Be Always with me, My Love :GoEm, RaJi Four Shots { Part 3]

Gopi was in a Lord Krishna temple, she folded her hands before BhagwanJi.

Gopi : Hey Kanhaji , show me a way. What should I do to clear all the misunderstandings so that Maa will accept Jigar Jeeju again ?

Gopi suddenly heard the sound of the Mandir’s bell rang by some one. She turned back and was surprised to see Ahem who was also praying Krishna Bhagwan . Seeing Ahem, a smile naturally widened Gopi’s lips.

Ahem : Hi Gopi , How are you ?

Gopi ; I am good , Ahem.

Ahem : By the way Rashi reached at time naa ? I doesn’t have your number, else I would have called and asked you.

Gopi ; Yeah, Jigar Jeeju dropped her home.

Ahem : That’s nice. What happened ? You looks so dull today .

Gopi : Nothing like that

Ahem ; Shall I say something, we are in temple infront of BhagwanJi. We can’t lie before him. If you can’t tell then it’s okay.

Gopi : Ahem, I seriously don’t know what to do know. I was praying to Bhagwan ji because I was confused. I was asking him why he made distances among beloved ones , why it is not joining again ?

Ahem : God is always with us, see each and every time God can’t come directly to earth and solve all problems. See this whole world people are asking him to solve their problems. What should he do and when some one’s are not getting solved they will start yelling on why you give me these much tests ? Why you are not killing me and all ? But often we never thinks the one who is the creator hasn’t made any of his creation as worst. It’s we humans only choose the path of best and worst. Situations may come , but we should try to find way also. Then pray also, God is always with us.

Gopi : Ahem , you said the right thing. I never thought these much deeper. As every time we thinks about ourselves only, not about God .

Ahem : Gopi, you can freely tell me if you consdier me as a good friend. But still it’s your priority only.

Gopi : Okay , Ahem, I will tell you.

Gopi explained the happenings .

Ahem : Is the car was drived by drunken Jigar only ?

Gopi : No, but that’s what we need to find out. Jigar Jeeju is upset.

Ahem : Gopi, Call Rashi and tell her to call Jigar. I need to talk with them

Gopi : Okay

Four of them assembles in a open restaurant 

Ahem : Jigar, you said you didn’t have the habit of drinking whisky . Then how ?

Jigar : My colleagues made me to drink wine saying that this can’t do anything. After that I sat at the car , one of my colleague was also with me . He drived the car and as I was feeling head ache I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes what I see was my car has hit a man and it was Rashi and Gopi’s Paapa only.

Ahem : So you don’t remember in between what happened exactly.

Jigar ; Yeah Ahem.

Rashi :That case is over and it’s difficult to find what happened .

Ahem : Where is that colleague ?

Jigar : I don’t know, he never came back office too. Actually then I left India and I was working abroad only.

Gopi ; What should we do now ?

Ahem : Jigar what happened to that car ?

Jigar ; The car was damaged and I gave to workshop . Then I bought a new car because I don’t want to travel in that one.

Ahem : There we go, Gopi , Rashi, Jigar we will get details from there.

They all went workshop and enquired about the damaged car.

” Sir a man named Michael bought that car with him, he give 70000 rupees also. ”

Jigar : What ?Micheal ? Ahem he was only with me at that time.

At Rashi’s home 

Urmila : Is this a new drama by Jigar ?

Rashi : Maa please just give a chance to Jigar for proving his innocence.

Urmila : I won’t believe this and I am not coming with you four.

Gopi :Maa please for my sake you just come with us . We will make every things clear to you.

Urmila : As Gopi is requesting I will come there. But if what you all said are not right,then this time I will burst my anger at all of you.

Ahem : We agree for that , Maaji.

At Micheal’s home 

Micheal was shocked to see Jigar.

Micheal : Jigar, tum yahan ?

Jigar : Micheal, I won’t leave you. You left the car after hitting Rashi’s Paapa and run away, the whole blame was at me . Police put me at custody , I lost my job in this Mumbai. But they released after the forensic reports as my finger prints were not on the steering, then you was out of station for long period so that no one could find you. You know what all things I lost because of that. My engagement with Rashi was broken, my family kept distance from me. My Saasu Maa Urmila Ji hates me till now.

Micheal burst in tears

Micheal :I would have confessed my crime, Jigar. But I didn;t have the courgae. Actually I only forced you to drink that whisky. You didn’t drank wine, we mixed whisky in it . As it was first time for you, you fell to sleep so soon. I was also drunken that time and at that semi conscious mind I was driving your car madly and it hit a man.

Urmila : How dare you did this with my husband ? How cruel you are  ?

