
A production designer and amateur pilot. But would love to talk about anything but studies...

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 11) Rishta Likhenge Hum Naya

The journey to Ajmer seemed like it passed away too soon... They got to know a lot about each other,…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 10)

Kristina learns about the whole story. She was embarrassed by her actions and so she decided to help Ratan out…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 9)

It just seemed like a very long journey to Ratan. They finally reached the office of Inlook magazine. All the…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 8)

Hey guys.....I'm back. I know the fuss related to ppk and also that u guys are very sad about the…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 7)

Soon, the surgery ended. Ratan was still waiting outside the door anxiously. Roaming from here and there. It was 1:00am…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 6)

The doctor arrived shortly. Ratan was freaked out he didn't know what to do. His hands were still covered in…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 5)

(The interview finishes as kesar mahal approaches, Ratan walks out his vintage Mercedes) There is pomp and music everywhere in…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 4)

Ratan explains everything to Aarav...everything including his family's visit to Sajjan saa's house, Diya , the circumstances that led to…

7 years ago

Pehredaar Piya Ki- 12 years later (episode 3)

Authors note- First of all guys thank you so much for the appreciation of the last episodes, you don't know…

7 years ago