Categories: Bawara Dil

Bawara Dil 21st June 2021 Written Episode Update

Bawara Dil 21st June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Sidhi is crying in her room and says why nothing is correct in my life? What mistake have I done in life? She recalls the doctor telling them that Ishwar’s heart is weak. She thinks I have to stay in this house for Baba.

In the morning, Sidhi calls Malini and says I am coming with breakfast. Mangala comes to her and says how is your father? You have to leave this house fast, you took this decision. If no one cares for you in this life, if your husband thinks it’s a contract then it’s a burden on everyone so we should just end it. Mangala asks where is Shiva? Sidhi says I don’t know, he didn’t come home all night. Mangala says he is not coming home because of you, just go back to your parents’ house. Sidhi says I know you would like to see me go

from this house, I was trying to leave but the situation is not allowing it. I need some days.. Mangala says I can throw you out of this house, just see what I do now.

Sidhi comes to the hospital and sees Ishwar gone from the ward. She comes to Malini and asks where is baba? Malini says Shiva got him shifted to the VIP room last night, he asked me to sleep after arranging a bed and kept a check on him. We were very wrong about him, he is a diamond. Sidhi is stunned to hear all that. They go in the room to see Shiva laughing with Ishwar. Sidhi goes to Ishwar. He says Shiva made me listen to so many jokes that I became fine. Shiva asks him to eat fruits. Ishwar says I am fine, Sidhi just tell him that I am fine. He tells Shiva that you have done so much for me, I can’t thank you enough. Shiva says I did everything as my duty, you call me a son. He tells Sidhi that a test needs to be done so I will talk to the doctor, he goes from there. Sidhi asks Ishwar if he is fine? He says if I have a daughter like you and a son-in-law like Shiva then I can’t have any worries. Sidhi goes from there.

Sidhi comes to Shiva and says you will print posters of helping a poor man just to get votes. I know you are doing all this for your party but if you try to use my parents then I won’t spare you. You might use my parents for some votes but they are my life. Shiva asks if she is done? I would have done this for anyone’s parents. If you are done so can I leave? He goes from there.

Scene 2
Sagar comes to Shiva and says I have to say sorry about that video. Shiva says it’s okay. Sagar says you know about our land and my uncle’s wife is not giving away that land. Ishwar got ill because of that tension. Shiva says why didn’t you tell me that before? She was misbehaving with you and then she called baba. She said some things and after that he got ill. Bhavin calls Shiva and says Akka Bai called you. Shiva ends the call tells Sagar that I will come back after my work, we will go to that woman.

Malini cries and tells Sidhi that I was so worried about your baba. We must have done something very good to get kids like you. Shiva took care of us more than Sagar. He even paid the bills, we at least got to know about his true personality. He is not at all like he seems. Sidhi is sad and thinks I wish I could show his real face to Shiva.

Bhavin shows new posters to Bai. She asks Shiva how are these? he says these posters are good. Bai says we will paste these posters all around. She tells Shiva that bring Sidhi to the pooja this time. You both will do pooja in front of the village, the villagers will know that you both have a very strong relationship. Bring her to the pooja. Shiva looks on. Akka Bai says we have to use our minds in this politics. We have to show that you have a 7 lives relationship with Sidhi. Shiva nods and thinks we can’t even bear each other for 7 minutes.

Sidhi brings Ishwar home. She says you don’t have to worry about anything. Ishwar says I am not worried about you anymore but I don’t know what Sagar is up to, he was not even present at the time of discharge. Malini says he went with Shiva for some work. Ishwar says if he went with Shiva then everything would be okay. Sidhi thinks they trust Shiva so much, what will happen when his truth comes out?

PRECAP – Yashwant calls Sidhi and says I met a priest here and he asked me chant Vishnu’s names for peace. Mangala tells Sidhi that you have to chant his names without eating. Sidhi starts the chant and coughs. Mangala says you have to start again, Sidhi starts chanting again.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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