Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 2nd June 2016 Written Episode Update

Bahu Hamari Rajni Kant 2nd June 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Mathew telling Shaan and Dev to save his robot as the lab catches fire. Amrish comes out of his house and sees fire bursting out of Shaan’s lab. He asks Shaan. Everyone come out. Amrish asks if Rajni came out and says she went inside to give you good. Shaan is shocked. Amrish asks Gyan to call fire brigade. Gyan calls fire brigade. Shaan says I will go inside. Surili asks him not to go. Amrish says I will go. Shaan says Rajni is my responsibility and my creation…..He jumps inside the lab and asks Rajni to activate fire extinguish. Amrish and surili pray for Shaan and Rajni. the family members throw water on the lab. Shaan asks Rajni to come and holds her hands. Rajni stands there smilingly. She gives her hand to Shaan, signing him to lift her. Shaan lifts

her and brings her out of burning lab….Everyone is relieved. Amrish asks Shaan to take Rajni to room. Mathew follows Shaan. Shaguta sees Mathew and goes following him. She says I am so happy that you are here. She says you have come to patched up with me naa. Amrish asks what you are doing here? Mathew says I didn’t come here to patch up and thanked God for not getting me married to you.

Gyan and Dhyan ask how dare you? Amrish asks him not to say anything wrong about his daughter. Surili asks Mathew to forget everything and says we will start afresh. Mathew calls her big fat lady….and asks her not to dare talking to him. Surili asks Amrish to kill him. Amrish asks Surili to bring truck rod…Gyan asks her to give sword, and Dhyan asks her to give nana ji’s stick. Surili asks where it is exactly? Mathew says they are all mad. Shaguta asks why you are speaking like this. Mathew says I am not interested to marry you, I don’t like second hand things….Amrish, Gyan and Dhyan get angry..Amrish asks how dare you? Shaguta says no dad…he is angry. Shaguta asks him to forgive Mathew. Mathew looks angrily. Gyan asks Amrish to take Surili and Shaguta inside and says they will see Mathew. Surili is angry at Mathew. Shaguta says you are misunderstanding Mathew. Gyan and Dhyan ask Mathew to go. Mathew says lab is burnt, but I will not go without my robot….

Shaan asks Dev and Rajni, how did my lab catch fire. Rajni says gasolene can was fallen and because of short circuit it catched fire. Dev apologizes. Shaan says my lab has turned black and says if anything had happened to Rajni then. Rajni blows on his hand and cares for him. Shaan gets moved by her gesture. Rajni blows on his neck….Dev looks on surprised. Dev asks we got fire extinguish program in you and asks why you didn’t you set you off. Rajni says it is between husband and wife, I will tell him only, you just go.

Dev says human and robot can never be husband and wife, he says it is just a curtain for an experiment. Rajni takes out fire from her finger. Shaan tells Rajni that Dev’s point is valid and asks why didn’t you set off fire. Rajni is silent. Shaan says you want to be silent and says I know what is going on in your system. You wanted to know if I have feelings for you. Rajni asks why did you jump in the fire and asks if you have feelings for me. Shaan says I didn’t add any feature of feelings as there is no program for such things. He says you have just logic board and have no emotions. He asks her not to watch TV and get inspired. Rajni says yes said right, but I am speaking about you. She says when you jumped in fire, if it was logical or emotional. Shaan says I don’t know anything about my emotions, and says I am too absent minded. He says my lab is burnt and you put yourself in trouble. He says if anything would have happened to you, then where I would have get your repaired and from where I would have get money. What I would have tell to Amrish and Mathew. He asks her not to harm herself unless there is danger to someone. He asks her to say yes.

Rajni says there was two reasons for my actions. If I would have used fire extinguisher then Mathew would know that I am Rajni, the robot, and not Rajni the human…then it would have your life and death matter. Shaan says I didn’t think about this, and says I got upset and forgot it. He apologizes to Rajni….and kisses on her hand. He says you are the best and says I was upset so shouted at you. He says Shaan is very sad. Rajni says sad is very bad…He goes. Rajni says second reason is that Amrish said Shaan never shows emotions, I have to see that. She says you have proved that you have emotions, but don’t admit it. Very soon you will express emotions. Amrish prays to God and asks him to protect Rajni.

Mathew comes to the burnt lab and asks where is my robot? Shaan and Dev comes there. Mathew threatens them with a gun. Dev cries. Shaan shouts oh no…sir…and takes out robot’s hand from the burnt things. He starts crying and shows the burnt hand to Mathew. He says this was very robot and was burnt in the fire. Robot is shocked. Dev also cries and over acts. Mathew is in shock. Dev hugs Shaan and cries. Mathew shouts no. Shaan says you will earn money again, but what about my hardwork and my youngster days. Mathew says I don’t know and asks him to make robot for him within a month. He asks them to tell at home that they are going for a long holiday. He says my men will come to pick you up at 7 am. They are shocked.

Rajni plans surprise romantic date with Shaan and asks for his autograph. Shaan gives her autograph on tissue paper and it flies away. Rajni forwards her metallic hand to get the tissue. Dev is shocked seeing Mathew seeing the metallic hand coming from terrace.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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