Fan Fiction

Avneil Sweetest Love Story Episode 2

Avni: NEIL!!!!!!!!!
Neil: What!!!
Avni: You have the treasure map?
Neil: Oh Shi*, I forgot man!
Avni: Man!!! You think I’m a man? Oh if you need to go Shi* then go back to the toilet!
Neil: Avni, calm down! I thought you were going to get the map!
Avni: Shut Up!! Just because, I’m a girl doesn’t mean I have to get it
Neil: No, of course I didn’t mean that! I mean like you were standing next to the table, where the maps were kept.
Avni: So you are blaming me?

Neil: No!
Avni: Well, it looks like you are blaming me!
Avni gets angry at starts to leave, Neil holds her hands and they both fall on each other
Neil: Damn, I never knew you were that spicy?
Avni: SPICY??
Neil: Don’t get it the wrong way! I mean like you got so angry so that’s why I called you spicy!
Avni: Neil, look I’m sorry! Look, I always react!
Neil: Avni it’s ok!

Neil and Avni tries to get up from the ground but they realise, Neil’s shirt button is stuck to Avni’s hair
They try to untie it, they have an EYELOCK
Karthik disturbs them
Karthik: Oh hoooo, sorry for disturbing your romance

Avni: Shut up Karthik, this is not romance, we fell!
Karthik: Oh, if you guys fell, here is a tip for you, THEN GET UP!! It’s your choice if you wanna romance, I’m not stopping you guys!
Neil: Shut up, Karthik! My shirt button got stuck with her hair!
Karthik: You’re looking HAPPY!!!
Neil: You think I’m happy??
Avniel unties it and they were successful

Avni: I got the map.
Karthik: Hahah bad luck! See I told you Neil, Kahani mein twist hai, bhot sare twist!
Karthik winks
Avni and Neil gets angry
Karthik runs

Avniel starts to chase him
Avni falls
Neil realises and runs to her
Neil: Look Avni, I’m really sorry, are you ok?
Avni: I guess, I mean, I twisted my leg
Neil worries!
Neil carries Avni

Neil started to walk carrying Avni for 5 hours
They sat down in a bench
Avni: My leg is ok now!

Neil: Good, I’m glad you’re feeling nice now
Avni: Thanks
Neil: I’m sorry about Karthik, he is like that
Avni: No problem, I know him for 7 years now, he is crazy
Neil: Let’s leave.
They go in forest .
It starts raining and they accidentally fall over each other.
Avneil smile blissfully and blush.
Avni : Thank god Karthik isn’t here
Neil :yeah

Avni : Now get up stupid
Avniel get up and then…
Avni Let’s go to the hut nearby .
They went inside
Avni : I will ask you questions you will answer.
Neil : Ok
By the time raining stopped
Avni : Let’s hang outside
They reach a small Ice cream shop on the road
Avni smiles at Neil…

Avni- So which flavor U want Jelly bean?(Avni’s pet name is bubby and Neil’s jelly bean)
Neil- Hmm… Chocolate
Avni- Do U like chocolate?
Neil- I love chocolate flavor!
Avni hugs and kisses him
Avni- Seriously We both love the same thing Tillu…
Neil smiles
Avni breaks the hug and smiles at him

Ic’m- Ur Ice cream
Avni and Neil take their Ic’s and sit
Avni- So Tillu…
Neil- Hmm…
Avni- Tell me about U.. Like we have become really close friends now or U can even tell best friends right
Neil- Yes I can tell U are My best friend
Avni- So I’ll ask U questions then U answer

Neil nods
Avni- So first is…Which is your fav colour?
Neil- Blue…
Avni- Blue even my fav color is blue….
Neil- And why do U like blue???
Avni- Is that even a question..
Neil- Just tell U should know why U like that
Avni- Hmm… Bcz U are Blue

Neil- I’m Blue
Avni laughs- Neil means Blue right…
Neil rolls his eyes
Avni- I was kidding….I don’t know why but I like blue maybe bcz my Best friend loves it
Avni- Second one is…When is Ur b’day? whats Ur age
Neil- I’ll be 22 next week
Avni- Seriously ,Me too I’ll turn 22 after a week
Neil- Day
Avni : Wednesday
Neil : So we will celebrate our b ‘day on same day.

Avni- Really !Accha fine next question…. is..
Neil- Wait its my turn now.
Avni- Arey I asked only 2 questions
Neil- Its okay
Avni rolls her eyes
Neil- So whom do U love the most in this world
Avni- Mom

Neil- Ohh… So Ur mama’s girl
Avni gets teary eyed thinking about Aisha and Neela
Avni- Yes I’m…You
Neil : Mom
Avni : You are also Mama’s boy

So they keep asking questions about each other

Precap : Avneil dream


I love my mum dad brother best friend (their are 2) and Avneil.

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