Banni Chow Home Delivery 2nd September 2022 Written Episode Update: Yuvan Risks His Life

Banni Chow Home Delivery 2nd September 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Manini reveals Banni how she changed Yuvan’s thinking and became Yuvan’s mamma from a new mamma in 5 minutes. She recalls the event where she disguises as Yuvan’s mother Vandana and emerges in front of him in a planaterium room. Yuvan says she is looking like new mamma Manini. Manini says since she doesn’t have her own body, she entered Manini’s body; she will be with him forever and play with him and his father and grand mother. Yuvan gets very happy. Banni recalls Yuvan’s changed behavior towards Manini after coming from planetarium.

Manini further reveals how she took promise from Yuvan that he will never reveal that she is staying in Manini’s body or else she will leave him and stay with some other good boy. Yuvan pleads him

not to leave him alone again. Manini promises him and says he will find her at home when he returns home. She asks him to play her favorite violin tune. He plays violin. Banni asks Manini how can she stoop so low to play with innocent Yuvan’s emotions and betray him. Manini says even she is sharing love, kindness, mamta/maternal love to Yuvan like Banni and now Yuvan can do anything for her.

Yuvan recalls Manini’s suggestion to do something unusual to impress Banni. He participates in dahi handi competition and climbs human pyramid ladder. Banni confronts Manini that she tricked Yuvan to grab his wealth. Manini recalls promising her mentally insane brother to destroy Devraj’s family and take revenge for their father’s death. Banni challenges Manini that she will expose Manini’s truth to Yuvan. Manini says she herself will take Banni to Yuvan and walks holding Banni’s hand.

Devraj is shocked seeing Yuvan climbing human ladder. Manini taunts Banni that her love took over Banni’s love and Yuvan can do anything for his mother now. Banni runs towards Yuvan and asks him to get down. Devraj is shocked to see Manini dressed like Vandana. Manini says Yuvan insisted her to dress like Vandana mamma and she had fulfill his demand. Banni imagines climbing human ladder to save Yuvan, then thinks Yuvan will fall down if she does that. She prays god and breaks coconut and encourages Yuvan to complete the task. Yuvan asks if he will become Krishnaji after breaking dahi handi. Banni asks him to focus on his target and break dahi handi. Manini gets jealous seeing that. Yuvan breaks dahi handi, slips, and falls.

Precap: Banni informs Devraj that Manini manipulated Yuvan to believe that she is Vandana, even they need to use same trick and get Yuvan out of her grip. Yuvan does tusli parikarama for Banni’s speedy recovery. Banni says whole family should do parikrama for her speedy recovery and challenges Manini that she will fail all her conspiracies.

Update Credit to: MA

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