Categories: Balika Vadhu

Balika Vadhu 19th September 2013 Written Episode Update

Balika Vadhu 19th September 2013 Written Episode, Balika Vadhu 19th September 2013 Written Update

Kesar Bagh:-

Episode begins with Jagya saying by folding his hands I apologize to you by folding my hands please try to understand me Its the most difficult and painful decision of my life All are shocked Jagya says i cannot change this now I cannot marry Sanchi All are shocked and angry Anandi is emotional Alok in anger says to Daddu have you heard him he is saying it is very painful for him to take this decision but i know he is lying Alok shouts its his work to play with lives of people He has already ruined life of two girls one more in the in line how he will feel anything Anandi is emotional feeling for Jagya Alok shouts at Ira you really were so fond of making him your son in law i was tried of saying don’t take proposal for this man Remove this from your mind

but you did not listen to me we will make our Sanchi understand but you did not listen to me and then papa jee and his reasoning Time and a person cannot remain same forever it keeps changing and see the person changed Jagya is hurt so is Anandi Alok shouts no body listened to me A man who could not keep two relationships how he will keep third one? You all must have thought little bit Shiv comes forward and consoles Alok

Anandi is emotionally looking at Jagya Jagya looks at Anandi Anandi says in her mind Jagya why you are giving yourself so much pain so that Sanchi won’t fall down in everyone’s eyes and what about you , yourself are falling down in everyone’s eyes? Jagya signals Anandi No let them outburst on me

Shiv comes to Jagya face to face and asks him Jagdish my family member’s feelings won’t affect you but you would know how this all must be difficult for me to see and tolerate as a brother and as son ?Jagdish you would know this well relationships are neither made neither broken like this thats why it will be better before proceeding this talk further we should sit and calmly talk and find some way Jagya says Thanks Shiv for understanding me you want to talk calmly with me but Shiv no matter how much we talk we won’t be able to find any other way To save your sister from all the pain there is only one way i have told you that and Shiv if we bind this relationship now i can clearly see it won’t be able to continue then its pain neither your family will be able to bear neither mine Shiv is angry at Jagya so are others except Anandi who is crying

Alok shouts to Shiv you hitting your head on a stone He won’s understand because he came after thinking properly to ruin our happiness Shiv angrily says to Jagya enough Jagdish what you think you are playing some game You will give a signal and permission and Sanchi will start loving you will start dreaming about you then you will give a signal and Sanchi will forget her love , her dreams No Jagdish this will not happen if Sanchi’s dreams shattered then she will shatter and i won’t let Sanch’s dreams shatter i will never let this happen Jagya says i really sorry for Sanchi but i am saying this only for saying i ..Mahi comes to hit Jagya shouting at him your but i will make you understand

Shiv shouts at Mahi stop it Mahi i know this is difficult for us but we have to control us we cannot stoop low to this level Anandi is very very emotional Shiv shouts at Jagya i though time would have changed you made you a better human being thats why i was ready to marry my sister with you You remember i came at engagement to you and asked you are happy with this alliance You assured me you are happy with this alliance you know what you are doing now where is your that belief FB’s Shiv asking from Jagya as Sanchi’s brother it is very important for me to know are you happy with this alliance ? Jagya saying to him i know what i am doing don’t worry FB ends Jagya says to Shiv i did not lie to you i wanted to do this marriage but now i realized what is going to happen is wrong Shiv shouts at Jagya this alliance is not wrong wrong are you only you , a wrong person with a wrong thinking we did not beg you for this alliance we started this but we did not force this alliance on you you and your family after thinking properly said yes for this alliance you cannot back out of your words you cannot say No to this alliance Jagya says Shiv i know this all be very painful for Sanchi but her life won’t be finished She will take some time to move on but when she will be able to move on then …Shiv cuts him by shouting enough Jagdish a person like you can never understand how a woman holds herself after a man cheats him The woman who is my wife ask her how she held herself when you left her in midway How she joined her scattered life’s pieces If you would understand a heart of a woman and her feelings then you would know a woman who makes a man her life then how difficult it is for her to live her life without him How difficult it is for her family to hold her and give answers to the questions of society and then again be able to stand in society but you won;t understand this all Jagya is in pain so is Anandi feeling for him Shiv continues his shouting today you are finding this alliance as wrong tomorrow you will feel you were wrong and Sanchi was your right choice Jagya says no Shiv this will not happen ever Jagya folds his hands again and apologizes to everyone i once again want to apologize to you all by folding my hands I know you all will never forgive me ever but today if i did not listen to my heart then i won;t be able to forgive myself ever then i will be responsible for the destruction of mine and Sanchi’s life and i don;t want this Saying so Jagya leaves from there

