Fan Fiction

Basics of love? OS

Everything has its basics and why can’t he understand? As a professor I am looking everything from the starting point. But as a rockstar he is just looking at the present of any issue.

Abhi: What does she mean that I don’t know the basics of love? Is this some studies that I need to know the basics! This is a feeling and is not the education that she is teaching!

He have to understand that for any relation that there is a need to know the basics. What i mean is that we have to talk to each other more often and most importantly have faith on each other that we are made for each other! These are my definition for basics of love.

Abhi: If she wants me to know the basics of love. Then why is she not explaining it to me and instead she is expecting me to find out!

He should know all that….What I consider as basics of love are just simple things and not complicated enough to understand.

Abhi: How to find that out? If she is not telling me? Hmm…I think I should make her tell! I am not that smart enough to find out myself!

Will he make her tell?


❤Crazy about Abhigya!!❤ Sinuaghis senses Inihsagus ??????

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