Barrister Babu 4th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Anirudh ending the call. Chandrachur thinks I have created a rift between Anirudh and Bondita, they can never connect back. Bondita calls again. She gets sad. Anirudh goes back to the dining table and eats the food. She says what did I do that he can’t end his rigidity and instead break my heart. The girl asks Anirudh to come in her doll’s marriage. Anirudh takes the dolls and sends her. Chandrachur asks Bondita to come and have food. Bondita says no, I will stand here all day and night, I won’t go until I talk to Anirudh. Thakumaa says its waste to time to explain a fool, everyone get to work, let her do her tapasya. Bondita calls Anirudh again. Someone answers. She says you understood that you can’t stay away from your Bondita, I want to meet you, I m stubborn and determined like you, you have to listen to me. The girl Shashwati laughs and says I m Shashwati.
She reminds Bondita her words. She says I know everything about you. Bondita asks did Anirudh tell you. The girl says no, how will he say, he doesn’t talk much. Bondita says I will meet Anirudh. The girl says mum says enemies can’t meet. Bondita says I can give my life and meet the enemies, where is Anirudh now. The girl says court. Bondita smiles and thanks Durga Maa. She says I will go to court now, Arjun will get his Krishna. She goes to the court. The guard stops her from going on. She says I m Barrister Bondita Das. He asks what a joke, I didn’t see a girl becoming a barrister before. She asks him to stop breathing, since he didn’t see air. She goes in. The men laugh at her. The man says there are many cases here, but you won’t get it, none will show faith on a woman. She says fine, don’t give the case, get habitual to see me. She thinks what will I do now. She hears two men talking about Anirudh. She runs to them and says I can fight the case for you, I m a barrister, I have studied abroad, who else is left to take your case. The men turn to leave. She convinces them.
She comes to Anirudh and says barrister bahu, its a court’s custom that both the barristers shake hand before the case. They shake hands. She says you can’t get rid of me. He says its good that you focus on imp things. Bondita says I m focussing on imp thing, I didn’t wear the robe when I received the degree, make me wear it and fulfill our dream. He smiles and takes the barrister coat. He makes her wear it.
She asks why are you silent. He says I was thinking if you look good in this barrister robe or it looks good on you. She says I think we both look good together. He says I was talking about this barrister robe. Her dream ends. She asks the men to give their papers. The man says no need, when Anirudh heard that you want to fight the case, he has settled the case out of court. She says I know why you did this, I will fight the case in front of you. She writes a letter. She sees Anirudh leaving in his car. She rides her cycle and follows. She calls him out. A man comes in front of the car. Anirudh stops the car. Bondita borrows an umbrella from a man. She tucks the umbrella to the car. She asks Anirudh to listen to her. She throws the note. He throws it away. She says I knew you will do this, don’t send the last paper, I will come to Tulsipur to read that. He stops the car. She thinks will he read my letter or throw it. She tears the flower petals and looks at him.
No Precap
Update Credit to: Amena
Anirudh looks really handsome with those glasses. Do you feel the same?
Exactly he look much more handsome than before with those glasses
Yes I was right Chandrachur is behind all this.
So what we have predicated yesterday become true today.
1.Chandrachur is the real culprit.
2.If chandrachur is culprit then it means that thakuma was going to end the enmity in real, it wasn’t her devil plan.
3.Anirudh doesn’t make bondita wear her barrister robe, her that dream remains incomplete.
4. She is the first girl to fight a case and she is fighting against her sakha babu.
5.I am sure Bondita will find the real culprit (Chandra chur) soon.
Finally Anirudh bondita meet face to face, they shake hands and even they talk also.
Lovely jodi
I think Batuk might be killed..
That might be the reason for anirudh’s anger
Maybe he is studying in London as he has no role now so makers is keeping him away. Full story behind the revenge game is disclosed now and if batuk was killed then Anirudh must have told about his death too.
Thank you all for taking the time to explain the tu and aap thing to me. I understood it now that Bondita is very close to her mother and probably respects her more than god. But I have one question. I am a girl living in a city. So can I use tum or tu for my mom? I wanted to know if a girl from a city nowadays can do the same or not… so can someone please tell me???
@jiya What you use “tu” or “tum” it’s only depends on you even city and village do not matter. It’s individuals choice
Are you sure @Lopa? Pls tell me what most of the girls who live in cities use for their mothers these days.
In today’s era most of the people call their parents specially mom as tum or aap though I don’t know how many childrens are there who use “tu” but village-city, educated- uneducated really does not matter.
I have a friend from Nagpur who uses “tu” to her mom and dadi though they are educated and live in city.
Not only this I know more people like this.
