Hi my BB family, Everything has an end we all know but Barrister Babu ends without fulfilling its story. We know the story of Barrister Babu will never be complete because it’s a story of a journey from darkness to light and the journey goes on, but due to some reasons, it has to go off air so early. So, we fans decided to write a story by ourselves. Among us one fan named Khushi started to write it for us, we don’t know how the real writers would have written it or they have planned for it, but Khushi tried her best and we as fans of BB should appreciate her work.
The episode starts with Anirudh and Bondita standing in front of Durga Ma and holding their babies in their hands. They are smiling while looking at their babies.
Then Sampoorna comes near Anirudh and says, “Arey Anirudh, please show me myyy….” Meanwhile, she takes the baby in her hands.
Anirudh says, “Grandsonnn, yes Sampoorna ma.. No, no, not Sampoorna ma, you’re dadi ma now!!”
Sampoorna says, “Whattt?? Meee???? And dadi maaa???!!!Anirudh, you keep saying anything.. Huhhhh….”
She gives the baby to Anirudh and goes inside her room.
Somnath comes to Bondita and Anirudh. He says, “Dada, Boudi, I also want to see my nephew and niece. Please show me.” He holds the baby girl in his hands but suddenly he recalls something and says, “Dada, I completely forgot that I had to go hospital early today. A patient has taken an appointment. I’ve to go now.” Anirudh says, “Okay Som, go.”
Somnath turns to Bondita and gives the baby girl in her hands and says, “Sorry Boudi, I have to go immediately. I’m already late. I’ll meet my cute lovely nephew and niece in the evening.” Bondita says, “No problem Som dada, you go. Your work is more important.” Somnath leaves.
Trilochan shouts, “Will someone show me my grandson and granddaughter?”
Anirudh and Bondita both say together, “Why not Kaka? Is this something to be asked??”
Trilochan comes near them and he takes the baby boy in his arms. The little boy is sleeping peacefully.
Trilochan says, “Anirudh, he’s same like you. Look at him, how peacefully he’s sleeping. He isn’t aware of what is happening around him.” And kaka laughs. Anirudh blushes.
Trilochan gives the lil boy to Anirudh and sees the baby girl. He says, “She’s soo cute, just like her mum.”
Suddenly, the telephone rings and Trilochan goes to pick up.
Bihari says, “Chote-Malik, Choti-Malkin, I’ve to do cleanings here. I also have to prepare for the puja.” Anirudh asks, “Pujaaa!! What type of Puja Bihari??” Bihari says, “Bade-Malik has told to do Puja.” Bondita asks, “But Bhari babu, puja for what?”
Then, Trilochan comes there and says, “Bahu, Anirudh has returned from such a drastic accident and he has also recovered from a deadly illness. All this has became possible only because of Dugga Ma. So that’s why I’ve decided to perform dugga ma’s puja today. Our Anirudh has came to Roy Choudhary Haveli after so many months. It’s the time to rejoice. We’ll perform puja and celebrate today. Panditji will be coming in some time . I have to go for doing the arrangements.” Saying this, he goes.
Bihari says, “Please go to your room Chote-Malik and Choti-Malkin, I’ve so many works today.”
Bondita says, “Ok Bhari Babu, we’re going.” Anirudh and Bondita go to their room.
In the room, Anirudh lays the baby boy (who is still sleeping) on the bed. Bondita is trying to make the girl sleep, but she isn’t sleeping. Then, Anirudh sings a lullaby for the baby girl and she sleeps. Anirudh and Bondita caress the babies.
Bondita says, “Pati babu, see how time has changed. It was a day when you used to sing lullaby for me. And now you’re singing lullaby for our daughter..” (Flashback shows Anirudh singing lullaby for little Bondita during Thakur’s track)
Anirudh says, “Bondita, you know, I can sing lullabies for our kids, their kids, their kids, their kids, and their kids and….” Bondita interrupts in middle of his speech and says, “Enough, enough, Pati babu, you’re too naughty.” Anirudh says, “Yes Bondita, I’m very naughty. I do whatever I like.”
Suddenly, Bondita folds her hands and makes a puffed face. Anirudh asks, “What happened Bondita?” Bondita says, “Pati babu, don’t you remember your promise??” Anirudh asks, “What.. Whatt… Which promise Bondita????” Bondita tells, “You had promised that the day when Roshogulla will come in our home, you’ll bring Eight pots of my favourite Ek Badam waale Roshogulle (One Almond Roshogulle) and you’ll make me eat with your own hands. Did you forget that?”
Anirudh says, “Whaaaa… Whaaaaaaaa…. Whaaaatttttttt did you say just now?? I’m really very confused Bondita. You’re saying when Roshogulla will come in our home, then I’ll bring Roshogulla for you.. What does that mean Bondita?? I didn’t understand anything. Why I’ll bring One Almond Roshogulle when Roshogulle will come in our home????”
Bondita keeps her hand on her forehead and says, “Offfooooooooo Pati babuuuu.. You don’t understand anything. I’m saying that when cute little Roshogulle, means our babies who’re as sweet as Roshogulle will come in our home, that day you will make me eat my favourite One Almond Roshogulle, this only you had promised, right?” While saying the last line, she keeps her left hand on her waist and she points the index finger of her right hand towards Anirudh.
Anirudh regretfully says, “I’m really very sorry Bondita. I had completely forgotten about it.”
