was flying from Mumbai to Hyderabad, and during frisking, she was asked to remove her artificial limb. Addressing PM Modi, Sudhaa said in the video, “This is an appeal to the central government and state government. I am an actress and dancer by profession, who has danced with an artificial limb and created history, and made my country feel very proud of me. But every time I…
Author: KeysandPens
The previous episode of ‘Bigg Boss 15’ witnessed all housemates cast out of the main house by Bigg Boss. With the currency task, the contest is becoming more interesting as every contender is now playing their own mind games. With the game getting intense, Nishant Bhat is being a tough Sanchalak with every contestant aiming to win a ticket to the main house. While the contestants were trying their best to get a thumbs up from him, he still manages to find a flaw in their performances. Infuriated by his judgment, Shamita was seen lashing out at Nishant. Nishant gives…
Actor Ranveer Singh who recently made his tv debut with the show ‘The Big Picture’ delivered his famous dialogue “Cheete ki chaal, baaz ki nazar aur bajirao ki talvaar par sandeh nahi karte; kabhi bhi maat de sakti hai.” but in Maithili which is one of the three languages of Bihar. During his interaction with contestant Amrita Pritam, who was from Darbhanga, Bihar, Ranveer picked up his accent and with her help delivered the line rivetingly. Ranveer also danced to the superhit Bhojpuri song ‘Tu lagaawe lu jab lipstick’ with the contestant. Meanwhile, the weekend episode of The Big Picture…
Sneha Namanandi who made her daily soap debut with the popular show, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 2 had been a part of shows like Gumrah and Halla Bol. Sneha loves being a part of the entertainment industry but also believes in diverse sources of income and has a pet cafe business as well. The actress believes in having a second source of income because it gives a lot of confidence. Talking about the importance of having something to fall back on, she says, “It’s always good to have an option. I really love animals, especially dogs, so I got into…
The first love story of Bigg Boss 15 house between Miesha Iyer and Ieshaan Sehgaal is facing trust issues. The couple, who has already proposed to each other are now getting to know each other better which is also leading to clashes and misunderstandings. In the previous episode, Miesha and Ieshaan were seen talking in the morning where Miesha asks him to tell her about the incident where he said, “If you go out, you might get to hear about something.” While Ieshaan tries to dodge the question, Miesha insists saying, “You mentioned, playing around. So define ‘playing along’.” Ieshaan…
The upcoming episode of Bigg Boss 15 will witness some more sparks Tejasswi Prakash and Karan Kundrra. Karan who recently opened up about his liking for Tejasswi will have a heart-to-heart conversation with her again. In the latest promo, Karan can be seen talking about his anger issues. Tejasswi tells him, “Whenever you will get angry, I will try to calm you down. You can’t let every bl**dy thing affect you. I will keep a watch on you a little more not only in terms of your anger but otherwise.” For the unversed, it all started with Karan confessing his…
Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain fame Aasif Sheikh, who essays the role of Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, recently received a special award for essaying about 300 characters in the show. The actor was awarded a certificate from World of Records, London for playing 300 characters in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain. Aasif Sheikh shared this moment with his fans by sharing his picture with the certificate on his Instagram account. He captioned the post as, “Thank you guys for making it happen. Crossed 300 different characters in bhabhiji ghar par hai. Picture courtesy – @beyond_the_entertainment #bhabhijigharparhai#actorslife#gratitude (sic)” View this post on Instagram…
Nishant Malkhani is known for playing the role of a father in ‘Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal’. Though he had earlier essayed the role of a father in ‘Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega’ too, the current show was his first time playing a father’s role. Talking about the role in an interview with India Forums, he said, “This is the first time I have done a full-on fatherly role with two little kids, and honestly speaking, I think it was a beautiful experience because I got to explore the fatherly side of myself and I realized how much I…
The previous episode of Bigg Boss 15 witnessed the BB Currency task where Pratik Sehajpal was trying to save the price money and hence, trying his best to not let anyone succeed in printing their currency notes. During the task, he tried to snatch the money from Karan Kundrra and while doing so they got physical. Karan got furious and he pinned Pratik down after holding him by his neck. Since then both Pratik and Karan have made multiple trends on social media with many supporting Pratik. The netizens are slamming Karan for his actions and are also expressing their…