Hey just a minute…. @lopa at one point u r right but we live in 21st century. So it is not common to address tu to mother. It was common in 19th century or then. If we talk about people then in our country about 65% or more people have progressed and they don’t use this words. Yes but u r right that there are many people who uses tu for mother. But we are progressing and so our perspective’s. Though it is common and loving to address mother as tu but in our neighbouring countries it is not so. So I would prefer that we should also progress with time as we call our mother tu or aap it doesn’t matter because we all love our mother most. Rest is urs
@Rishi yes most important thing is that we love our mother but as I said still there are people who use tu” even educated people. But yeah India is progressing .Sorry if i hurt you.
So you are saying nowadays most children use aap for mothers. But @lopa and @RISHI, what do you use for your mothers???
@Jiya Mostly all bengalis use “tumi” for parents (very few are present who use “tui” to mother) so being a bengali I also call “tumi” to my maa baba.
You can say that maybe I use because I am 21st century girl live in city etc etv but belive me my elders also use “tumi” for their parents since they got sense so it’s not because 21st century or city
It”s depend on individuals and in which they and their parents are comfortable. I hope you get your answer.
See, the best suggestion I can give is use tu or aap according to the situation. When you are like laughing or in a joking mood, use tu or more better word tum. When you are like normal and in front of elders, or when your parents are angry on you or not in a good mood, use aap.
It is my common observation that whenever I am in a rising argument with mother, I use aap to pacify her. She is like ok, my child is respecting me, no problem if she argues a little bit. I never use tum for my father often and depending on situation switch in to aap.
See, it doesn’t matter… I can suggest you one best thing. When you increase the respect in your words more than necessary like one who often uses the word aap in family or outside, people increasingly expect your words to be more respectful. So it is better if you balance the use of tu or tum or aap. See, one more thing is in hindi, it is better to use tum. Tu is somewhat rude. And aap is something very respectful. Use tum often, tu rarely and aap depending on situation. And for outsiders, it is better if you completely use aap. And for friends, you are free to use tu. I use tum and aap because of good image in society even with friends. But I use tu or tum for my closest friend. I gave you a lot of suggestion I hope !
Most importantly concentrate on the way you speak a word that what word you use. The way you speak defines you more than the words you use. It is my principle. Like I never faced difficulty in playing with these words effectively.
See, if you follow this suggestion, you can manage things.
Most importantly, be the same with your parents as you always are. Means if you previously used aap, continue using that. If u used tum p, use that only further. Don’t change yourself to look good infront of anyone. Hope you got a clear picture, Jiya !!
I am fully agreeing with you @Anu. It’s only depends on individuals what they want to use if their parents support them. India is full of variations so I don’t know much about other states but in our state we use “tumi” for parents
@Jiya….I never talked with my mother. As my mother died when I was 2 years old. So I can’t answer ur ques sry….
Lopa, are you a Maharashtrian ?
I recognised instantly since I am a South Indian living in Mumbai ! So, yes I know Marathi ! And Maharashtrians use tumi. And yeah, tumi is respectful word. My mother tongue to telugu !!!
@Anu no dear I am not Maharashtrian, I am a bengali but I have some friends from Maharashtra and I can understand little bit marathi because of my friends

Btw I don’t know if you are a boy or girl but my name also start with Anu (I am girl)
And yes tumi is very respectful word @Anu.
In bengal we use tumi for parents, relatives, family friends and even for in-laws etc and “aapni” for unknown persons, teachers and for least known persons.
@jiya check this too
Why you are dragging this tu tum aap wala conversation. Bondita does not disrespect her maa by tu. And what you want to call your mother is your marzi. Enjoy this show without finding this silly things.
Oh…lopa. Got it ! Actually I am a girl … And my name is Anuradha !
Anisa… We were not talking about Bondita here. Jiya asked us suggestions that what is better to use with people around. So we were just suggesting. Read the comments before you judge !!
@Anu what a coincidence….Oh god
even my name is Anuradha…Lopa is my nick name 

@Anu can you tell your age so that I can know who is elder?… If you have no problem
@ anisa , @jiya is just asking for suggestion. Don’t be rude.
Lopa, 13 October 2004 !
I knew it! That son of a bit*** is behind all this. My predictions are always 70% ryt. He feels victorious. His actions will bring them close to each other. He has made them realize how much they love each other, irrespective of Anirudh’s change. He’s avoiding Bondita because he doesn’t want to fall weak. I can’t wait for the day Chandrachur will exit the show. He’ll lose everything he snatched away
Yes that moron should get exposed very soon. Then only anidita can reunite. But see how bondita exposes him . It will be worthwhile to watch…then only the enormity will erase between the 2 places and misunderstandings as well.
