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Balika Vadhu 27th September 2015 Written Episode Update (Maha Episode)

Balika Vadhu 27th September 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Jagya and Anandi searching Disa and Nimboli at the bus station. The Police shows the photograph to the people. Nimboli tells Disa that she is very thirstly. Disa asks her to come. She knocks on someone’s house and asks the men to hide them somewhere for 5 mins. The Police team comes there and search for them. The man asks Disa why she is running from Police. Disa tells that their life is in danger and asks to let them hide in his room. The man agrees. Anandi, Jagya and Anant are in the car. Jagya asks Anandi not to worry and says they will find them. Anandi looks at Nimboli’s pic and says she wants to know about her daughter eagerly. Anant says you will get your daughter soon and then everything will be fine. The police team comes to the same house and asks the women

present there to show their faces. The man gets angry at the Inspector. Other policeman takes him from there. Disa thanks the man. The man says we are banjaran and prays for their safety. Nimboli asks why we are hiding from Police. Disa says I will tell later. Harki cries for Kundan. Kamli asks if you miss him so much, then why don’t you bring him infront. She says everyone knows about Kundan’s doings now, and says he will be caught soon. Harki gets angry and says you are responsible for Akhiraj’s arrest. She says he did a mistake by bringing you here after your inlaws died. She says I did a mistake by rescuing you from Akhiraj. It would be good if he would have killed you with Gopal. She attacks her, but Kamli protects herself. She says Akhiraj is old criminal, and you have become one like him.

Disa and Nimboli try to step on the bus stairs, but just then hears Police jeep siren. The bus goes. Nimboli asks what we will do now. Jagya asks the Inspector to show pics to people in the buses. Nimboli asks why we are hiding? Disa says Akhiraj sent bad police officer to arrest us. Disa sees Anandi coming towards them and hugs Nimboli, stopping her from looking at Anandi.

Anant shows the photo to the conductor and comes to know that they got down the bus. He informs Jagya. Nimboli says I understood why did we left the bus as Police came here. Disa says we will take this bus. Conductor gets down the bus and tells that the bus is full of passengers and asks them to take another bus. Disa thinks Jagya and Anandi will return soon, so they have to take this bus only. They climbs and sit on the car’s rooftop.

Ganga informs Dadisaa that Jagya came to know about Nandini. She says Jagya called Anandi there. She says Nimboli is Anandi’s Nandini and tells Akhiraj is the one who had kidnapped Nandini. Dadisaa asks her to call Anandi. Ganga calls Jagya. Jagya gives the call to Dadisaa. Anandi cries and tells that she didn’t get her daughter as Akhiraj’s bhabhi eloped with her. She says we were searching them. Dadisaa says why did she elope with her. Anandi says Mangla ji loves Nandini and told about Akhiraj’s doings. She says Mangla ji might be afraid that we will take away Nandini and that’s why eloped with her. Dadisaa asks about Shivam. Anandi says Nidhi is with Shivam, and Anant is with them. She says we are going to Police station to meet Akhiraj, may be we get some clue about Mangla. Dadisaa says okay and says Mangla should understand your pain.

The Police Inspector stops the bus and asks his men to search the bus. Disa wakes up Nimboli and covers them with tarpaulin cover. The constable gets on the bus roof top and tells there is no one here. Inspector asks him to get down. Disa and Nimboli are seen hiding . Just then constable hears Disa’s voice and gets on the bus roof top again. He thinks he heard voice coming from here and then thinks it might be his thinking. The Inspector lets the bus go. Disa and Nimboli take a sigh of relief. Kamli brings Pushkar to her room. Harki scolds Kamli for bringing Pushkar to her room and asks did she forget his beatings? She says your father will kick you both. Kamli asks till when you will live in illusion, and tells Akhiraj will not back. She says even Kundan will not be back and asks her to behave like a human. Harki tells her that Disa eloped with Nimboli, leaving her alone in the house. She says you have no one at your side. Kamli looks on. Harki goes. Kamli says you didn’t know what happened before Disa went from here.

A flashback is shown, Kamli asks Disa why you are packing Nimboli’s stuff? Disa tells Jagya is taking Nimboli away from them. Kamli asks what about his promise? Disa says Nimboli’s real mum was found and that’s why he has broken the promise. Kamli asks who? Disa says Anandi is her real mum. Kamli is shocked. Disa says Anandi gave birth to Nimboli and she is my daughter’s real mum. She says she is not my Nimboli, but Nandini, Anandi’s daughter. Kamli asks who told you this? Disa says Jagya told me about this.

A flashback in a flashback is shown. Disa showing Nimboli’s stuff to Jagya, and he identifying the stuff. He then informs her that Nimboli is Anandi’s daughter Nandini. Kamli is in tears and says Anandi is Nimboli’s real mum. She says Jagya promised us that they will not take Nimboli. Disa says now we don’t have anything and asks how to stop Nimboli from going. Kamli asks Disa, how will you stay without Nimboli? She says you have protected her all these years and loved her much. She says Anandi gave her birth, but you have protected her and have first right on her. She says Nimboli is your daughter……Disa cries and hugs her asking what shall I do. She says I can’t live without my daughter. Kamli asks her to elope with Nimboli. Disa asks what you are saying? Kamli asks her to go far from here, so that no one can separate you both. Disa says what we will do? How to feed and brought her up. Kamli says I will give you money, and asks her to pack her stuff. Disa looks at Nimboli. Kamli asks her not to think and elope from here. Flashback ends. Kamli says you have done good by accepting my idea, and prays they stay together always.

Constable informs Akhiraj that MLA Jagya came to meet you. Akhiraj thinks Jagya might want to give him one chance and gets happy. He comes to Jagya and says I knew well that you will give me one chance. He says people are jealous of me and that’s why conspired against me. He takes Devi Maa’s promise and says I never did anything wrong in my life. Jagya says Devi maa might forgive you, but one Maa will not forgive you. He moves and shows Anandi standing. Akhiraj is stunned seeing Anandi. He recalls Anandi stopping Kundan’s marriage with Pooja. A flashback is shown. He recalls kidnapping Nandini while Anandi cries. She comes near him and looks at him angrily.

Anandi slaps hard on Akhiraj’s face and grabs him collar asking where did Mangla take my daughter. Akhiraj shouts and says this is the master card for him. He asks her to free him from Police arrest, and he will give her daughter in return. Anandi looks on.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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