Fan Fiction


Hello lovely friends and thanks to all those who commented and who didn’t I’m angry on them…….Okay just joking guys because I know all are busy in exams but I want all my cute and awesome readers back and today sorry in advance because its a small part and moreover even I have my exams so just thought to give and update before sitting to study……. Again sorry if u find it boring and I want to know how many of u are not liking the track ….feel free to share and honestly give ur views……..
By the way HAPPY HOLI IN ADVANCE because this is the only chapter of this week ,next one on wednesday…….

The day passed and Swara was still upset and Ap and Dp were with her trying to divert her mind ……There Arnav and Sanskar were trying all possible means to find the person behind all this mess because after the last call Arnav didn’t get a call for the property ……Both were worried thinking about the next move of the person……
***In Swarn Mansion***
Khushi was setting her wardrobe when maasi came there……
Khushi:Ji Maasi….Kuch kaam tha kya??????[did u have any work]
Maasi:(makes her sit on the bed)Khushi….. We can’t change what has happened and I think that u should now concentrate on ur family……
Khushi:(confused)What do u mean???
Maasi:(cups her face)Beta …….Now Swara is married ,so stop worrying about her and concentrate on ur family…….
Khushi:(removes her hands which were cupping her face)Swaru is also my family Maasi…… And most important thing…..U know na I love Arnav more than anything in this world(maasi nods her head)And I know that Swaru is Arnav’s world……Maybe he can live without me but without Swaru…. he will die ….the way he is dying now….I don’t know maasi why is he behaving so weird but there is something which is not right because he can go to any extent for Swaru’s happiness but what he did yesterday was something which he would never do in his wildest dreams……
Khushi:And Maasi ur asking me to move on……But how can I move on without Arnav being on my side ……….If Arnav is my world then Swaru is Arnav’s world ,so Swaru is my world too……. So until I bring my family back,I’m not going to back off…..
Maasi:Okay…. I understood……Now tell me whether u have started peparing for tomorrow or not….
Maasi:Khushi……Tomorrow is holi …….
Khushi:(hits her head)Oh yess……..I’ll start preparing then……
Maasi:I’ll help u…….

****In MM****
AP was busy ordering the servants about the Holi preparations while Dp was out for some work and Swara was in her room staring at Arnav’s pic with moist eyes…..She heard some noises from outside and moves out and finds Ap doing the preparations for holi and she walks to her…..
Ap:(cups her face)Baccha…… What happened are u fine???????U want something????
Swara:Shall I help u???
Ap:(thinks)Hhhmmm….Okay u fill these plates with ur favourite colours…..
Swara goes and starts filling the colours when she remembers something and smiles to herself which was noticed by Ap….
Ap:(sita beside her)What happened Baccha?????
Swara:(There was a sudden shine in her eyes)Maa u know every year only on holi I used to get up before Bhaiyu and then slowly used to go to his room and then used to makes different designs on his face and then click so many photos and selfies with him and when he used to see himself in mirror ,(laughs while telling)He used to shout as if he had seen a ghost…. But still he never scolded me and u know he used to be awake when I would paint his face and just pretend to sleep…..He loves me so much …….Maa…Even tomorrow also…. (realises),,But this year…….
Ap:(hugs her)This year also u would celebrate ur holi with Arnav ……
Ap:Haan……And btw its Arshi’s first holi after marriage and (in a low voice) even urs….
Swara:(hugs and kisses her cheeks)Thank u so much Maa……I love u…..
Ap:(kisses her forehead)Love u too…..
Soon the preparations were done and Dp called Arnav and told him about the Holi party and refused to hear any excuses and forced him to accept the invitation…. Here Swara and Arnav were happy and seeing them Sanskar and Khushi were happy…….
Precap:Holi Party in full swing….
Arnav and Swara to drink Bhaang……
Sanskar to find his first suspect…


Currently writing BANDHAN and A HERO"S LOVE STORY

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