Recap sukor confess thier love... Kaustri looks at the time at worries for chakor... Kaustri olv oh no what if…
Recap chakor realises that she loves suraj... Kaustri;chakoriya what happened why r u smiling... chakor ;nothing mai u just made…
Recap suraj realises he loves chakor chakor is starting to realise she has feelings for suraj... Chakor;suraj is that person?have…
Recap suraj pours his heart out to chakor suraj realises that it is chakor he loves... Suraj closes his eyes…
Recap suraj takes chakor away to explain what has been happeing in azaadganj... Chakor;i didnt understand kamal narayan did all…
Recap kamal orders suraj to shootchakor suraj takes chakor to safety.. Writers note;guys in previous episode i included tejswani but…
Im back with my super long episode i hope u guys remeber what happens in the story enjoy...and comment ur…
Recap;sukor go for lunch chakor makes suraj realise that alcohol is not the answer...sukor fall asleep thinking of one another...…
Recap suraj has had enough of kamal chakor is not happy with bhavan and imli... Ranjana;vivaan we need to gain…