Categories: Bandhan

Bandhan 27th October 2014 Written Episode Update

Bandhan 27th October 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mahesh says get out of my house. Right now. Bhao picks his teddy bear and leaves. Mahesh turns to prabha in anger.

There, the race is going on. The pupils change their team as ganesh is not running. he is very slow. Sanju is near the line. Raghav makes fun of darpan. ganesh sees the bananas but then recalls darpna’t words. There is a dig in the way sanju is going from. He tries to jump it. He does it. Everyone claps for him. He says that elephant will never be able to jump.

Mahesh grunts why you let him come in/ Prabha says he was fainting outside. He says why you dont understand. he says very dangerous. Prabha says I know his brother is in jail. But that doesn’t mean he is also a hunter. maybe you are wrong. He says don’t intrude in my work prabha. I never

interfere in the household. Prabha says this wrong. I don’t do anything without your consent. Why are you talking like that? He had an asthma attack. Mahesh says listen he is very dangerous he can do anything. stay away from him. Mahesh syas vishwas rao will never enter this house again. prabha leaves.

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Darpan and ganehs reach the dig. Darpan says he will never be able to jump it. Raghav and his pals make fun of ganesh. Darpan says lets go ganehs leave this race. Darapna says why are you all after my brother? Raghav says you say your brother is very smart. Ganesh changes his way. darpan says where are you going from ganesh? Darpan follows him. There is a net. Sanju stops for a while and says I will sleep here for something. I am tired. Raghav says okay rest here and we will go to finishing like and prepare for your championship. Darpan says leave it ganesh you don’t need to end this race. Ganesh breaks the net. Darpan smiles. raghav is preparaing for Sanju to win. He says my brother will be the champion. He sees ganesh passing by ganesh. He screams sanju wake up. He is coming. Darpan says run ganesh you will win for sure. Sanju is trying to chase him. He passes ganesh by. Sanju trips over and gets a bruise if his knee. He is still running. Thye are both level. They are both near the lice. Ganesh finishes the line. Sanju and Raghav are upset. Everyone cheers for ganehs. darpan says you won golu. Darpan and ganesh gets the crowns. Daran says y brother is the best.

Scene 2
Mahesh says , prabha I came home early so we can go for Diwali shopping. she isn’t listening. He says you are bugged because of that vishwas rao. Se says why should I say anything I have no right to say anything. I just have to run this amchine. He says I said a little too much. She says you just said the truth in anger. Ganesh and darpan come in. DArpan tells thme that ganesh won the best brother competition. darpan says he beat the race champion. Darpna syas I made a lot of new friends in the school. Prabha says go and get fresh, darpan says can I bring my pals home? Prabha says ask your friends. We can’t do anything without asking. Mahesh says she is just joking. she does everything. prabha says I am the servant of this house. Mahesh says you mom makes fuss of everything. Mahesh says you ai is so innocent. Prabha says no one can fool me. Darpan says wahts happening ?

DArpan says we have to do something golu. Darpan says we have to bring them somewhere. ganesh shows the water tank. She says fill water and throw it on me. I won’t scold at you. He throws water on her.

Mahesh is leaving. Prabha gives her list of stuff for Diwali. he says we go together every where. dapran says ai baba this golu threw water on me. Prabha sys he must be kidding. darpan says I think he gets bored and I can’t take him anywhere. I get bored as well. But I know you both are busy. Mahesh says I am free ask you ai. prabha says your baba is busy its like he ahs responsibility of whole world. Mahesh says tell me where will we go? darpan says we are going on beach. Prabha goes home .

Precap-bhao gives gifts to darpan and says keep them in your car and don’t tell anyone.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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