Episodic Analysis

Bad to worse:: Worse to hell !!!!!!!

Hai guys iam here to just give my views on some of our awesome famous serials which now turned out to be a biggest night mare now!!!!!

I seriously cant understand whats wrong with all the script and screenplay writers….. All are making such stupid irritating shitty melo drama….

The current most annoying drama on television which is aired on zee at 9.00 pm to make our lives hell. The is getting wrose each and every day. It started with Pragya turning against Abhi decades ago just to save him. And iam sure it ends with in 2020. Stupid track. Pragya loves Abhi. Abhi loves Pragya. The meaning of love is to trust others unconditionally. But these writers dont know what love and trust means!!!!!
Abhi biggest Rockstar who once saved pragya from trap of aaliya and tanu by using his brain suddenly turns out be brainless. He should have believed pragya. Atleast from all the incidents like, she exposed Aaliya, Raj, even knowing that he is cause of bulbul’s death she didnt handed over him to police, Made his concert successful, finished her karvachauth in his hands…. So many. But he remains dumb. On other hand pragya thinking herself to be the mother Terasa and most brilliant lady. Atleast she should have trusted abhi that he will listen to her and trust her words. She once should have told abhi and asked him to accompany her plans if he dont have trust in her words. Iam sure Abhi atleast would have thought it once. But no…… And now silly dramas. She takes videos but will not be able to show it. What a idiotic line. She knows that vedio is important then she should save it her email or some thing. Should try to show it to abhi at that night itself but no….The writers doesnt know what to do next and eating our brains.

Another crap is this. Posing hero and heroines as super power and all others are idiots. Nidhi at times becomes brilliant all of a sudden. Messing up the entire line. Give a damn guys. Here again love and trust is questioned???
Ruhi hated her father for his plans but she get to know that she didnt made a warm apology to him. I dont know how in a jail suddenly the rope gets weak and how the hell she got a way out. I dont think our indian jails are so weak. Raman he knows that chip is gonna save ishitha’s life. Atleast he should once checked it once and should have taken a copy of it. But nooo. Come on guys we are far ahead in our technology but u ppl are posing a kiddish thing. And if nidhi wants the child she will get it so easily from hospital. What rubbish. Sarika stayed in that house just by the name of baby Rohit. But once the baby was given to Pallavi the y the hell u ppl cant make her go out of the house. She is conspiring and u know it but still remains dumb. Now some cheap twists. Blaming Ishitha!!! Come on guys grow up!!!

Only a single word…… Cheap!!!!!!!

Whats wrong with u men. So far it was actually good though there are plenty of loop holes and illogicalities. But now total crap. Y do all terrorists always target Pushkar just bcoz its ASP sandhya’s town???? Making all viewers a fool. U ppl can show many other things in a police officer lives like the pressure from.higher authority, politicians conspiracy etc… But you wont. Making line a weary dramatic thing. What happened to Sooraj’s hotel dream VEDANCH. where is vanch. When he is gonna realise his mom and dad and reunite with them. What about Emily’s remarriage? Leaving all these things u r posing silly irritating drama. Its a Police officers duty to charge FIR. but ppl should actually get punished only in court. So Sandhya can easily prove that ARZOO is innocent in court. Leaving all these things she is weeping as if she is a child. She forget to catch that Gul too. Sandhya can share everything atleast with Sooraj but she wont. She did the same mistake in mission Mahabali. She could have informed sooraj that she is not gonna die and on a confidential mission and could have asked sooraj to make her promise that he will not reveal it to his family. But she didnt. Such silly liners. Getting battered with these writers.

Only story in television so far withot any filmy dramatic villianisms.Thank god they are trying to be realistic. I know at some places boring but thats a reflection of our usual lives. The line is so simple that they are trying to show the strongness of relationships and showing it till today. Thats cute. At times irritating but never soo stupidically disappointing. A better drama. Make it the same guys.

Writers totally out of mind and should go and check for a psycatrist. MENTAL……

Guniess record has to be given for their wonderful dragging……Come to senses guys. Initially came out with very good message and should have winded the show before decades but not…….

So far a good start with a nice story line and cute pairing. Bgm is awesome. Lets see what the writers do with this line in future. And pls guys grow up. When u r potraying your lead a tamil girl make justice to it. Dont show stupid tamil cultures. Who told u that all tamilians will always sport Such blazing sarees with so much jewels and men always in Vesthi Shirt and that piece of cloth on shoulders. No yar here too ppl will dress normally like all. But this is a bit perfect than yhm madrasaan. Nice story so far go in the same track.

Thats it guys. We all are just watching serials to just relax and refresh but now a days they are more messing our moods. Lets see what our fav couples gonna do in future. Thank you. Bye.


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