Categories: Bani Ishq Da Kalma

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 6th November 2013 Written Episode Update

Bani Ishq Da Kalma 6th November 2013 Written Episode, Bani Ishq Da Kalma 6th November 2013 Written Update

Scene 1:
Location: Jia’s residence
Anu walks inside with parmeet and other guests, while bani is asked by a relative to go and get dressed. she is distracted and misses seeing the groom, and moves to her room. Bani is unable to see meet, hence is oblivious that its actually her parmeet only. Parmeet too is oblivious that his first wife, is there in the house of his would be second wife. After parmeet is seated, the girls begin teasing parmeet about Jia. parmeet is hoping that this drama ends soon. The girls announce jia’s arrival, and parmeet finds jia ascending down the stairs with anu and other ladies. Jia stands next to Parmeet. As the jaimala proceeds, bani is getting dressed in the room. She stares vacantly in the mirror, while jia procceds for the jaimala

ceremony with parmeet. parmeet and jia place the garland around each others neck, and bani is struck by a sudden fear, an instictive feeling. She wonders why is she suddenyl nervous, and why does it feel that something dear to her is being snatched away. She prays to the lord, that everything be fine. Jia asks anu about where’s abni. parmeet is surprised to hear bani’s name. She asks about who they are referring to. Anu points out that she is finally coming down, after having dressed up. Bani comes out of her room, with another girl. As bani steps down, oblivious that parmeet is sitting with the priest, parmeet sees her and is shocked. He remembers his marriage with her. Jia happily awaits bani to come down. Parmeet is baffled out of his wits and tries to hide her face. Jia gives a short intro to parmeet about bani, while he is tensed.

Jia goes to bani, and asks why did she take so long to get ready as she missed the jaimala too. Anu says that she’s at fault, as all of her time was taken up by her dressing up, and therefore bani didnt get the time to dress up. Bani asks her not to bother. Jia goes up with anu, asking bani to meet her Meet first. bani slowly progresses towards parmeet, while he’s turned away. She calls out to him. He turns around with the sehra on his face to hide it. bani isnt able to see through, and happily greets him. Bani is asked to attend to some relatives, by jia’s uncle and she complies. parmeet sees bani catering to guessts.
parmeet deduces that the posters were planetd by her only. He wonders how did she come to know he is in delhi. He thinks that she has come for him, and if she sees him heer, then his plan would entirely flop. seeing bani tensed, jia’s uncle asks her not to worry about her marraige, as the lord would get everything straight in her life. As he leaves, bani wonders why is she feeling so anxious and restless today. Bani is asked by the uncle to tend to the groom, while he sees the guests. Parmeet is tensed that bani might ruin his plan, as the pheras havent happened yet.

Scene 2:
Location: Soham’s place
Kuki tells about rajji’s headache and that she wants to rest, when they sit down to have dineer. They start eating, while simran says that they would feed rajji later. As soham gets to eat, simran talks about how rajji has handled the household nicely, and now she can leave the house, without a tension. while kuki is missing buaji, soham teases her that she hasnt been scolded recently. soham tells about buaji’s call, when she wanted to talk to rajji. They are all shocked as they find rajji coming out of her room, with the suitcase packed and a stoical face. Simran is puzzled and asks her what happened, and whats with the suitcase. Soham is shocked, when rajji says that she’s leaving the house forever, as she doesnt want to stay in this house anymore. All are surprised. Angad rushes to rajji and akss whats wrong and whats she saying. Simran asks her to go inside and talk. rajji says that she isnt joking, and she wants to go home right now, and leave this house forever. soham is tensed. simran asks if they are at fault, and asks her to share whats her feeling or anger towards someone. Rajji remembers soham calling out bani’s name and his apology later on. Rajji says that she isnt angry at anyone. Simran asks why the sudden descision then. Angad eyes soham. simran says that even if she is angry, she shouldnt take such a big step, and akss her to srahe it with her. Rajji is silent. Simran says that they can go inside and talk. She relents and she is taken inside by simran and kuki along with her stuff.

Simran asks what happened, and if they had a fight. soham denies in front of angad, that there wasnt any fight, and her behaviour is always unacceptable. angad asks if he’s sure that he didnt hurt her. Soham says that nothing happened . rajji confesses that nothing happened, but she doesnt want to stay any longer. she says that she tried her level best to be a good wife but failed. She says that she has lost the energy and drive now. simran is tensed to hear this. rajji says that things are overcomplicating now. Soham too says that they were trying to be friends, but she is so wavering in her nature. Simran asks rajji whats the problem, as she has been widely accepted by everyone now. Rajji says that she could make a place for herself, as they are good people. she says that she couldnt be in soham’s life and heart, and neither simran nor soham had wanted her to be the bahu of this house. Rajji says that she knows that she has taken someone else’s place in this house, and soham’s life, and therfore she isnt liking it here. Simran asks her to move on and think ahead. rajji says thats exactly what she is doing, and sometimes right descision is taken at the wrong time, and the wrong descision at the right time, but they have to move on with the decsision taken. simran says that time would tell the importance of the descisions, but she shoudlt take such a big step. rajji says that she knows her future life and she can see it clearly, but to respect her wish, she would stay back in this house. rajji tells her that she wont ever be able to be happy with this marriage. Simran is tensed.

Scene 3:
Location: Jia’s residence
bani asks if he needs something. Before he can respond, his friends tell her to get colddrink for him in this hot weather. She gets cold drink for meet and serves it to him. He takes it, and their hands accidentally touch. Bani is gripped by a sudden anxiety at this known touch. But she brushes it aside and turns around. Meet lifts his sehra to see her going. she senses something and turns around, but before she can see him, he puts down the sehra yet again. Bani is tensed, but still leaves nevertheless. Parmeet half lifts his sehra and sees her going away. Jia’s uncle asks parmeet to proceed towards the mandap. As he begins to go, some kids run in front of him, and he loses his balance. Because of this, the sehra gets loosened, and his face is revealed. As bani turns around hearing the commotion, she finds Meet without his sehra. the screen freezes on her face.

Precap: As bani is walking, she is pinned to a awall, and gagged to stop from screaming. she is shocked to find parmeet doing this to her. He takes off his hand, and she asks parmeet how is he here, and then suddenly realises his attire and asks if he’s the groom, marrying jia. parmeet asks her to shut up. Bani says that he cant do this, and cant get married to jia, as he’s her husband. Parmeet says that he was her husband but no more. he says that now he’s getting married to jia, and threatens that she wont say a word of his past life to anyone. Bani is distraught to hear this.

Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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