Categories: Barrister Babu

Barrister Babu 26th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Bondita firms her belief on Anirudh

Barrister Babu 26th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Trilochan asking why are you not answering the call. Anirudh says I have no courage to answer the call. Bondita cries and calls again. Trilochan asks Bihari to answer the call and tell Bondita that Anirudh doesn’t want to talk to her. Bihari says no, I can’t do this, you may fire me from the job. Trilochan answers and says its me, Anirudh’s Kaka, he doesn’t want to talk to you. Bondita says I know someone has forced Anirudh to get away from me, tell me, who did this. Trilochan asks how long will he spoil his life, I explained him to think of his future, don’t call here again. She gets sad and disconnects the call. Anirudh says I never thought that I will leave Bondita midway. Trilochan and Bihari also cry.

Thakumaa asks Bondita to just come. Bondita cries and

imagines Anirudh. She says I m having a conflict between heart and mind, whom shall I trust. He says you know when I get into such dilemma, then I handover myself to Durga maa. She sees the Durga Maa idol and prays. Thakumaa gets Bondita home. She asks Sumati to start preparations, the marriage will happen, Anirudh refused to talk on phone, he has no courage to face Bondita, its good that Bondita knows who is her family and who isn’t. She asks Bondita to go and get ready. Bondita goes. Sumati says I know Anirudh well, how did you force him to go. Thakumaa says Bondita is ready for marriage, just focus on that, not Anirudh. Anirudh cries and recalls Thakumaa’s words. He drinks. He imagines Bondita. She asks him not to drink, its not right. He says I can’t come out of this confusion, I had one dream to make you a barrister, I left midway, I did wrong. He cries. He says I m going mad, I can’t tolerate this pain, go from here. She disappears. Bondita comes for the haldi rasam. Tapur asks are you really ready. Bondita says yes.

Thakumaa thinks she has changed by my one move. Bondita gets the Durga Maa idol. She says Anirudh told me to handover myself to Durga Maa when I m in a dilemma. Thakumaa asks really, what did Durga Maa say, who is right and who is wrong. Bondita says she said Anirudh is right and you are wrong, he will come and save me from you, from this child marriage. Thakumaa says we all are your family, we didn’t leave you, Anirudh has run away, he is a coward.

Bondita scolds her. She says Anirudh came to the dark place to save my life. Thakumaa says you have seen his house locked, you spoke on call and read the letter, then you think I m wrong, did you lose your mind. Bondita says no, I understood it now, I want to know, whatever he wrote, how do you know it, when you can’t read anything, you are lying, I knew that you forced him to go away from me, I trust Durga Maa, he will come to me. Thakumaa asks how do you know. Bondita recalls the doctor meeting her and asking is Thakumaa treating her even now. He says Anirudh was worried that your leg will be amputated, I forgot my stethoscope there, I went back to his house and saw Thakumaa keeping that condition to him, he left Krishnanagar for the sake of your recovery. FB ends.

Bondita says you knew that Anirudh can do anything to save my leg, that’s why you had forced him. Thakumaa says even you have forced me in freeing Anirudh, you didn’t take medicine and instead forced me to do that, isn’t that wrong. Bondita says I won’t be stubborn now, just for Anirudh’s sake, he asked me to listen to you, that’s why I m here, he can’t see my life getting ruined, I have told you that I believe that he will save me from this child marriage. She says Trilochan told me about Prahlad’s story, his dad questioned his devotion on Vishnu, he had put him in the fire saying Vishnu will come and save him, Prahlad’s belief had won, Vishnu came and saved him, same way Anirudh will come to defeat you stubbornness and make my belief win. Thakumaa smiles.

No Precap

Update Credit to: Amena


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