Hello everyone ……Thank u guys for ur lovely comments…..I think many of u are busy in ur exams but I would like if u would comment…even a word would do…. Okay lets go to the next part…….
====Early morning====
Sanskar had returned and was standing in front of Ap and Dp while Swara was still sleeping with tear stained face in the same position i.e. in sitting position with her head on the bed…
Ap:Sanskar whats all this???In front of Swara we didn’t ask anything but why did u all this and u told that u would return after few days,then how come u came early…..
Dp:Sanskar did Swara agree for the marriage because seeing her it was clearly evident that she is broken …..Plz Sanskar tell us whats the matter ……Its really scary…..
Sanskar:(went to them and made them sit on the sofa and sat on his knees in front of them and took their hands in his hand)Mom….Dad…do u trust me???????
Ap/Dp:Of course beata…..
Sanskar:Mom..Dad I can’t tell u now but it was necessary for Swara’s life…. To save her life I had to take this step and she doesn’t know all this and I don’t want her to know also….. And plz don’t force to reveal anything now …..I’ll tell u all when time will come…… But till then I want a favour from u….
Ap:(smiles and cups his face)I’m with u …..
Dp:(interrupting and looks at Ap)We are with u…..
Ap:What we have to do???
Sanskar:Nothing much……just keep Swara happy… I know she is very upset with me and after separating from Arnav she is broken …….
Dp:(shocked)Arnav broke relations with Swara?????But why????
Ap:(equally shocked)Is it because of this marriage ?????(He nods)If so then why didn’t u tell him about the reason??????
Sanskar:Mom…. I can’t tell u now …..Anyways…I’ll go and see Swara……
Saying this he went to his room whereas on the other hand Arnav reached home and entered his room only to find Khushi sitting worried on the bed……. As soon as Khushi saw him she ran to him and hugged him…..
Khushi:Arnav…..where did u go????I was so tensed…. Are u okay????
Arnav:(avoiding eye contact)Yeah Khushi….I’m fine….. Why are awake????
Khushi:(confused at his behaviour but ignored)I was worried for u …And after what happened in the night……..
Arnav:(sleeps by covering himself with the comforter)Khushi…. I don’t want to talk about that……. plz switch off he lights……
Khushi:(to herself)I know Arnav ur hurt but I cant see u like this …..I will have to do something to bring u and Swaru together …….
===In Swasan’s room===
Sanskar reached his room and saw Swara sleeping in the sitting position …..He looked at her sadly and went towards her and picked her up and carefully placed her on the bed and covered her with the comforter and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and when he was about to leave he felt a sudden pull and landed on Swara but before he would crash with her he kept both his hands on her either side and then saw that her mangalsutra was stuck with his shirt’s button…..He slowly sat on the bed and started entangling the mangalsutra very carefully as not to disturb her sleep……. While he was busy in this Swara slowly opened her eyes and seeing him so close she jerk him and just in the nick of time he was successful in entangling the mangalsutra and because of the sudden jerk he was startled….. He looked at her and then seeing her anger he pretended as if he doesn’t care…….
Swara:(jerks him)What the hell were u trying to do????
Sanskar:(shocked but composes himself)Oh hello don’t use ur brain too much….. I was just removing ur mangalsutra which tangled in my shirt button….(whispers)Btw u don’t have it only…..
Swara:What ?????What did u just say???? I don’t have brain????
Sanskar:(giggles)See u urself accepted this…..
Swara:(points finger to him and stands on the bed)U…Gabbar singh……. (I love the way Helly tells Gabbar Singh in Devanshi)
Sanskar:(smiles seeing her back to normal)Come again…. Did u just call me Gabbar Singh????
Swara:Yes u are Gabbar singh….
Sanskar:But ur my Heartbeat only….
Swara:(turns her face)No I’m not…..
Sanskar:Huh….Angry Bird…..Anyways….. Get freshen up and then we’ll down for breakfast….
Swara:(turns to him)I’m not hungry……
Sanskar:I’m not giving u any choice…..I’m telling u ……
Saying this he leaves her and Swara sits down on the bed and cries remembering Arnav….
******To be continued*******
I think this was pretty long ……And hope all my readers will comment ….just a word would do…. Will try to post when I get time……
Diiiiiiiiiiiii u r superbbbbbbbb…………….
I have read all ur parts today only I guess from 28 episodes to ur 39th episode and each and every part is just awwwweeeeesssssoooommmmeeee………………………….
U r a expert writer I know I didn’t commented from many parts but what to do a lil busy with studies as exams r there even now also my exam r going on so I’m sryyyyyyyyy
Please forgive ur lil sisss
Post next part soon waiting eagerly for it
Love u……….tc…………
This is too short praju…. No pblm post next part longer…. And this is amazing… I too love it when she calls him as gabbar singh
Just loved it kiddo…… Please update soon
Awesome praju…but it’s too short dear…try to post longer ones dear…
it was not at all long…
give some long episodes
Wowwwww it’s too good, I loving it more and more. It become one of my favourite for which I used to wait desperately , plssssssss update next part soon na can’t able wait to for further story.
Awesome dr….
Nxt one soon…
Awesome dear
toooo shooooooorrtttttt huh!!!! what mean of gabbar singh ?
Awesome dear..