Mark my words guys. When Anirudh will act hell stubborn bondita will put herself deliberately in some danger to trigger Anirudhs inner hidden care. And when bondita will really be helpless Anirudh will forget everything for a moment and he will rush to save her. Then he will realise how much she affects him.Then the real love story will start guys. I was really blown by there chemistry today guys. Though it was a dream when it will be real I think the screens will be on fire…. cant wait for upcoming episodes guys…

You are right. Anirudh can’t see Bondita in pain. Can’t wait
Nice episode…no words …. waiting for tomorrow’s episode
Bondita is not at all wrong she has nothing to do with any of the things happened!!! It was all anirudh’s determination to make bondita a barrister babu… there’s no meaning in AVOIDING her….he knows her weakness is bondita maybe for that is he avoiding her???
Today bontita and aniruth scene was dream but aniruth look too romatic with bontita. Waiting for the real moment. Surely aniruth fall in love with bontita soon
I think straight away going into romantic feelings with grown up Bondita they could have shown first love and trust between them. Last time they met each other she was a child so this air of romance should have come bit later lets see if Anirudh also have romantic feelings for her or it will develop later on. I think for Anirudh air of romance will gradually come.
I think I know why makers showing Bondita’s romantic fantasies with Anirudh. They’re trying show the chemistry between Anchal and Pravisht. Also, how different adult Bon’s fantasies are as compared to her teen’s fantasies.
Remember the teen Bon’s marriage proposal scene. It was so innocent. Adult Bon is now a woman so it’s normal to have a desire for romance.
First girls do not go run after men, it feeds their egos.
Yes Bondita needs to find out the truth. She is a Barrister, she needs to use her head. As for Anirudh, he doesn’t surprise me. I knew he always was dumb

If it was me, I would find a case that he would have to face me. There are ways.
Anirudh is hurting bondita again, like he always does. But it typically Indian drama. If this keeps going on, I am done.
Anyway I have a feeling, this is my opinion, I think samproona, also has something to do with this enmity. I think she plan it with chandrachur.
Don’t you find it strange, all of a sudden she is good. She hated bondita, before she left for London. Think about it.
Pls put Precap Also
Well if we talk about precap.. it was shown after the episode that bondita will change her disguise and go to the temple of Durga ma as their enmity has divided the right to temple as well. Anirudh will teach her how to use sword and that sort of stuff which will be amazing to see….
Also, later Anirudh, when Anirudh will look in her eyes, he will realise that the person behind the scarf is bondita and not a men who he was teaching.
Rest dekhne me zyada ache se samajh aayega so u can see promo on voot select.
Hi guys I really do love your comments
Tum is shown as a sign of love to youngers elders while aap is used as a sign of respect towards elders.
Bondita addresses Anirudh,Trilochan,Sampoorna,Thakumaa & other elders as aap with respect but only her mother with tum with love.
Even in my family my mother often addresses me as aap & everyone addresses elders with aap while youngers with tum,its up to the person which one he or she is comfortable.
This sampoo and chandra together planned this enemity to keep anidita apart forever…good game…but soon will end
why the written pdate is not available a day before like it used to be before leap in barrister babu
Sampoorna is positive or negative role ??before leap she was negative. Is she help chadrachur for that bomb blast before leap
So I found a comment which is actually speaking truth . All others are just covering up the mistakes . That’s why stupid romantic shows fetch trp . What is the mistake of makers and channel if people want to see such shows..
Spot on … just feel so disappointed .. not the storyline, I’m sure the BB team is building up a great story and continuity like the preleap episodes.
Pravisht is doing an excellent job … muted passion comparatively with an overriding sense of sadness.
He’s unfolding another Anirudh this time with hidden emotions.
Rishi Khurana is great as usual … but also tinged with that sadness n helplessness to make things right.
Waiting to see him with his classic crazy lines for a good laugh.
It is Anchal who seems to be a wrong choice. She does have a lot to put forth after Aurra , perhaps she should forget to keep up and let her natural acting abilities flow. Pretty and a good look alike for a matured Bondita … but her wooden performance, gummy grins and supposedly dreamy romantic faces are beginning to irk. It’s too surface. Ketaki is doing a much better performance.
Hope she gets on the right path soon.
It is not about actors . It is about story. People love watching love stories they fall in love , get married , faces problem , their relation , their enemies . Do we find all this in our life ? No. BB used to show much better stories before but now i just come here to read updates . Why to waste my time in those 5 min eye contact, enmity to separate duo and one sided trial . I am sure they will get good trp but the thing is that BB lost flavour for which it was famous internationally .Maybe Indians like these kinds of stories only. They all are getting served what they want .
Bondita will conceal her identity to learn fencing (sword fighting) from Anirudh. Her heart will start beating fast and she’ll realize how much she loves Anirudh. He’ll feel the connection but she’ll run away before he discovered who she is.
Hi am new here