Fan Fiction

Baby daddy- kkb one shot

Hii guys I am just trying to write a os with a story I liked so here we go I will post it as three shots. First see the introduction and after seeing ur comments I will post the next two shots.

Abhishek mehra- a 22 year old bartender has interst in girls has a big brother purab a gigantic not at all relevant to abhi and lives in an apartment in new York with his bestie Ronnie who is a foodie.

Purab mehra- a 25 year old guy lder bro of abhi looks gigsntic ( not like in kkb) has been joined as a new player for the hockey team rangers in new York now gng to live with a bhi and Ronnie.

Ronnie gupta- bestie of abhi and also known by purab a foodie loves food a lot cannot even live without food lives with abhi in the same apartment and he is the owner of their apartment F-12 which abhi and Ronnie lives loves his friend a lot

Pragya arora: childhood friend and crush of abhi and purab meetshim after their skl but she was always in touch with purab with the help of purab came to know of abhis condition a law skl student looks nice and also has a secret crush on abhi frm her skl days she was fat in skl but now became a hottie

The os starts with abhi and purab entering in to the aprtment

Abhi :Huh? Amazing, right?

Purab :Yeah.

abhi : Bathroom. Bedrooms.

purab :Nice.

purab : I really appreciate you letting me crash here, bud.

abhi :Are you kidding? You’re doing us a favor.
No flush Tony just moved out last week.

purab :You’re sure this isn’t a problem?

Abhi :Seriously, the best day of my life was when I heard you got traded to the rangers.
You’re family. My place is your place, man.

Ronnie:Technically, it’s my place.
Okay, and next time I say, “Hey, let me help you with that,” let’s try “No thanks, I got it.
( gng to purab)” You look like an eater.
So, just so we’re clear, the left side of the fridge is mine.

abhi :I got it. ronnie, come on.(door bell rings abhi goes to open that)
My brother and my best friend– It’s never gonna get any better than this.
The three of us together, there’s nothing that’s gonna stop us.
(sees a baby in the door mat)

Ronnie:Except for maybe that.

abhi :There’s a baby on my doormat.

Ronnie :where did it come from?

Abhi :I don’t know.

purab :But whoever left it, they couldn’t have gotten far.

abhi :Stay there, baby.
Make sure she stays there!

( purab and Ronnie bend to see the baby) ( after some time abhi returned)

Abhi :I’m just saying, for a woman who just had a baby, she moves remarkably fast.
How could she just leave her here?

Ronnie: abhi, you gotta calm down, okay? I’m sure she’s not even your baby.

abhi :Exactly, it could just as easily be your baby, right?
( seeing the baby fair like abhi)

Ronnie: Not so much, no.

purab:And I’ve only been in town an this could not be my baby.

abhi :This is not my baby.
( purab searches the bag kept with the bay)

purab :Wait, wait, wait! Guys, we got a note.
Her name’s ria

abhi :I don’t know any Rias.

purab :The baby’s name is Ria.( bending to the bay which was now in the sofa)
purab :Hi, ria. Hey, abhi.
Did I ever tell you about that hot waitress I went out with named Ria?

Abhi :purab, focus! The mother.

purab :Oh, yeah.

abhi : Who’s the mother?

Purab: Sorry, um, tanu.

abhi :tanu! – Of course.

Ronnie :That’s right.

purab :Who is tanu?

Abhi :She was nice. Actress.

Ronnie :That girl was crazy.

abhi to purab :Does it say anything else?

Purab : Uh, she’s sorry. She didn’t know what else to do.
And she just needs a little time.

abhi : Time? How much time?! ( again hears door bell thinking that would be tanu) And that would be the perfect amount of time.

purab :Oh. That’s pragya.
I gave her a call while you were outside.

abhi : pragya? Fatpants arora? What’s she doing here?

Ronnie :You have a friend named Fatpants? Oh, I’m definitely marking my food.

Purab :pragya’s in law school now.
It took her a while.
I guess the LSAT’s kind of tricky, but trust me, she will know what to do.

Abhi :fat-pants?

Pragya :budhhu wuddhu!
Abhi : Look at you.
You look amazing.
How did that happen?

Pragya :I may have lost a pound or two.
abhi :Hundred.
You sat on my head and gave me a concussion, remember? ronn, pragya.
pragya, ronnie. ( seeing pragyas beaty Ronnie is mesmerized and shows hi to her with all his teeth)
pragya to Ronnie :Hi.
purab side hugging pragya: pragya grew up across the street from us and used to kick the crap out of abhi every day of his life.

abhi :Oh, and congrats on the law school thing.
pragya : Thanks.
abhi: Don’t worry–I know a bunch of people that had a hard time getting in.
( hearing that pragya pinches purab for telling her secrets to abhi)

purab: Ow, ow, ow, ow! –( beds in pain)
pragya :Why did you tell him that?

( suddenly the baby started whining)
Abhi :I didn’t do anything.

precap: abhi was thinking on how to get rid of the baby.

guys pls tell me ur views whether it is postive or negative it seems. this os will not include abhigyas romance but their silent crush and abhi on how will he react to this situation it was a adaptation frm an english serial hope u will like it pls drop ur views whatever may be the view pls comment so that i will know whether it is good or bad love u guys


Always smile, because your smile is a reason for many others to smile...Smile please...!!- love u ABHI sorry shABIr...

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