Categories: Badho Bahu

Badho Bahu 29th November 2017 Written Episode Update: Komal passes out!

Badho Bahu 29th November 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Malti ji asks Badho why she woke up. Your Guru ji told you to rest. Komal assures her she slept peacefully while listening to the bhajans she had played. Raghubir ji gives CD of Babita’s fights to Badho to watch. Lucky also advises her to watch them carefully and learn some tricks. Komal agrees to do it. It is a great idea. Everyone goes about their work. Pinki and Kamla ji notice Badho trying to play CD. She shouts Badho and asks her to come with her. All the villagers have gathered outside. Komal tells her she has to watch these CD’s. Kamla ji says you are the captain and there is another game which everyone is playing. Komal tells her about the CD’s that she must watch but Kamla ji forcibly takes her with her. Pinki leaves the CD’s there and goes after them.

Jatta explains the rules

of the new game dog in the bone to everyone in Hindi. Rana and Pinki go first. Rana tells Pinki not to feel bad but she will surely lose the game. Pinki points out that they have to play and see who wins. Words wont do anything. She manages to win. Jitesh complains to Rana that he lost. Pragya and Jatta go next. Vardaan cheers for Pragya. She looks at Vardaan while playing the game and is diverted thinking about how he cares for her all the time. I cannot act anymore. He is a really nice guy. I cannot lie anymore to a nice guy like him. Jatta wins in this round. Pragya stands next to Vardaan. He still encourages her. You seemed lost or you only would have won. Badho and Lucky go next. Lucky tells Badho it doesn’t matter what game this is but it will also teach you something. Tai ji got you busy in this but this will also help you determine the tactic of your opponent. She nods realising he is right. Kamla ji and Pinki go inside stealthily.

Kamla ji and Pinki take the CD’s and smile happily. We will see how Komal will learn Babita’s tactics. Let’s hide them. Pinki tells her to check once that they are taking the right CD’s. Kamla ji is reluctant but then thinks to check them. She inserts the plug in the socket and gets electric shock. Pinki just keeps staring at her in shock. Kamla ji falls down and cries. Whoever listens to you always falls in problems! Pinki helps her stand and takes her to her room.

Lucky and Komal play the game. Lucky manages to win. He tells her to go and do her work now that she has lost. She thanks him realising how he helped. You dint waste my time and even made me happy. He smiles.

Komal is looking for the DVD’s. Few ladies of village walk in. She asks them if they have some work. They say we had some work but we feel you wont be able to do it. Komal says I always do everything. They tell Komal that their husbands / fathers have put their entire money on betting. They are betting on your victory knowing how good you are. It is very important for us that you win! A girl adds that her father has put everything on stake. I know how important it is for you to win this match so I can study further. Just play with all your heart. I have full faith in you. I am sure you will win. Kamla ji reprimands them and sends them back. Kamla ji and Pinki talk very sweetly to Komal next. They give her her favourite food and feed her as well. Komal looks scared. Pinki tells her to eat well as she is going to compete with Babita Phogat. You need lots of strength. Don’t worry about anything. We will take care of you always and will support you even if you lose tomorrow. We will continue to respect Lucky ji and Raghubir Babu ji just like we are doing today. Kamla ji adds that don’t worry about what the ladies just said. Why bother about them? Think about your family though. If you lose tomorrow, though we are sure you will win but there is always a possibility. If you lose then Lucky and your Babu ji wont wrestle ever again. We have so much land. We will make them do that work. Don’t worry. Don’t think that you will lose or what the villagers will do you once you lose! Komal leaves the plate of food and leaves. Kamla ji and Pinki smirk.

Komal paces worriedly thinking about her competition tomorrow. I couldn’t even watch the DVD’s that babu ji gave to me. Why I have so many responsibilities? She thinks of Raghubir ji’s dream; of Lucky’s dream and of Balwinder’s condition. She looks panicked as the words of the villagers echo in her head. I will find peace in the feet of Bholenath only. Kamla ji calls out her name.

Jamuna ji, Malti ji and Kamla ji are sitting together. Pinki ji asks her MIL to come. Jatta ji’s concert will end otherwise. Kamla ji is waiting for Komal. Komal comes there with a sad / dull face. She is walking downstairs absentmindedly and her vision appears to be blurred. She is weighed down by everyone’s words and passes out. Everyone rushes to her side. Malti ji shouts for Lucky who comes there followed by Raghubir ji. He holds Komal in his arms. Are you alright? Pinki points out that she looks pale. Kamla ji wonders if she got a heart attack. Malti ji tells her to say nice things. Kamla ji smiles at Pinki.

Precap: Jamuna ji and Malti ji ask Komal to get up. Babita Phogat is about to come. Doc checks Komal. It seems like she had sleeping pills. She will only wake up when their effect will be over. Pinki hears it from outside and smiles.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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