Categories: Balika Vadhu

Balika Vadhu 12th November 2013 Written Episode Update

Balika Vadhu 12th November 2013 Written Episode, Balika Vadhu 12th November 2013 Written Update

The episode starts at the orphanage.The warden asks Shiv and Anandi about their requirement of child, whether they want boy or girl and whether they need new born or grown up child. Anandi says they didn’t have any requirement but if the child is small then the baby will mingles with our family. She asks them to complete the formalities and asks Shiv and Anandi to inform the kid that he is adopted after he grows older. Shiv asks, why? Warden says because if the kids comes to know about it, then he may feel bad. She says I will shortlist the children and will inform you. Anandi and Shiv agrees and signs on the papers.

Sumitra takes Mannu to the hospital. Jagya and Ganga takes him to the ICU for the treatment. Sumitra calls at home and talks to Dadisaa. She cries. Jagya comes

out of the ICU, he tells Sumitra that he will be fine soon. Sumitra blames herself and says what she would tell to Ganga if anything happens to Mannu. Ganga says you didn’t do it deliberately, infact you saved his life. Jagya says Ganga is saying right and you saved his life. Ganga touches her feet and thanks her for saving her son. Sumitra and Ganga hugs each other.

While Alok is cleaning his laptop, Ira asks him to go to some other place. Alok says he will clean the place. Ira says you didn’t listen to me. Alok asks why you are arguing? Ira says, she didn’t like Shiv and Anandi decision to adopt a child. She says they are young and can have their own children. Alok says they are matured enough and we have to support our kids being their parents. Alok talks about giving a good future to the kid. He says we should appreciate Shiv and Anandi. Ira says our blood is ours only. Alok asks about Meenu. Ira says she went to Saachi’s room to give her pudding. Saachi says she don’t want to have. Meenu says she prepared specially for her and asks her to eat.

Meenu says, Anandi can come at any time with the counseller. Saachi gets angry and says she didn’t need counselling. She is fine. She says Anandi bhabhi may send her to the asyllum as she gets happy seeing me hurt. She asks Meenu to leave. Anandi comes with the counseller and hears Saachi’s argument with Meenu. Meenu comes and greets the counseller. Doctor says they will start the session after she calms down. Ira says she gets hyper with small issues. She prescribed some medicines for Saachi.

She says she will feel drowsy and will get a good sleep which is needed for her. She asks them to give the medicines without Saachi’s knowledge. Alok tells her that Saachi made their life miserable. Counseller assures them that she will be fine once the counselling session starts. She asks them to pamper her and be polite with her. Dadisaa comes to Sumitra and says you did wrong being blind in motherly love but your heart is pure, far away from the bad deeds. she says she loves her even more after she has done for Mannu. She recalls the past happenings.

Meenu is talking to Anandi, they looks at Ira. Meenu asks Ira, why she is sitting alone. Ira says she didn’t think even in dreams that her daughter will need a psychiatrist. Anandi tells her that she will fine with counselling. Meenu supports Anandi’s words. She asks Ira not to worried about Saachi. Ira says she heard the medicines are strong on the patients. Anandi says she talked with the doctor and these medicines are to calm her mind. We will not do anything to hurt her. Ira says but, how we will give her medicines without her knowledge.

She will not agree if she comes to know about it. Anandi says we will find a way. She says she will give her medicines. Ira says she gives Saachi’s future in her hands. Anandi asks her to have trust and says I will never let you down. Sumitra calls Suguna’s mother in law and asks whether she accepted Suguna’s child Varun wholeheartedly. She says children don’t differentiate and they realise the love. She says Varun calls me Dadi. Sumitra thanks her and disconnects the call. Mannu comes with Ganga to Sumitra and calls her Dadisaa. Sumitra is touched and takes him in her hands happily. Ganga smiles.

Ira asks Alok whether he remembers the nurse who helped in her delivery. She says she met Sarla after a long time and she has a misunderstanding that I gave birth to a dead child. Alok and Meenu looks shell shocked. Shiv and Anandi too are shocked.

Update Credit to: H_Hasan

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