Barrister Babu 2nd February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Sampoorna fooling Bondita about the disease. She asks her not to tell anyone about the disease, else she will be abandoned. Bondita cries. Sampoorna says you got cursed by Durga Maa, you got my parents insulted, you got punished. She sees the keys. She recalls Mami’s words. Sampoorna says Bondita isn’t the same now. Mami asks her to stop Bondita from telling truth to Anirudh. Sampoorna says if the matter comes out, then we will be thrown out of the village. Mami asks her to regard Bondita her enemy from now, stop Bondita and Anirudh from uniting. FB ends. Sampoorna says I have a solution to stop this. Bondita asks her to say if there is any solution. Sampoorna says yes, I will tell you, you have to do what I say, you will get fine in 4-5 days. Bondita says I will do as you say. Sampoorna says don’t say this to anyone, stay away from any man, no man’s shadow should fall on you. Bondita says Anirudh is my husband, friend and teacher. Sampoorna says you have to be away from him, you can’t do any puja now, you don’t have to go anywhere out, not even to school, you can’t go out from the room, else everyone will know about your disease, who knows, you and Anirudh get abandoned.
Bondita says if I stay in the room, everyone will come to ask me, why am I staying here. Sampoorna says you have to manage it and stay away. Bondita asks will I get fine if I do this. Trilochan calls out Bondita. Sampoorna asks her to take rest. She says I will tell everyone that you aren’t fine. Trilochan calls Bondita for aarti. Sampoorna comes to do the aarti. She says Bondita isn’t fine, I will do the aarti today. Mami plays shank. Trilochan cries. Sampoorna thinks Durga Maa supported me, I will rule in this house now. Bondita cries and says how shall I stop the bleeding. Mami congratulates Sampoorna. Sampoorna says I will go and help Bondita. Mami says no need, let her stay in pain, she will get scared and listen to you. Sampoorna nods. Bondita recalls Anirudh. FB shows Anirudh asking her to use cotton to soak the ink. The cotton soaks the ink from the book. Bondita says nature has given us much solutions. Bondita gets the cotton from the pillow. Anirudh waits for Bondita. Bondita tears the curtain cloth. Rishta tera mera…plays… She takes the cotton. Koyli comes to Anirudh.
She says I m going home for some days. Anirudh asks her to go. He comes to Bondita’s room and knocks the door. She cries and says I can’t talk to any man. He asks her to open the door, else he will break it. She says no, I will not go to school today. She goes and opens the door. He asks why didn’t you open the door. She steps back when he comes inside the room. He asks what happened, are you unwell, what happened, why are you stepping back. She lies on the bed. He asks what happened, tell me.
She says I have stomach ache, just go, I will take rest and get fine. He says fine, don’t go to school, we will call a doctor. She says no. Trilochan comes and says its fine, we won’t call the doctor, she will take rest and get fine. Anirudh says I know you won’t like it if doctor checks her. Trilochan and Anirudh argue. They say we will let Bondita rest, we can fight later. Trilochan goes. Anirudh sees the pillow fallen. He thinks to ask her. Trilochan calls him out. Anirudh goes. Bondita cries. She prays to Durga maa. She says Sumati will have a solution for this problem. She says I can talk to my mum by writing a letter.
She writes a letter … I wish you were here, I m in a big problem, you would have made everything fine, I know you are away, but always with me. Sampoorna goes to the old house. She sees Sumati. Sumati calls out Bondita. Bondita cries and misses Sumati. Sampoorna recalls hiding in Binoy’s car. She thinks to talk to him when the car stops. Binoy hits Sumati by mistake. He gets shocked. He says what did I do, I had killed Sumati. Sampoorna gets down the car and shouts. Mama and Mami fool Binoy that Sumati died. Bondita writes… just come back to me soon, I need your support and courage. She cries. Sumati says Bondita….
Precap: Mami and Sampoorna tear Bondita’s letter that she wrote for her mother and throw it away. Bondita prays that her mother gets her letter. Anirudh walks where all the pieces are on the floor.
Update Credit to: Amena
Beyond my limit, I thought to give a try atleast For the oldtime sake, now no words to describe how I feel seeing this much negativity and evil wins, and the evil claiming god helped them, I sm sorry Barrister babu, will leave now, but surely join after this evil track gets an end, saudamini is far better than this leech unfaithful family…
I agree
Whatever is happening to our bondu is not good
Sampoorna and her mother crossed their line today…
How can one be so greedy ???
Bondita needs noone except her mom now.

Get well soon Bondu
Pls don’t quit BB …
Good will win over evil…
See Bondita’s journey to womanhood and show her support !!!
Pls keep watching …
Musibat aati h par chali bhi toh jati h na …aap log quit karne ki baat na kare .
Aap personally quit kardijiye agar aapko karna h par is platform quitting BB ko encourage mat kijiye …
Pls watch barrister babu on TV and voot both
This is the only show I watched in my life. As I don’t like watching any serial. But bondita is getting so much pain . Every time she won over evil. May her durga maa help her to get out of this pain.
How many of you watch kyun utthe dil chhod aaye on Sony TV?? .. Our saudamini’s new serial
i love that serial kyon uthe dil chod aaye and bb
Ye.. Its soo good..perfect storyline and chemistry of couples.. Our saudamini is too much innocent in it

Why are they spoiling the storyline?????
Oh please don’t kill our bondita mum. Please don’t sampoorna do something unforgivable.
I would love Anirudh uncle marrying bondita mum.
But then they would become 1st cousins
Kindly kill the evil and Sampoorna and her evil parents roles and bring back the positivity. PLEASE cut the evil roles!
Please post precap
Please add recap as soon possible everytime cm to check till no

I had stopped watching show due to boring episodes..

But i saw promo about binoy hit sumati and bondita mansurations.. so i watched today episode… my comment is based only about this only…
1. So binoy did accident of sumati, he didn’t checked her pulse and thought he killed her and mama mami sampoorna took its advantage
2. Poor bondita, she is bearing so much pain, i can understand its so painful days
3. I am totally frustrated, being women mami and sampoorna how can they use all this in their favour by giving her pain
4. I don’t get one thing how can tv writers show this as mostly men also watch this show, and mansuration is bit private thing..
menstruation is private but making people aware about this is much more important. because most men are unaware of these issues, women have to face problems…. this is why s*x education is important. get out of the conventional and traditional mindset. menstruation is completely natural and normal. Men need to know these because these are biological activities. i am not being rude or anything but for a moment think at what level your logic is….. a male doctor learning these and treating women on these issues is fine but an ordinary man learning these issues which can actually make lives of women better and comfortable is not okay!?!??! are you serious?
What kind of mindset is this?…. Change it… s*x education is important…. And everyone needs to understand it to overcome such situations be it men or women.. how do you think it’s private?…. All girls suffer it… It’s natural…. What if men will watch it…. They need to know it!!!
I didn’t mean this…
But it become little sensitive and awakward to watch infront of father, brothers…
I meant this way…
I know its sensitive issue and men and women should be aware as men should know how women feel in these days and women for awareness like using senitary napkins, rest, taking care of yourself, etc..
But i just meant as it become little awakward infront of father and brothers to watch