Fan Fiction


Well I don’t know whether to be happy or sad ….. Well happy coz I find some new readers and sad coz I think some of my old and regular readers are losing their interest and I’m really sorry for that ….So a very very very very big thank u to all ur sweet comments and a big big big sorry whose expectations I’m not able to reach…. Anyways I have thought of writing another story exclusively on my cute Swasan ….Its intro is on its way…..
Link for the previous part: Here

Link for previous all patrs: Here

If anyone interested can read my other ss: Click Here

While on one hand Swasan were sleeping cuddling into each other and there on the other hand Khushi was taking back Arnav to Swarn Mansion…. She told Ap and Dp and along with Maasi left the party(No one noticed them)……Here Ap and Dp were seeing off the guests….Just then Avinash Singhania(Nikhil’s dad) came to them …….
Dp:So Mr.Singhania hope u enjoyed the party…
Avinash:Of course …. I enjoyed a lot….. Anyways Thanks for the invitation and Congratulations….
Dp:(confused)Why Congratulations????
Avinash:Come on Mr. MAheshawri …. After all ur one and only son got married…..
Dp:Oh Thanks ….(Ap calls him)Anyways see u soon…..
Avinash:(with a unknown smirk)Yeah really very soon……
***In Swarn Mansion***
Arnav was walking here and there while Khushi was having a hard time handlinh him ….
Khushi:Maasi…Even ur tired …Plz go and rest ….
Maasi:Ok beta and take care of Arnav and u also rest ….

Khushi came with Arnav to their room and as soon they entered Khushi left him all of a sudden and went and closed the door….Arnav was walking here and there….
Arnav:(singing)Bala..m …..pich…ka…ri……… shara….bi…..ho….gayi…..
Khushi:(serious)Arnav stop this drama right now……
[Hawww….. Khushi very bad …. Arnav is drunk baba…….]
Arnav:(goes to her and twirls her)Jaanu….meri jaan……… Main tere kurbaan……
Khushi:(comes out of grip and angrily)Arnav I said stop all this because I know that u have not taken any bhaang…..
Arnav:(looks on shocked at her and stops his drama and looks at her)Khushi…..
[Oh god Arnav u were acting …..U should get an award my second hero…..first is Sanskar na…]
Khushi:I from the starting knew that u didn’t drink the bhaang which I sent through the waiter …Because I saw u throwing away that drink ….And now I want to know the complete truth…
Arnav:(avoiding eye contact)Which truth are u talking about????
Khushi:(smiles sadly)I got to know half of the truth from Sanskar and I want to know the other half from u …..U know Arnav I thought that U TRUST ME….But may be I’m still not able to make place in ur heart and still not gained ur trust….Its okay if u don’t want to tell me but by doing all this ur hurting Swaru and moreover urself and seeing u two sad I get hurt….

Arnav:(shocked to hear her and immediately hugs her)Khushi….Plz never say that I don’t trust u …. ur a very important part of my life and I’m sorry to hurt u….But I didn’t want u to get worried so I didn’t tell u anything…..
Khushi:(crying in his arms)But Arnav it hurts to know that the person u love the most is hiding things from u and moreover its troubling u and hurting Swaru….Plz I want to know why u and Sanskar did this?????
Arnav:(parts the hug and wipes her tears and makes her sit)Okay I’ll tell u but after knowing u’ll behave the same way as u did before knowing the truth …(she nods her head)But why did u give Bhaang to me and Gudiya????
Khushi:(innocently)So that u two could spend sometime with each other and knowing that u were on purpose behaving with Swaru rudely I thought to at least bring a smile on ur two’s face which was missing from so many days….But if u were not drunk then why did u act???

Arnav:HHmmm…There are two reasons….(Khushi asks him through her eyes)First is that I was missing my Princess and wanted to spend sometime with her and the other is that someone was keeping an eye on us…
Arnav:Actually…..(He tells her all the truth…. About the phones ,attacks on Swara and then Sanskar love and then his decision and then his and Sanskar’s plan)….So now we are trying to find the person behind all this …..
Khushi:Don’t worry Arnav I’m sure we’ll find that person …..By the way what next???
Arnav:We are trying to trace the person and waiting for that man’s call…..Anyways I’m tired and now even u take rest ….
Soon both doses off in each other’s embrace……..
—In the Evening—
Swara was cuddling on the bed hugging a pillow and a sweet smile playing on her lips…. She wakes with a heavy head and finds it difficult to open her eyes….She slowly manages to open her eyes and looks around and finds herself in Sanskar’s room ….oopps their room and then he looks at herself and finds herself in her night suit…She becomes shocked and looks around to find Sanskar….
Swara:(monolouge)How did I come her and my clothes….I was wearing lehanga ….then who changed it ….Did he….No….No…..He won’t do anything like this….But what if he ????(holds her head)Bhaiyu…..My head……
[Offo this girl….Instead of maa or mumma ,she here is also telling Bhaiyu but he is everything to her na….So chalta hai…]

She manages to come down and finds Sanskar sitting and discussing something with Dp and Ap preparing for dinner…She goes to Ap….
Ap:(sees he coming and forwads her hand)Swara….Come here my Baccha…
Swara goes and sits beside Ap and keeps her head on Ap’s shoulder and closes her eyes while Ap kisses her forehead…Dp and Sanskar smile seeing their bond….
Ap:(forwarding her a glass of lime water)Swara….Beta have this…u’ll feel good…
Swara:(opens her eyes)But Maa why is my head paining????
Ap:Because u drank bhaang wali thandai….
Ap:Yeah….. So now drink this lime water u’ll feel better….
Swara:(taking the glass)Thank u Maa…..
Precap:Swara is running behind Sanskar taking a knife ….
Khushi finds Maasi going out in the mid night alone…..


Currently writing BANDHAN and A HERO"S LOVE STORY

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