Banni Chow Home Delivery 18th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Banni Proves Her Mother’s Innocence

Banni Chow Home Delivery 18th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Banni plays drum during temple possession to vent out her pain. Vishnu stops her and asks what happened to her. Banni says everyone’s allegations that her mother is characterless were hurting her and hence she was trying to hide those voices. Vishnu takes her home. Devraj scolds Hemant to stop his nonsense and asks why didn’t he notice that Yuvan is sad even on his special day. Hemant ways he is on heavy medications. Devraj asks him to change Yuvan’s doctor from Manini’s recommendation to some other doctor.

Hemant gets angry on him and asks him to remove the blindfold of hatred for Malini and see how Malini handled his shattered son and grandson and has a beautiful heart, etc. Devraj stands fuming. His sister expresses her concern that Banni took Yuvan’s

blood sample with her, but she isn’t sure if Banni will help them or not.

Banni starts cooking to hide her sorrows. Vishnu suggests her to not bother about Devraj and his grandson from hereon. Mamisa walks to Banni and says she heard that Yuvan’s family also badmouthed about Banni’s mother’s character, she doesn’t know till when they will face humiliation from basti people and others. Banni says he let her see if the basti people are telling truth. She picks holy Geeta recalling Yuvan’s suggestion to ask someone to take an oath on it if they lie. She walks out and asks neighbors to take an both on the holy scripture that they saw her mother’s indecent behavior. All neighbors nervously deny seeing it.

Banni tongue lashes them for trying to character assassinate her mother and thanks Yuvan for supporting her indirectly. Back home, she continues to fume and says Manini’s allegations in the morning, now this drama, and last night Raja’s attack. Vishnu asks what did Raja do. She explains how Raja tried to molest her when her family was out. Vishnu gets angry on Mamisa for taking loan from Raja and letting him inside the house.

Devraj calls Banni and apologizes her for whatever happened at his house. She asks him not to apologize as elders don’t look good apologizing. He shows her Yuvan’s condition and seeks her help. Banni assures him that she will expose Manini’s truth by getting Yuvan’s blood test report tomorrow. Viraj hears Devraj’s conversation and informs Manini that Devraj was inviting Banni for Yuvan’s wedding tomorrow. Niyati says Banni is shameless to think of revisiting here even after so much humiliation. Manini assures that she will not let Banni attend Yuvan’s wedding.

Precap: No precap.

Update Credit to: MA

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