Fan Fiction

AVNEIL-Hamesha saath saath -Episode 16

Sorry for the long delay.I know you all are angry with me.I was busy on my sister’s engagement.As a Keralian the coming days I’am busy with ONAM celebratiin.I’ll try to update regularly.So lets start.Oncemore sorry.

Recap-Parents agreed for Avneil’s friendship.


After somedays.Neil’s home.Avneil came there.Parents was sitting there.

Neil:What plan going on here?
Ashish:Avni,why did you came here?
Avni:I knew that you both are here.So….
Ashish:So lets go.
Prakash:You can leave now.But you all must be here next week.
Avni:Sure Dad.
Neil:Avni girl shut up
Prakash:Then like us said.
Avni:What like said?
Shwetha:Its discussion between parents.
Avni:Sorry lets go.

They left.Next day college.

Neil:Avni,can I ask you something.
Neil:Look our classmate Aleena.

Avni looked at Aleena.Aleena is looking at Neil hiding.

Avni:Yes Aleena..
Neil:She was looking at me everytime from somedays before.I need to know why?
Avni:Why?Whats in your mind?
Neil:Is it love?
Avni:In you or in her?
Neil:In her.
Avni:If she loves you then..did you love her?Do it.Why not?
Neil:Cheap.Are you a friend?
Avni:Oh!Then you ask to her directly.
Avni:Avni, are my Bff.Please.

Avni left.She talk something with Aleena.Neil looked at them.She came back.Her face was desp.

Neil:What happened?
Avni:She loves a boy.I felt sad when I heard his name.He is a fool,losser,angrybird.
Neil:So its not me.How bad boy?Nothing good in him.
Avni:He has..Only onething.He is the bff of this glamourous,cleverest Avni Mehta…Neil Khanna..
Neil:Ok….What?Me?Love?….Am I fool,losser?
Avni:Oh!I did a big thing.Then hear what I said.No questions.Now whats your reply?
Neil:I’ll say to her.

Neil left.Avni showed fake anger then smiled.Neil came near Aleena.

Neil:I love you.

She smiled.

Aleena:I love your heart than your face.Your friendship to Avni.I don’t know I fell for you.
Neil:I didn’t know anything about you.One request.I can’t sacrifice my friendship for our love.Avni is my behalf.Without her I can’t leave.Then no Avneil.
Aleena:No Neil.I’ll never make you far,I’ll make you both near.
Avni:Means?Sorry I came between you both.
Aleena:Its ok Avni.I mean I’ll never came between you.Friendship is precious than love.So bye.

Aleena left.

Avni:She is very good.
Neil:Not than you.You are the first person in my life which I love the most.

They hugged.Aleen-Neil’s love was started & continued.
Precap:Morning.Neil’s room.Neil wakes up.He get up from bed.He picked on head.

Neil:What I drank yesterday?Head is breaking.

Neil looked around.He became shocked.Avni was sleeping in his bed near him peacefully.
How is it?Don’t be angry because of Aleena’s entry.She can make love in Avneil.Image Shritama Mukherji as Aleena.Did I spells correct?Thanks to all those who read,commented & supported my previous episode.Sorry for the mistakes.Keep reading,keep commenting,keep loving.


Nothing permanent than your memmories.

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