It all started with a NO!!’ She said and continued looking into his eyes. ‘For most of the girls, it’s really difficult to live in our society. From her birth they have to go through many challenges, she faces problems in many ways. Discrimination, love, lust, betrayals, s*xual harassment, acid attacks and many more. I’m one of them, an acid attack victim.’ She said stammering, in just one second her life got up side down. -FLASHBACK- 1 year before! My head was paining, I was having a burning sensation on my face. I tried to open my eyelids and did…
Author: Tanya K
RIDDHIMA Taking slow steps towards my college wrapping my face with my scarf as I don’t want the people to see my worst side. I sighed as I again reached that place where I was coming from last few weeks, fighting with my inner self, trying to make me understand that I’m not weak I’m strong I had bear that unbearable pain so I can bear the taunts and sympathy others will give me after seeing me closely.. Looking at the main gate few tears rolled down from my eyes, since I’m coming in this college my eyes get moist…
Love me like you do… Tum janana chahti thi naa ki mere aur vansh mein kyaa connection hai.’ He said while hovering upon her and caressed her face with his fingers while she nodded in positive. ‘I will tell you but not before this.’ He said and smashed his lips against her while she felt herself being lost in this soft kiss. His hands made their way with their own choice to her bare waist while she moaned in the kiss as he stroked her belly softly and felt butterflies were fighting there in her tummy. You’re the light, you’re…
Don’t do this Vihaan. This is a sin, I can’t cheat my vansh.’ He smiled and bent to her ear level. ‘Don’t worry baby doll you are not cheating your vansh. How can you cheat him when you are with him only!!’ He Whispered in her ears while biting her earlobe as shiver ran down her spines she looked at him with love. Cupping her face she looked at him. ‘Vansh!!’ She Whispered while touching his face trying to be sure that he was her vansh only. She closed her eyes to feel him after so many days but opened…
Lifting her chin by his thum and finger, he rubbed his hand on her neck making her moan. Pinning her arms up on the walls He bent down and kissed her neck slowly & sensually. Tears rolled down from her eyes as Vansh’s picture came in front of her eyes, she looked at the man with moist eyes who was kissing and sucking her neck as if it was his favorite candy. Vihaan!! Duplicate of her husband Vansh asked her for night with him in exchange of saving her from Kabir and stopping Kabir from making everyone see the evidence…
| 1.4 OUR QUEEN | Dedicated to Asleep_in_peace ‘Chalo vansh apne half bro ki kuch khatirdaari karte hai, kyaa kahte ho vansh and princess.’ Said vihaan smirking at Kabir who was wincing in pain and was giving them death glares. Angrey came there with many things for torturing Kabir with as per his boss Vansh’s instructions. Making riddhima sit in the car safely they kissed her forehead softly while she too kissed their forehead saying them best of luck. Angrey took Kabir in another car and drove towards the ‘THE ROOM OF DEATH’, the twins TORTURE CHAMBER. Riddhima’s driver drove…
OK vihaan now I’m leaving for VR MANSION dadi will be waiting for me, or Haan you should be at home by 8 pm no late no early. Is that clear, Mr. Vihaan Raisinghania.’ She said in her commanding voice making him smile you know ‘Barabar ki takar ki life partner’. ‘Yes Mrs. Vansh Vihaan Raisinghania, I’ll be at home at sharp 8 pm.’ He said in a serious tone making her chuckle at his cuteness. Getting up she made her way out from Rihaan Industries but not before hugging him for the last time. Everyone in the office greeted…
| 1.2 OUR QUEEN | Vansh was the first one to wake up after Vihaan who have already left the Mansion for some important meeting. Vansh looked at riddhima who was hiding her face in his chest preventing the sun rays to fall on her face which was disturbing her precious beauty sleep. A small smile adorned on his face seeing his small kid in form of his sweetheart and kept his hand on her face hiding her face more in himself. Kissing her forehead he too slept for some more time in her embrace. After some time Riddhima…
1.1 | OUR QUEEN | ‘Vansh kis kaa intezaar kar rha hai, yeh sundoor le aur bhar de riddhima ki Maang! Shubh kaam mein deri nhi karni chahiye.’ Said the elderly lady looking at her grandson and grand daughter-in-law with a small smile. They looked at each other with unknown emotions. Riddhima looked at herself wrapped in red bridal lehenga standing in the temple of Mansion, in front of idol of Bappa. How can be God so cruel to her, she is standing there ready as a bride but not for her love of life but his duplicate Vihaan.…