Bondita again puffs her cheeks and says, “Pati babu, how can you forget your promise?? You know, Bondita had sweared that she will eat Roshogulle only from her Pati babu, otherwise she’ll never eat any Roshogulla. And you don’t understand anything. ”
Anirudh comes near Bondita and he gently taps on her puffed cheeks with his index fingers of both hands, so that her face becomes normal. He holds his ears with both hands and says in a childish tone, “Bondita, won’t you forgive your Pati babu? Please forgive naaa.. If you’ll say then I’m ready to do situps.” Saying so, he is about to bend down for doing situps.
But, before he could do, Bondita quickly says, “No, no Pati babu. Please don’t do situps. I forgave you.”
Anirudh says, “Thank you so much Bondita”. Both smile.
Anirudh recalls something and tells, “Areyy Bondita, I had kept a surprise for you!” Bondita gets excited and says, “Surprise!! What surprise Pati babu?” Anirudh says, “Bondita, if I’ll tell you, then how will it remain a surprise? Come with me, I’ll show you.”
Anirudh blindfolds Bondita with a cloth and takes her somewhere. Then he removes the cloth from her eyes. She slowly opens her eyes just like a fairy opens her beautiful wings.
She gets ecstatic seeing the front scenario. She says in excitement, “Pati babu, pati babu…. you brought eight pots of my favourite Ek Badaam waale Roshogulle!! Means, you didn’t forget your promise???” Anirudh says, “Do Anirudh Roy Choudhary ever forgets his promise?” Anirudh and Bondita together say, “Neverrrrrrr…” They both laugh..
Bondita hugs Anirudh and says, “Thank you so sooo sooooo sooooooooo much Pati babu. You’re the besstttttt..!! I love you Pati babu” Anirudh reciprocates and says, “I love you too Bondita”. They feed Roshogulla to each other and smile and laugh. RTM plays in background. (Main tera dil tu pyaar mera hai, tu mera jeevan sansar mera…)
All of a sudden, voice of Trilochan rings in Anidita’s ears. Trilochan says, “Areeyyy Anirudh beta, Bondita bahu, be ready fast. We have to perform puja. Come quickly, hurry up.” Bondita says, “Ji Kakasasurji.” Anirudh also says, “Haan Kaka, we’re coming.” They both are heading towards their room with big paces.
Suddenly, Binoy comes there running. Sampoorna comes running after him. Binoy says, “Aaaa.. Aniii… Anirudhhh….!!! No noo nooooo… you, you aren’t Anirudh…. You’re someone else. Anirudh used to give me food with love, you always stuff the food in my mouth. Anirudh used to play with me, but you always keep shouting on me. You never play with me. You broke my toys. You’re very bad. My Anirudh used to give me sweet medicines, but you always give me bitter medicines. Go away, you’re a doppelganger. You can’t be my Anirudh. You aren’t my son. Go away from here. I said go awayyyyyy…” And he starts throwing the nearby stuffs on Anirudh. Anirudh goes near him and tries to calm down him. Anirudh says, “Baba, baba, I’m your son. I’m your real Anirudh. See baba, your son has returned.” Binoy says, “Noo, you’re lying. You always lie like this. Go away from my house.” Anirudh tells him, “Baba, you want toys no? I’ll give you sooo many toys. I’ll also play with you. I won’t give you any bitter medicines. I’ll daily feed you food with love. I’ll never scold you for anything baba. I’m only your Anirudh.” Binoy gets happy and says, “Are you saying truth?? My Anirudh.. Anirudhhhh….. You came backk???? I’m soo happy!! You’re so nice Anirudh. You always speak softly with me. But that evil man in your face always used to shout at me.” Anirudh says, “I’m very sorry baba that you had to suffer all these. Now, you won’t have to suffer anything. Please go and take rest. Sampoorna ma, please take him in the room.” Binoy thanks Anirudh. Sampoorna takes Binoy to his room. Anirudh and Bondita cry seeing Binoy’s condition.
Anirudh and Bondita go to their room. Their babies are still sleeping peacefully.
Anirudh gets emotional and says, “Bondita, I can’t believe that Batuk can behave so badly with baba. How can he mistreat him in such a rude way?” Bondita keeps her hand on his shoulder and says, “Pati babu, I had seen Batuk getting irritated by Sasurji’s acts and he used to treat him very badly. He always kept saying that Baba is very annoying. But he never understood the love of his baba for him. Sasurji missed Batuk soooo much. (She recalls Binoy asking about Batuk in Shashwati’s birthday) And when he came, he gave no happiness to Sasurji. But Pati babu, it had happened in the past, right? The past has gone.. So, can’t we forget the past to start a new present??”
Anirudh wipes his tears and smiles. He says, “Sure Bondita Roy Choudhary.”
Bondita says, “Pati babu, we have to get ready for the puja also. Did you forget what Kakasasurji had told?? Be ready fast, or else you know that Kakasasurji can’t tolerate any obstacles in the puja. So, before he calls again, let’s go down.”
But before Anirudh could open his mouth, Trilochan says, “Areyyy Everyone Come down fastttttt… Anirudh, Bondita bahu, Sampoorna bahu, Shashwati, Bihari, where are you all??? Come down everyone.. Panditji must be here at anytime. Hurryyyy uppp!!!!”
The episode ends.
Anirudh and Bondita are performing puja. Somnath, Trilochan, Binoy, Sampoorna, kids and Bihari are also there.
Update credit: Khushi (a) Barbie.
Thumbnail, introduction, and idea credit: Lopa di.
you rocked it Barbie, wish you the best
Thanks a lot my dear Kriti di!!

