Zee TV’s popular show Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na is garnering a lot of love and appreciation for its engaging and intriguing storyline. The lead man of the show Avinesh Rekhi who is also essaying a double role in the show enjoys a massive fan following.
The actor has earned his way to stardom as there were times in his life when he faced difficulties finding a role. In a recent interview with India Forums, Avinesh who was recently awarded the title of Best Actor at the Dada Saheb Phalke Award talked about it and shared, “I completed ten years in the television industry on 14th February, and what an amazing way to complete it by receiving the Dada Saheb Phalke Award for Best actor, the person who established the Cinema in our country and gave us the platform to choose this career. I am so glad and happy to be a part of this wonderful and beautiful fraternity which has blessed me with fame, recognition, love, support, and a platform to showcase my talent.”
He further added, “I believe this journey includes a lot of people to thank who have been there with me throughout. To start with, I want to thank the most beautiful people of my life – my parents, my wife, and my kids, who have been there with me through thick and thin providing me with immense and unconditional love and support and without whom this journey wouldn’t have been possible. I am immensely grateful for all the shows that I have done to date, and Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na is one of the most special ones. It has given me an opportunity to play a double role and explore my boundaries as an artist.”