Urmila slaps him and he fells down . Suddenly from inside a little girl came who was suffering autism.

Antara : Bhai ko mat maaro .

Micheal made Antara to sit at sofa.

Ahem : What happened to her ?

Micheal : She is my little sister , she is an autistic patient. Jigar I got the right punishment for doing that. When my dad was with me he was taking care off everything , I mean Antara, my expenses and this house. He never made me to miss my Mom who passed away at young age . When I came that day after hitting your car I find my Dad’s whole body was shivering , when I took him to  hospital it was too late. Dad was a heart patient and already doctor suggested him for a surgery but he hidden it from me. That day when I lost my dad I realized that by hitting a man of a middle age I actually did very much cruelty. I would have come forward, but who will look after my sister, she is just 14 years old , she needs me . That’s why I was hiding here only. I am sorry Jigar. Please don’t tell this to police. Please.

Urmila : My children lost their Paapa because of you . Because of you I blamed my son in law and broke the realtionship. Micheal I won’t leave you.

Rashi : Maa please.

Ahem : You should have at least told to Jigar .

Micheal ; I never had the courage to face him and tell the truth.

Gopi : By hiding this Jigar jeeju was separated from us for long time.

Micheal : I know I am wrong. but for Anthara ….

Anthara stands up and she was about to fall. Urmila holds her and makes her to sit at the sofa properly. Antara smiles

Urmila : Iss bacchi ko tumhari zarurat hein. Iska khayal rakhna , Micheal.

Jigar : I will never tell anything to police. If you need any help then don’t hestitant to call me.

Rashi : Yeah Micheal, we friends are with you.

Micheal : Thank you Jigar. I am sorry Jigar, I am really sorry.

Jigar hugged him

Jigar : Micheal it’s okay . So please don’t bother about the past happenings.

All of us leaves.

Urmila : Jigar , I am sorry for misunderstanding you.

Jigar ; I am glad that now you have accepted me Aunty.

Urmila : Not Aunty, Call me Maa.

Jigar smiles and calls her Maa.

Jigar : All these happened because of Ahem. We never took the step to sort out issues, rather than weeping over the fate. But Ahem proved every problem has a solution.  Thanks a lot yaar.

Ahem : Jigar , I came to know because Gopi told me everything. Infact she was thinking about clearing all Misunderstandings. I just stood with her.

Rashi : Thanks a lot Ahem , you saved my Jigar from the sin which he never committed.

Ahem : Rashi , now start dreaming of lovable moments with Jigar.

Urmila ; Ahem beta I was bit rude that day to you. I am sorry.

Ahem : Maaji it’s okay.

Gopi : Ahem , You made my dream as true today. My Jeeju and my sister became one with my Maa’s cosnent. I am really grateful to you.

Ahem : Please don’t say these much big words to me, I did it as a good friend to you. Accha, abb mein chalta hoon.

Urmila : Gopi, Ahem ko darwaaaze tak chod ke aaja

Gopi : Ji

As Ahem was leaving, Gopi looked his eyes

Gopi : I want to ask something

Ahem : Sure , Gopi

Gopi : Shall we meet tomorrow at the Krishna temple ?

Ahem : Why ?

Gopi : Nothing , just like that.

Ahem : Okay I will come .

Gopi : I will wait for you.

Meanwhile RaJi were very much happier . They both goes for an outing.

Rashi : Finally Jigar, all our problems are ending.

Jigar : Yeah Rashi. I waited for this moment a long. I will soon inform my parents .

Rashi : When  they will get to know truth they will be on cloud nine. I am so excited about the moment when our families will approve our realtionship together.

Jigar : Rashi , I missed your smiling face very much, seeing you smiling like these my mind is releaxing now.

Rashi : Jigar I will always smile when you are with me, it;s my promise to you.

Jigar gently kissed on Rashi’s cheeks


Next day Ahem arrives at the temple, Gopi was happy to see him

Ahem : Why you called me here ?

Gopi : Go and render prayers. Then I will tell you

Ahem rendered prayers and came back at the place where Gopi was sitting.

Ahem : Tell me Gopi , why you called me ?

Gopi : As you said no one should lie before God, so I want to say something from heart . I always prayed Kanhaji whenever I took major decisions in my life. Today also I am going to take a decision and it’s going to change my life. I hope you won’t disappoint me Ahem.

Ahem : What’s the matter Gopi ?

Gopi : I don’t know if it’s right or wrong but the way you stood with me when I was in difficulties I felt a heart to heart connection with you, Ahem. May be you may felt it as weird but I am saying truth only, Within these few days I have fallen in love and it’s you – Ahem.

Ahem : Gopi!!!!



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