Categories: Balika Vadhu

Balika Vadhu 26th October 2013 Written Episode Update

Balika Vadhu 26th October 2013 Written Episode, Balika Vadhu 26th October 2013 Written Update

Sanchi is shouting at Anandi. Shiv comes and asks her to shut up and says he knows who is telling the truth and who is lying. He looks back and Sanchi’s friend, Payal comes out. Sanchi is shocked to see her. Payal tells her, I am sorry.. I know that as your friend, I had to keep your secrets as secrets.. but I also had to stop your craziness for your better future. Payal tells everyone that whatever Anandi said is true. Sanchi loved Jagdlish, but had no feelings for his family. Whatever she did was just a drama to impress his family so they accept her. Whatever she said in the coffee shop, came from her heart. She was planning to separate Jagdish from his family since start. I felt very bad and I wanted to explain to Sanchi that this is not right.. but before that.. all this happened.

And when Anandi bhabhi told me that by me telling the truth, not only Jagdish’s future will be saved, but also Sanchi will come out from this craziness and will be able to move on in her life, I also felt that this is the right time to do something for my friend. Sanchi shouts, you liar! She tells Ira that Sanchi and Shiv bhaiya provoked Payal against her and don’t know how many games they will play to save Jagdish. Shiv raises his voice and says, stop it Sanchi! Now there is no point for all this. Your truth is out now. Sanchi cries and tells Ira, look what Shiv bhaiya is saying.. I am his younger sister, but he still doesn’t trust me.. and trusting Anandi instead. My best friend, my brother.. no one believes me. Now you all must be thinking that I am wrong. Why did I get saved? Why am I alive? It would had been better if I had died on that day.. at least I wouldn’t have to suffer from this insult and pain. All this happened because of Anandi bhabhi. She acted being good in front of everyone, and on the other hand, she separated Jagdish from me and made him to marry Ganga. And slowly slowly she separated me from my brother too. I feel she saved me just because her revenge wasn’t over. Sanchi then says, congrats bhabhi. I have not only lost to my best friend, brother, but also to my entire family. Ira has nothing to say now. Ganga is looking angrily at Sanchi.

Sanchi continues, I am liar.. everyone leave me alone.. everyone hate me.. because that is what I deserve. I am a liar, dishonest, cunning. Ganga says loudly, for the first time you said something right about you! Everyone now looks at Ganga. Ganga walks towards Sanchi. She tells her, you’re indeed liar, dishonest, and cunning. Whatever you’re doing right now is nothing, but a drama.

Ganga tells everyone, whatever you found about Sanchiji, if that’s not enough, then I would also want to say some truth about her. Whatever Sanchiji told me last night, you all must hear it. Sanchi says, just shut up.. and raises her hand to slap Ganga, but Ganga blocks it solidly. She looks at her with junoon and says, enough, Sanchiji. Whatever you did till now.. you did.. but not anymore! I won’t let anyone bring more troubles in my husband’s life! She takes out her phone and plays Sanchi’s confession which she seems to have recorded previous night. Everyone is more surprised and shocked now! Sanchi takes few steps back now and looks down embarrassingly. Ira just cannot believe all this. Shiv seems very angry.

Sanchi still tells Ira that its all a trap.. she never did this. Now it’s Dadisa’s time. She loudly says, ENOUGH! She tells Sanchi, your lie proved a truth once more.. that the Goddess is always there to protect my family. I was hurt so much when Jagya broke rishta with you, but now I just get scared wondering what would have happened with my family and house if he had married you. She then tells Ira, and you.. you blamed Anandi. Now you know that she didn’t support her maayka, but supported the truth. I hope that you all will respect my daughter now. About your daughter, she did everything to destroy my family.. and I should be cursing her, but I can’t forget that I am an elder and I have a relationship with you. I will just say that you give good sense to this girl (Sanchi). Teach her that truth is like flowing water.. no matter what comes in between.. it finds its way.

Sumi’s turn now. She tells Sanchi, I won’t forget you until I die. I trusted you more than my own son.. I wanted to give Anandi’s place to you in my house, but you? She just walks away. Other Jagya’s family members follow her and leave from there.

The case hearing resumes..

Jagya looks at everyone and seems confused seeing happy faces of his family members, and sad and angry faces of Sanchi’s family members. The judge asks Sanchi if she’s fine.. else they can set a new date for the hearing. Sanchi’s lawyer says, due to some new developments, my client, Ms. Sanchi, wants to take her statements back. Jagya is shocked! The lawyer continues, and as this case is registered by Rajasthan government with her statements, they don’t want to take this case forward now. The judge says, strange! and asks for the reason. The lawyer says, she took this step in rush and in some emotions. I will request not to take this as her mistake, and looking at mentally unstable condition, give approval to end this case here. The judge says, being a senior lawyer, it was your duty to help your client taking correct step by knowing every small detail in start.. if that had happened, then court’s time wouldn’t have wasted.. anyway.. looking at Ms. Sanchi’s request, this court allows Rajasthan government to take this case back, but being a citizen, Ms. Sanchi should know that there are many pending cases.. and it’s both morally and lawfully wrong to waste court’s time.. for this and also for the suicide attempt , Ms. Sanchi will have to pay fine. By suspending all the accuses, this court is releasing Mr. Jagdish with all respect. Ganga is extremely happy. Other Jagya’s family members are happy, while All Shekhars look very embarrassed.

In the lobby, Jagya thanks his lawyer. The lawyer congratulates him and says, you’re welcome! You’re a free man now. The lawyer leaves. Jagya turns and Ganga is standing there and looking at him emotionally. Jagya walks to her and both have an eyelock. Maanja song plays in the background. Jagya holds her hands. Ganga cries and Jagya wipes her tears. He nods her not to cry. Ganga smiles. They both are holding each others hands. Bhairo, Dadisa, and Sumi are standing at a distance and watching them. Dadisa is smiling. They go to them. Bhairo gives a tight hug to Jagya. He says, I knew that truth won’t lose. You didn’t do any mistake, so there was no way court would have punished you. I am very happy. He praises Jagya’s patience in the court. Dadisa gives blessings to him and apologise to him. Both share an emotional hug. Jagya now moves to Sumi. She first turn away her face, but then hugs him. Bhairo gestures Ganga to go to Dadisa and Sumi. Ganga touches Dadisa’s feet and takes blessings. Ganga is very happy after getting blessings from Dadisa. Sanchi’s family comes out now.

Jagya stands in between the both families. All Shekhars are very embarrassed. They keep their faces down as they can’t even face Jagya and his family. Ira and Daddu join their hands to Jagya and his family. Screen freezes on Anandi’s face.

Voiceover: Blind endearment towards your child does not only harm his/her future, but it can also become a reason for family’s embarrassment and troubles.

Precap: Shiv joins his hands to Jagya and apologise.
Anandi tells Ganga, I can’t tell you how happy I am for you both! You’re perfect partner for Jagya.
Jagya advises Sanchi, a person is not wrong after making mistakes, but is wrong when he/she refuses to learn a lesson from his/her mistakes. How an ideal girl should be.. is present in your house only, Anandi.

Update Credit to: Shreya

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