Fan Fiction

Avniel love for life (episode 3)

Niel is above to throw a pillow on her but api stops fighting
Avni : ali tera kya hauga ali
We dont fight with loved ones we fight with enimies this is called playing i really enjoy
Ali gets teary eyes.

Neela’s pov
Im really glad finally your eyes confessed your love for niel .

Fathima looks at ali cying

Riya’s pov
Enjoy avni enjoy soon i ll get my niel back awww .. dont forget im still daya’s grand daughter !!

Why dont we see some nice video its just 9:30 who sleeps so early

Neela : childhood videos ..

Riya: noo ! Too boring why dont we see ananya and niel ‘s marriage video

Everyone get tensed

Aman : exactly even i was not there

Niel : we just got married

Bebe : ya lets see marriage video

Niel stumbles

Avni : No problem bebe go down to tv room i ll get the pendrive

Niel gives a clueless look

Annanya plays the video

Everyone get schocked

Will bebe know avni and niel marriage truth

Pre cap – dd gift for avni and niel


Avniel biggest fan ..! Keep supporting and reading my ff AVNIEl LOVE FOR LIFE !!

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