And thank you sooo much for posting.
Thank you, Barbie

please continue writing.
For sure my dear Vilva di

Thank you so much!
Barbie is simply amazing

Loveee you a lotttt Angel didiii!!

Merci merci
Now I know why she spread happiness always being positive and sweet

that’s because her name is Khushi 

thanks sweetheart for being who u are 

and the bless I got from TU

* u are the blessing I got from TU

Thank you thank you so sooo sooooo my dear Sakeenah di!!

It really really means a lot diduuuuu…
Wonderful episode..Great going
Keep it up
Thanks a million Hasini di

Barbie sis!!! Lovely
Thank u lopa di, and Kritisha sis for doing so much!!
Keep posting
Thank you
We could do it because of you all supported us
Thank you Snowflake sis!

Vera11 BB continue…. I loved it . And lived to their characters…
They are moved in my mind this story wize…
I appreciate to u
tell me how to check daily update… Any notification or separate website
Daily updates will come with this heading in telly update.
Thank you so much Abarna sis!!

Please, let Binoy be healed
Yes, sure Vixy bro

Nice episode

Thank you Dora di!

Great start Khushi
Nice episode
All the very best
Thanks a lot my dear Satya di!!

Khushi sis…. Ur really making us Khush ♥️♥️

Loads of love to u
@Barbie sis

I’m really sooo happy to see you happy my dear sis..
Loads and loads of true loveeee to you too my dear Snowflake sis!!
This new FF of BB is nice, but I love to get regular Lamp of Love episode
Thanks alot Khushi sis(I know sisters aik doosray ko Thankyou nahi bolti but mujhay iss baar kehnay doo plz)

this episode was superb
Literally thori dair Kay liay I though BB ka season 2 aa gaya
(I want to ask you something will you upload this episode Mon to Fri or like ffs)
Thank you so much Ruby sis!

It means so much!!
Yes, I’ll upload daily Mon-Fri. And on fixed time 8:30 pm
But it takes some time for Kriti di to post here.
Ohhhhh ok we will desperately wait for this ff or I should say BB new era episodes
Very happy to know this Ruby sis!

Beautiful job well done! There was a hole in my heart when BB ended with a rushed feeling. This episode filled that void and made me so happy! Thanks so much, Barbie/Khushi and keep rocking!
Thanks a lotttt my dear SRH di

I’m soooo happy to see you happy!
It really means a lot..
Vry cute
Thank you Lavanya di!

Thanks a lot Kishu

It is very nice story
Plz continue sis
Thank you so much Vrindu sis!

I’ll surely continue it.
Woww Nice episode barbie sis
congrats for your effort to keep us happy
Thank you thank you sooooo much my dear Maddy sis!

I’m really very happy to see you happy..
Mind blowing Khushi!Last time I read the updates of Barrister Babu I had decided that I will not open Barrister babu updates but as a remembrance today I read ur update first. I was feeling like I had started reading after the last episode & ur creativity is really making forget that real Barrister babu had ended.
I’m really so sooo soooooo happy to know this diduu!!

I’m very glad that you liked it.
Thanks a lottttttttt!!!!
It means soo much to me, shotti.
A good work should be appreciated & u deserves it.
Thank you so soooo much my dear Prakrati didiiiii!!

hare wow love you barbie di and kritisha di
Thank you my dear Cute sis

Loveeee youu tooooo..
lopa di super
Super pls bring Season 2
Sure my dear Anu di

Thank you so much!