Banni Chow Home Delivery 3rd November 2022 Written Episode Update: Kabir Threatens Rathore Family

Banni Chow Home Delivery 3rd November 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Dr. Sanjay informs Banni and Agastya that Yuvan developed a split personality disorder as he faced descrepencies since chilood and hence Kabir was born who hates being suppressed and doesn’t want to face the problems Yuvan faced. He says Kabir knows about Yavan, but Yuvan doesn’t know about Banni. He continues to describes how Kabir and Yuvan would behave and says he had called Banni to inform about Yuvan’s alternative personality Kabir.

Kabir reaches Rathore mansion and throws papers on Viraj in front of family. He says Viraj should transfer 50% property of which Manini made Viraj power of attorney. Veer says this is Yuvan’s truth, he had already warned them all about him. Hemant says Yuvan is not wrong as Viraj was Manini’s loyal and always supported

her wrongdoings, he fears Viraj may become Manini’s loyal again and return her 50% property share. Viraj says though he supported Manini in the past, he has changed and is loyal to the family now. Kabir says his father Hemant was mad behind Manini’s beauty and blindly transferred 50% share in Manini’s name, he will take it from Viraj at any cost or else he will break Viraj’s bones like Viraj used to break his bones before. Veer says this is Yuvan’s reality.

Kabir agrees that he forcefully made Viraj wear a girl’s dress and slapped Veer. He agees to all his crimes and warns family to transfer 50% share till he finishes his breakfast or else they will face dire consequences. Viraj challenges him to do whatever he wants to. Devraj warns him to stop getting greedy and misbehave with everyone. Kabir says 100% property is his right and he can go to any extent for that. Dr. Sanjay informs Banni that Yuvan shouldn’t know that she wants to treat him or else Kabir’s personality will kill Yuvan’s personality completely and take over Yuvan. Kabir finishes breakfast and seeing Viraj not signing papers yet warns family to get ready for the consequences now. Banni tries to leave to help Yuvan, but Agastya stops her and says he can’t let her risk her life and will not let her out until Yuvan is treated and gets completely normal. He locks door from outside. Banni pleads him to open the door.

Yuvan brings bulldozer and threatens Rathores to bulldoze their house. Devraj and Hemant ask if he would bulldoze his ancestral home. Kabir says if they fail to get Viraj’s signature, he will be forced to bulldoze it. Devraj says its a house where his mother stayed after marriage. Kabir acts emotional and then laughs and says his emotions are dead after his mother died, he will bulldoze the house now. Viraj pleads him to listen to him once. Kabir twists Viraj’s hand. Charmie calls Banni thinking only Banni can save their house. Agastya notices Charmie’s call and doesn’t pick it.

Precap: Kabir threatens Rathore family to move aside and rides bulldozer towards the house. Banni punches him out of the bulldozer.

Update Credit to: MA

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