Shekhars angrily glare at him leaving except for Meenu and Anandi who are emotional Jagya leaves Anandi is looks back at angry faces of her family especially Shiv

Badi Haveli:-

Sumitra is pampering the wedding card and telling to others its very beautiful right ? Gehna agrees rest are too showing their teeth very happy Sumitra opens the card and finds Sanchi’s name wrongly written on it She tells everyone Sanchi’s name is wrongly written is Sachi written She asks from Bhairo how you did not see it before how they can do such big mistake ? Bhairo says Sumitra cards are not printed yet this is only a model that they gave for checking so that if there is any mistake it will be corrected Sumitra says then fine and but do remember to tell them this tomorrow so they can correct it not wrongly print it Such big mistake with my daughter in law’s name this is too much . All laugh Dadisaa says Sanchi is very lucky that she is getting a mother in law like Sumitra if she would be getting mother in law like me then God knows what would have happened with her All laugh

Sumitra gets Ira’s call on her mobile and she happily tells other its Ira jee’s call and attends it She asks Ira how is she ? how is everyone ? marriage preparations will be going in full swing in your house right ?

Badi Haveli and Kesar Bagh:-

Ira does not answer Sumitra is confused and asked her hello Ira jee what happened Ira is sitting with all Shekhars in dark room Ira tells Sumitra Jagdish came here Sumitra happily says Jagya went to your house and he was saying to me maa i wont get even time to breathe but i am his mother i know him so i knew it he wont relax without seeing Sanchi he will definitely go to your house Ira says your came here and went after breaking the alliance with Sanchi Sumitra is shocked black white hearing it like some one died She gets up from her place in shock and wedding card drops down from her hand so does mobile phone Rest are shocked what happened ? Bhario asks her what happened Sumitra is about to have an heart attack Dadisaa and Gehna ask what happened Basant asks what happened Bhairo again asks her what happened Sumitra is having asthama attack Basant picks up the phone from ground and says call is ended Everyone again and again asks from Sumitra what happened Sumitra finally answers coming out of her paralysis crying Jagya broke the alliance with Sanchi . Singhs are shocked black and white hearing Sumitra is crying Dadisaa drops down on her chair again and says devi maa what this boy did ?

Daddu angrily says to everyone i will have to talk to kalyani jee what she is has to say about all this what has happened ? Just then Ira gets call from Badi Haveli she passes her mobile to Daddu answers the call Yes kalyani jee Dadisaa says what Ira jee said to Sumitra is that …Daddu angrily says yes its true Jagdish came here and in one minute like storm destroyed everything and gone Dadisaa is shocked black and white and asks Daddu what did he say? why he said that he must have said something Daddu says he thinks he will not be able to continue with Sanchi They both are very different from each other no match for each other Sanchi won’t feel pain and sorrow after marriage therefore this relationship should be ended right here Dadisaa is shocked and asks about Sanchi how is she? how she felt after hearing all this Daddu emotionally says that poor girl till now does not know the man she loved , have woven so many dreams for whom he left her hand like this She has gone to a friend’s house today to stay for a night with her and we don;t know how we will tell this to her Dadisaa says once Jagdish reaches home i will talk with him then call you Daddu says ok They end the call

Dadisaa asks Basant to call Jagdish ask him where he is and till when he reach here ? Basant calls Jagya but Jagya’s mobile signal is not coming Basant tries again and no signal Basant tell it to others Dadisaa is angry so are others

On road:-

Jagya is driving back home and thinking to himself Till now everyone in the house must have got this news Everyone will be a lot angry with me I with my confusion and not been able to reach any conclusion have made such conditions for my own family where once again they will ashamed because of me but this time i am not feeling guilty or sorry for what i did Once i reached home i will tell them everything and after hearing everything they won’t be angry with me they will understand me My own family will understand me at least they won’t be angry with me I hope that Maa , dadisaa i know that i broke your dreams before they could reach their destination but still i hope that you all will understand me , my pain

Episode ends on Jagya

Voice over – Truth is always hard to accept for people it faces bitterness , revolts , anger and true person is shamed but at the end victory is always of truth A true person is strong enough to face every bitter condition and ,come out successful

Precap :-

Bala tries to rape Ganga in hospital

BH :-Sumitra is shouting at Jagya you are thinking about Ganga you don’t care at all for your family and Sanchi You first stay here and tell us what kaand you did why you did it and how we save our respect because of you You made us ashamed

Update Credit to: mahi

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